How to straighten hair at home without damaging it

Owners of curly or curly hair, who want their curls to become smooth and obedient, often wonder: "How to straighten hair perfectly?" Not only the end result, which may turn out to be imperfect, is problematic. Expensive salon procedures are not affordable for everyone, and various chemicals can greatly damage the health of your hair. But how to straighten hair at home so that the hairstyle as a result looks perfect, but the money and health remain intact? We will show you some interesting ways.

how to straighten hair with an iron

The classic method that immediately comes to mind is straightening using an ironing or curling iron. Surely you know how to straighten hair properly with an iron: it should be carried out with the device from the roots to the ends, without lingering on one section for a long time (otherwise you risk burning your hair). This method has an important drawback - ironing and curling iron with frequent use spoils the hair structure and makes them brittle and dry. In order not to harm the hair, you should look at other options.

It is good to know how to straighten hair at home with a hairdryer. This method is not as harmful as the previous one, but with skillful use it gives not the worst result. First of all, styling agent should be applied to freshly washed and still wet hair. Then the hairstyle must be divided into separate strands, each of which must be pulled with a comb, while blowing air from

how to straighten hair perfectly
hair dryer. Each strand should completely dry in this way. The obvious drawback is that this procedure takes too much time, and it will not be possible to resort to it every day.

Not only modern technologies can come to your aid. How to straighten hair at home with the help of affordable folk remedies, which, maybe, are not so effective, but at the same time completely safe? Owners of dry hair can use olive, castor or burdock oil for this purpose . The method of application is extremely simple: the product must be applied to wet hair, comb them and wait until it dries completely. Unfortunately, because of the oil, the hairstyle may look dirty, especially if you do not have the recommended type of hair. Washing your hair too often is also harmful, so consider

how to straighten hair at home
e several recipes.

Tea mix is ​​good for normal and dry hair. In one cup of hot, recently brewed tea, add one teaspoon of sugar and mix thoroughly. The correct proportion is very important so that the hair does not appear oily as a result. The resulting product is similar to the previous method must be applied to wet hair. If you did everything correctly, the result may persist for several days.

How to straighten hair at home if it is an oily type? In this case, it is necessary to prepare a solution by mixing apple cider vinegar with still water in a ratio of 1: 1. Further, everything should be done in the same way as in the aforementioned situations: apply the mixture to the hair, comb it and let it dry naturally.


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