How to quickly and effectively raise immunity with folk remedies?

With the onset of cold weather, many people suffer from colds. Sometimes a slight hypothermia, an open window or cold water can provoke a sore throat, runny nose and other ailments. Such signs indicate that it is necessary to raise immunity with folk remedies. There are many means to increase the body's resistance to the aggressive effects of external factors.

How to raise immunity folk remedies? Recognize the cause of weakness

raise immunity folk remedies

In order to develop an effective recovery program, it is necessary to understand why the body is weakened. The most common causes include an improper lifestyle, in particular, abuse of alcohol, smoking, eating unhealthy foods. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, for example, after sedentary work in the office, hurry home to lie down in front of the TV for the whole evening, do not be surprised at the negative consequences. In such an environment, the body relaxes, and a person can get sick from the slightest change in the usual weather conditions. Regular stresses, which affect not only the psychological state, but also physical well-being, should not be discarded. In such a situation, irritability, apathy, periodic aggressiveness will necessarily appear. Smart people urgently begin to look for ways to increase immunity. Of course, it is best to consult a doctor first, but not everyone risks using pharmaceutical products, preferring natural remedies.

How to raise immunity folk remedies? Favorite Recipes

which boosts immunity well

So, you need to completely review your own diet. Refuse the use of strong coffee and tea, replacing these drinks with herbal decoctions. Instead of the usual sweets, it is better to eat a spoonful of honey or cook a healthy jam from cranberries, nuts and apples. Freshly squeezed juices, both vegetable and fruit, have good healing properties. In the morning before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a mixture of carrot, cranberry and radish juice. The tart taste can be diluted with a spoon of honey. The course lasts at least 10 days.

In general, herbs have a strengthening effect on the body, which improves immunity well. Unfortunately, the following collection is rarely used: on a spoonful of mint, lemon balm, chestnut and Ivan-tea inflorescences, pour boiling water and insist for a day. For a day you need to drink at least half a liter of such tea, just before use, you can add a spoonful of honey for taste. During cold weather, ginger tea is especially popular. The active substances of ginger increase the body's resistance to the effects of bacteria and microbes. This is an indispensable tool after a walk on a frosty day, since the temperature rises sharply from it, and the body quickly warms up.

How to raise immunity folk remedies? We make the daily routine

ways to boost immunity

In young children, every hour of time is clearly planned. As a rule, they eat, walk, and engage in strictly allotted hours for this. A similar routine should be in an adult. In order to fulfill all the tasks planned for the day, you need to get a good night's sleep before that. As you know, a person needs 8 hours of sound sleep for normal life. It is not superfluous to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. In matters of food, give preference only to natural and fresh products. On weekends, do not be lazy to go outside, accustom yourself and family members to outdoor activities, for example, have picnics in the forest, on the shore of a lake or river. Saturate your life with positive emotions, and then no illness can prevent you.


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