Introspection is ... Introspection in Psychology

Introspection is a subjective method in psychology that is based on self-observation of consciousness. This is a kind of introspection in which we do not seek judgment. In this, introspection is different from remorse. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of introspection in psychology. After all, only with its help is it possible to perceive reality as it is. This is the standard and guide for an objective analysis of human behavior.

Introspection is

The essence of introspection

The method of introspection, according to A. Bergson, is based on metaphysics. So the paths of our consciousness and intuition are opened before us. This method of self-observation is based on a retrospective philosophy in order to achieve reflex release of the contents of consciousness and establish a hierarchy of sensations in the general structure of the personality. But at the same time, excessive digging in the mind, that is, an excessive tendency to introspection, can cause a suspicious attitude to the world, which is quite common in psychastenics. Also, the replacement of the real and objective world with the inner world is inherent in schizophrenics.

The concept of Descartes consciousness

In human nature, two independent and opposite principles are manifested: the body and soul. These principles come from two different substances: extended and non-thinking matter and non-extended and thinking soul. In accordance with this belief, Descartes introduced two new terms: consciousness as an expression of spiritual substance and reflex, which is responsible for controlling the actions of the body.

Introspection in psychology is

It was Descartes who first formed the very concept of consciousness, which later became central in psychology until the end of the 19th century. However, Descartes avoided the use of the word "consciousness", and replaced it with the term "thinking." At the same time, thinking for him is all that happens inside a person so that we take him for granted. Consequently, thanks to Descartes, a method of introspection in psychology appeared, the concept of self-reflection of consciousness in itself.

Types of Introspection

Psychology distinguishes between systematic, analytical introspection, introspective psychology, and phenomenological self-observation. Systematic introspection studies the stages of the thought process based on a retrospective report. This method was developed at the Wรผrzburg School. The analytical method of introspection was created at the school of E. Titchener. It is based on the desire to separate the sensory image into separate constituent elements. Phenomenological introspection is one of the directions of gestalt psychology. This method describes psychic phenomena in integrity and immediacy for naive subjects. The phenomenological method was used in the descriptive psychology of V. Dilthey, and later it was also used in humanistic psychology.

Introspection method

The psychological method of self-observation

Introspection is self-observation, the main purpose of which is to isolate direct experiences from all connections of the external world by means of a special analysis. This method is chronologically the first in psychological science. He owes his appearance to the Cartesian-Skock-Locke understanding of the subject of psychology.

The problem of self-observation

Introspection in psychology is a method recognized not only as the main one in the field of studying human consciousness, but also as a practical method that allows one to analyze a personโ€™s direct behavior. This belief is due to two indisputable circumstances. First of all, the ability of the processes of consciousness to open to the subject and at the same time their closeness to an outside observer. The minds of different people are divided by a precipice. And no one can cross it and experience the state of consciousness of another person, as he does. It is impossible to penetrate the experiences and images of other people.

It would seem that the conclusions that introspection in psychology is the only possible method to analyze the state of consciousness of another person are clear and reasoned. All discussions on this issue can be combined in a few short sentences: the subject of psychology is based on the facts of consciousness; these facts are directly revealed to those to whom they belong and to no one else; which means that only introspection will help to study and analyze. Self-observation and nothing else.

But on the other hand, the simplicity and comprehensibility of all these indisputable statements, as well as the whole conclusion in general, seems elementary only at first glance. In fact, they hide one of the most complicated and complex psychological problems - the problem of self-observation.

Systematic introspection

Benefits of Introspection Method

The advantage of using the method of self-observation in psychology is that with its help it is possible to establish a causal relationship of mental phenomena occurring directly in the human mind. In addition, introspection in psychology is the definition of psychological facts that affect the behavior and condition of a person in its pure form, without distortion.

Method Issues

First of all, it is worth noting that this method is not ideal because the sensations and perceptions of the reality of one person will be different from the sensations of another. In addition, perception can change even in the same person over time.

Introspection Method in Psychology

Introspection is a method of observing not the process itself, but its fading trace. Psychologists say that with self-observation it is not enough just to determine what moment has become a transition. The thought rushes rapidly, and before it can be concluded, it is modified. Moreover, the method of introspection is not applicable to all people, the consciousness of children and the mentally ill cannot be studied with its help.

It is also problematic to use this method in psychology that the content of not all consciousnesses can be decomposed into separate elements and presented as a single whole. In music, if you transfer the melody to a different key, all the sounds change, but the melody remains the same. So, not sounds make a melody, but some kind of special relationship between sounds. This quality is also inherent in holistic structures - gestalt.

Introspection Self-observation

Introspection is the presence of a conscious experience and an account of it. Thus, Wundt defined the classical application of this method from a psychological point of view. But despite the fact that, according to Wundt, direct experience affects the subject of psychology, he still shared introspection and inner perception. Internal perception is valuable in itself, but it cannot be attributed to science. But for the introspection of the subject you need to train. Only in this case, self-observation will bring the necessary benefits.


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