Why do you need a relationship? Psychology of relations between men and women

Why do you need a relationship? Not spending time like jogging together, having lunch during a break or going to the movies, but real soulful ones, like in Hollywood melodramas. For sex or a trip to the sea? It is somehow senseless, and it is called in a different way. For a status, like ā€œI have, it means itā€™s successful (on), everything is like peopleā€™s?ā€ Stupid and stereotypical.

The Vedic culture, the cradle of human civilization, answers this question in an accessible, understandable and convincing way. Ancient sacred texts explain the psychology of relationships, why people need them and in general: how to build a harmonious family.

What is a ā€œseriousā€ relationship?

By this wording, people mean the desire to be together all the time (not only in the physical sense of the word): to do business together, share thoughts about a book read or impressions of a new film, take care of each other, help in difficult periods, consult and possibly start a family: get to know relatives, create a common home and have a baby.

why do you need a relationship

The basis of all these points is Love. For the sake of love, men and women strive for each other, stay together for many years, sometimes undergoing inconvenience and suffering. Because this high feeling is the first thing the Universe has created in the emotional world. The energy of love is the most powerful in terms of the force of influence; thanks to it, actions are performed that sometimes go beyond understanding and logic.

We are responsible for those who tamed

For those who wondered why relationships are needed, it becomes interesting: is it really that important? After all, love can be different: for work, pet, creativity or music. Why does a man and a woman need each other so much?

It's simple: a woman makes a man who he is and vice versa: a man creates a woman. But knowing that everything in the world has a dual essence, a woman has every chance of destroying the masculine, and a man - the female. They are connected at subtle levels, and very often these connections are never broken (even if people have not lived together for a long time), affecting the human mind and life.

men and women

To understand this interaction, we will consider in detail each.

"Weaker sex

Woman is the creative energy of the Universe, her spiritual strength is six times stronger than man's. She is the life-giving, which makes her initially superior to a man in development, and the number of muscles and brute force does not play any role here.

A woman is an inspirer: with her love and care she makes a man strong and hardy, forming in him the core of Spirit and will. She is the emotional component of the relationship, the keeper of the hearth and the comforter in grief.

About men

The masculine principle is power, action and logic. It is on him that a huge responsibility lies for revealing the essence of a woman and her strength.

why do you need a relationship between a guy and a girl
The excessive sentiments inherent in women are alien to a man - he is consistent in actions, steady in judgments and reliable in life's ups and downs.

Just do not confuse the Male and the male. It's different. Like Woman, this distinction is not based on gender or wearing a skirt.

Why are we important to each other?

The first man takes a step for the further development of relations, but the woman is pushing him to this: with a look, a gesture, a smile. Without her love, he cannot live happily, it is important for him to feel needed, in demand, every achievement of the goal is like a victory over a dragon in the Middle Ages for the sake of the princess (after all, not out of sporting interest, thousands of brave men sacrificed themselves). A man feels his significance, male strength only next to her.

And who is a woman without a reliable male shoulder? Boy-woman, who is ā€œhorse on a gallop and on fireā€? Without male love and attention, the flower of femininity will never blossom, but will remain a withered bud of uncertain purpose.

It is important for a woman to feel his protection; thanks to a man, she gains confidence in the future. A man teaches her the art of love and forgiveness, just as she teaches him to be strong and persistent, for his sake she seeks to become more beautiful, wiser and more feminine.

First love

But what about the relationship between a guy and a girl? Why are early marriages needed? After all, the psyche of young people has not yet been formed, they cannot objectively evaluate the opposite sex, sometimes confusing love with lust, sporting interest and just a desire to try the unknown. But it is precisely the first love and sexual experience that will leave a strong imprint on the entire further emotional sphere. How many men and women around the world are suffering precisely because of the mistakes of youth!

why relationship psychology is needed

If every member of his gender thought about this before entering adulthood and took the time to act, there wouldnā€™t be such a frightening number of divorces, unhappy spouses who, for various reasons, continue to live together and crippled by other people's ridicule.

Examples of modern relationships

Now a lot has come down to the system of market relations: ā€œyou are to me, I am to youā€. And the first thing that people pay attention to is the availability of material values, without going deeper into spiritual qualities. And then, in the process of living together, it turns out that people are little compatible characters, and no money will help here. Scandals, betrayals and divorces begin.

There is another tendency: young girls prefer older men, explaining this by the fact that they are bored and not interested with peers.

There are two options here:

1. The girl grows up in a spiritually developed family, in which from a young age high morality, the right priorities in life and attitude to people are instilled. Therefore, itā€™s actually not very interesting for her to communicate with a guy who is not interested in anything but beer, parties and fashionable sneakers. Why do we need a relationship if the prospects are not encouraging?

2. Some girls on an intuitive level understand that investing spiritual power in a young and still unrealized man is expensive and long to wait, and therefore prefer men after 35 who are already formed as individuals.

where to meet for a serious relationship

Itā€™s easier with men: they need emotional nourishment and stimulation, and if a woman gives it (and her possibilities are endless), then the relationship will be valuable to him, no matter how old the woman is, whether she has a bank account and how much hips she has.

Signs of Good Compatibility

How to find out that a person is suitable and is it worth planning a future next to him? The main points that will not make a mistake in a future choice:

  • Respect for each otherā€™s personal space. This means that everyone has their own hobbies, meetings with friends and attacks of melancholy that will not be condemned, forbidden or ridiculed
  • There is no desire, no attempts to remake a person, everyone has flaws, and ideal people are really boring.
  • Sometimes there are disputes (not before breaking the dishes, but still) - this indicates that there is no suppression of personality, and everyone has the right to his own opinion and personality
  • The ability to be silent together is also a powerful argument. So there is an intuitive feeling for each other, and this is a sign of true love without conventions. Lack of prohibited topics and secrets. Everything is discussed easily and freely, without fear of being misunderstood.
  • The past is in the past. Some people act very rashly, reproaching the partnerā€™s past. What matters is what is in the present.
  • The ability to hear, and not just listen, is an important point, because it is from it that mutual understanding and soulfulness of relations, concern for each other grows
  • And of course, physical attraction to each other. 50% of marriages are based only on sex.
    relationship examples

In the end, it is worth noting that you can get acquainted for serious relationships anywhere, sometimes the most casual and unexpected moments bring people closer than the months of ordinary meetings - therefore, it is important to be open and easy to make friendly contact. Who knows, what if a man stepping on a bus is destiny?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39378/

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