TsIATIM greasing: characteristics, application, properties

To date, fuels and lubricants are used quite widely, and the diversity of this product on the market is quite large. One of the good domestic products was TsIATIM lubricant.

General information

It is worth saying that there are a lot of varieties of fuel and lubricants, and in order to simplify the choice, a classification of these substances was created. To date, there are three types of them that differ from each other in composition, consistency, as well as the scope of use. It is also worth saying that according to the consistency of the lubricant can also be divided into three types: plastic, solid, semi-liquid. Another important factor is that they are all divided by area of ​​application. Exist:

  • anti-friction lubricants;
  • conservation types of lubricant;
  • sealing;
  • cable cars.

tsatim greasing

Another important factor is the temperature of the working environment of the composition. Since in some nodes this indicator reaches 200-350 degrees Celsius and above, it is necessary to use heat-resistant types. One of these types is TsIATIM lubricant.

Heat resistant grease

Grease with the name TsIATIM belongs to the group of heat-resistant plastic substances. In appearance, such a tool is a synthetic oil, which is artificially thickened using a complex calcium soap with the addition of an antioxidant additive. The purpose of TsIATIM grease is the lubrication of rolling bearings in electric machines, control systems, as well as devices whose rotation speed reaches 10,000 rpm. In addition, the composition is used for modular bearings mounted on aircraft. Another area of ​​application is friction units, as well as mating surfaces made of metal-metal materials, as well as metal-rubber, the temperature of which is from -60 to +150 degrees Celsius.

qatim grease application

Grease description

It is worth noting that TsIATIM grease was developed by the Central Institute of Aviation Fuels and Oils. Many strongly praise such a tool, and also argue that the use of this substance has many possibilities. However, in practice, it turned out that the scope of use of this particular brand, as well as its specificity, have rather narrow characteristics. In order to determine whether this is true or not, it is worth delving into the study of the physicochemical, as well as operational properties of TsIATIM lubricants.

grease qatim 201

It is important to understand that all the features of this lubricant are due precisely to the physicochemical composition of this substance. The composition of the raw material includes organosilicon liquid. In addition, the lubricant contains a thickener in the form of a complex calcium soap. The ability to work in a wide temperature range is due precisely to the fact that the composition includes an organosilicon liquid. Maximum operating temperatures are from -60 (possibly lower) to +300 degrees Celsius. This factor affects the possibility of using grease expanding from various cryogenic devices to high-temperature equipment. It is also important that the organosilicon liquid evaporates slightly, and this makes it possible to use it in a vacuum. Largely due to these qualities, the use of TsIATIM lubricant has spread to aerospace technology.

Composition and characteristics

If an organosilicon liquid adds many winged properties, an additive such as a thickener in the form of soap strongly precipitates these qualities, since it has many organic parameters. The dropping point, which is in the region of 200 degrees Celsius, reduces the maximum possible range of operating temperature to 150 degrees. And due to weak properties at low temperatures, the effectiveness of TsIATIM-221 grease is greatly reduced. Especially when used at temperatures lower than 20-30 degrees. It would seem that the thickener has excellent resistance to moisture, but at the same time, this advantage is greatly offset by the fact that there is high hygroscopicity. In other words, the grease will absorb moisture from the surrounding air, which will affect the initial consistency.

grease quotes characteristics

Production and operation

It is currently difficult to say why the characteristics of TsIATIM are so unbalanced. However, the most likely assumption is that at the turn of the 80s it was difficult to create something better. And today it turns out that this type of lubricant is produced according to GOST 9433-80, which was approved back in 1980. However, despite these physicochemical qualities, the most important indicator will still be the operational characteristics of the substance.

qatim grease characteristics application

One of the most important parameters of such a lubricant is a low indicator of the effective viscosity of the substance, which manifests itself at the level of 800 Pa / s at temperatures of -50 o . This indicator determines the possibility of using grease in friction units, where the number of revolutions reaches 10,000 rpm. It is also important that the minimum possible operating temperature is still set at -60 degrees Celsius.

The properties

Another important characteristic of the use of TsIATIM grease is its chemical inertness with respect to such substances as hydrocarbon, elastomer, polymer. The principle of dissolution of the like in such compounds does not work, since the organosilicon liquid is not a hydrocarbon compound. It is worth noting that it is this fundamental property that allows the use of lubricant in friction pairs such as metal-rubber, metal-plastic, plastic-plastic, etc.

grease qatim 221

But it is important to note that with such qualities it is impossible to use this lubricant in a metal-metal friction pair. The tribological parameters of such raw materials are too weak. They are not intended for use in conventional steel bearings. This is due to the fact that, due to its physicochemical properties, the lubricant cannot be used in a metal-metal friction pair, since it cannot provide the necessary protection against wear. It is worth noting that creating a suitable tribosystem from this lubricant with the addition of any tribo-additive also does not work. This is because the organosilicon liquid is not able to form a film that will separate parts and protect against friction.


If everything is clear with 221 grease, then there is another product - grease 201. TsIATIM-201 is an instrument anti-friction substance with qualities such as resistance to frost, refractoriness, and water resistance. This tool is used for lubrication of lightly loaded rolling friction units , as well as sliding.

The production of such a material is based on low-viscosity oil, which is thickened with lithium stearate, and an antioxidant additive is added. The maximum possible working temperatures of this substance are in the range from -60 to +90 degrees Celsius.

lubricants analogues of tsiatim

The advantages of this lubricant include the following characteristics:

  • antifriction properties of this grease can increase the efficiency of the equipment, as well as significantly increase its life;
  • the operating temperature range is quite wide, which allows the use of such a substance all year round, and its strong resistance to frost makes it possible to use lubricant even in weather conditions of the Far North;
  • the water resistance of the raw material makes it possible to use it in open as well as leaky devices.


Today, there are various imported analogues of TsIATIM lubricant. These substances include Mobiltemp SHC 32, as well as O-Grease. Similar lubricants are available from Mobil and Teobil, respectively. These are analogues that can replace TsIATIM-201 grease.

In order to replace grease 221, you can use such an import analog as HUSKEY HVS-100 Silicone Grease. However, when replacing the domestic fuels and lubricants, it is necessary to accurately understand the operational and physico-chemical characteristics of both brands. Since an incorrectly selected analogue may simply not be suitable for operation in specific conditions. And the lack of lubrication in various devices greatly reduces their protection against wear, friction, and also greatly affects their performance. As a result, the overall life of such machines is also reduced.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39380/

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