Healthy drink: how to make yogurt at home?

Yogurt is a healthy and tasty treat that is liked by both adults and children. Modern life dictates its own rules, therefore, instead of natural berries, only a flavoring agent appears in a beautiful jar, and the shelf life is increased with the help of artificial preservatives: this way the product will wait for its customer to be fresh even on a wide shelf of the hypermarket. The benefits of yogurt from such additives are reduced significantly. You can correct the situation - just figure out how to make yogurt at home.

What is homemade yogurt good for?

How to make yogurt at home
The process of transforming milk into useful yogurt is β€œcontrolled” by bacteria that produce a certain set of nutrients. Dry sourdough for yogurt works precisely because it contains these living cultures. The substances that they produce are very useful for the human body. Yogurt also contains a serious dose of vitamins, protein, calcium and potassium. Due to this composition, a home product improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes proper metabolism. Yogurt is safe even for those who are allergic to lactose: bacteria have already processed it from fresh milk. The question arises: "How to make yogurt at home?" It is quite simple and fast. You don’t even need to find out what a yogurt maker is: a useful sour-milk product can be made without auxiliary equipment.

How to make yogurt at home?

What is a yogurt maker
So, to make a healthy drink you will need milk and sourdough. You can use special starter cultures or take ready-made live yogurt without additives and use it. Only high-quality product is suitable for use for such purposes, so it is worth choosing exclusively proven brands. To cook yogurt, you need to warm the milk to forty degrees and add the prepared yeast there. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and fermented in any convenient way - in a thermos, oven turned on at the minimum temperature, by the stove or fireplace, and in the summer even just in the sun. If you have a yogurt maker, you can use it - just pour the prepared milk into glasses and set the desired mode. But since the device of the yogurt maker simply includes a heating element, its presence to obtain excellent homemade yogurt is not at all key. In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, several basic conditions must be met. First, use sterile dishes. For sterilization, it is enough to scald it with boiling water.
Dry sourdough for yogurt
Secondly, take pasteurized or boiled milk. Pasteurized milk from the store is quite simple to heat up, but bought on the market you must definitely boil. Thirdly, do not touch the container with milk and sourdough to thicken. If you hurry, the process will be disrupted, and yogurt will not work. Finally, after thickening, which occurs within six to eight hours, the product must be placed in the refrigerator. That's all, no other secrets are needed to understand how to make yogurt at home. The result of the efforts can be eaten without additives or mixed with granola, berries and fruits to taste.


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