How to curl hair with an iron

Many of us have long been using hair straighteners in everyday life in the same way as hair dryers, curling irons and curlers. This tool, helping to transform, has long ceased to be the privilege of only professional stylists, now it is the property of all women. The iron becomes simply indispensable if we need to style our hair, and it doesn’t matter whether they are straight or curly. The straightener is able to help us if you need to align, polish, curl or curl your hair. In laying, good quality irons can be used almost endlessly. Curling iron seems to many already the last century.

How to curl hair with an iron? To realize the images that may appear in the head, ironing helps us. With it you can do any hairstyle, even at the professional level. With this device, you can really create anything you want: straighten hair, curl it, make several curly locks. And then the question arises: how to curl hair with an iron? In order for the curling with the iron to be done correctly, you must first prepare the hair. First of all, it is necessary to wash them, treat them with a thermal protective agent, and also prepare means for fixing, for example, foam.

Knowing how to curl your hair with an iron is just part of the story . It is important to protect them. Your hair can be protected by applying a special nourishing cream, and it must be pre-dried. It is better to use the cream in a warm form, so you should warm it in your hands or by putting it on a radiator. This method will protect your hair from strong thermal effects. To those ladies who have straight curls from birth, the waving will give a certain chic.

To curl your hair with the iron correctly, you must first clamp one strand of hair with a heated appliance. Here the secret is quite simple: the size of the lock depends on the thickness of the strand. Naturally, there are strict rules here. To begin with, it is important to remember that it is necessary to clamp the hair as close to the roots as possible. The device must be in a strictly upright position. And most importantly, it must be kept as tight as possible. After the strand is clamped with an iron, you need to start rotational movements, but do not bring it to a full turn, so the strands will be wound on only one side. Now you should not start very quickly, but very carefully move the iron to the ends of the hair without stopping for a second.

You may be concerned about the question: how to curl your hair with an iron, if you want to twist the ends of the hair inward, or do something with the ends of the entire hairstyle? Now you need to hold the iron at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the strand with which you are working.

How to curl hair with an iron: the main ways

You can curl your hair with an iron in two main ways. The simplest is to create spirals. To do this, you should pinch a bunch of hair a couple of centimeters from the roots, lower the tongs vertically and turn them in a semicircle so that the strand twists on them a little. Now you need to smoothly move the rectifier to the very end. You can twist only the tips. To do this, it is enough to twist the hair only from the middle or lower.

Using the second method, you can get classic curls. To do this, you need to grab a piece of hair seven centimeters from the roots, and turn the end of the strand once around the top plate. Now it is necessary to make a revolution with an iron to the head, having twisted the upper part of the beam onto it. After that, you can stretch your hair, holding the styler horizontally and not squeezing the plate very much. And when the hair is free, you get an excellent curl. To make it easier to work with the styler, you can use the clamps. Complete the procedure by fixing the hair, using hair spray.


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