Polypropylene carpet: reviews, features, pros and cons. How to choose a carpet

It is difficult to imagine a cozy and warm house without a carpet. And how pleasant it is to walk barefoot and play in the evenings with a child! And despite the fact that some people call the carpet "dust collector", designers continue to use it as one of the stylish elements in the interior design. Today, synthetic floor coverings are more in demand, including a polypropylene carpet. Customer reviews, properties, advantages and disadvantages of such products are presented in our article. But first, find out what you need to pay attention to when choosing a carpet.

Carpet Tips

The material from which the carpet is made determines not only the cost of the product, but also directly affects its following characteristics:

  • resistance to pollution - how quickly the carpet becomes dirty, how difficult it is to clean it;
  • the ability to maintain the original appearance for a certain time;
  • wear of the product;
  • toxicity;
  • fire fighting properties.

carpet polypropylene reviews

Modern carpets are made of natural (sheep’s wool, silk, cotton), artificial (viscose) and synthetic materials (polyamide, polyester, polypropylene). Products from them have both advantages and disadvantages. For example, a viscose rug is almost as good as silk in appearance and properties, but costs several times less.

To choose a quality carpet, it is necessary to study the properties of each material, taking into account which room the product is purchased for. Polypropylene carpets have excellent characteristics. Consider this material in more detail.

Description and types of carpets made of polypropylene

The first sign of polypropylene carpet is its unusual brightness at a fairly low, affordable price. Such a carpet is made of synthetic material. Polypropylene fiber has a very simple structure, which includes only hydrogen and carbon molecules. A feature of this synthetic substance is chemical inertness. This means that the intended color can only be obtained when the carpet is made directly from polypropylene. The reviews of the owners of such a product confirm that it will not be possible to paint it at home.

polypropylene rugs properties

Both the basis of the carpet and the pile are made of polypropylene fiber . Depending on the structure, such carpets are distinguished:

  • loopback;
  • single-level (loops of the same size);
  • multi-level (loops of different sizes);
  • split (with cut loops);
  • loop-split (cut loops and pile).

The choice of coating depends on personal preferences and on the conditions in which the product will be used.

Manufacturing technology

In the manufacture of carpets from polypropylene, 3 types of fibers are used:

  1. BCF fiber. The raw material for this material is refinery waste. As a result of mechanical action, a strong and dense synthetic thread is obtained. Carpet products from it are the cheapest and less safe, respectively.
  2. Heat Set-fiber. The threads obtained from this raw material are most often used in the manufacture of carpets. Products made of such fibers are reminiscent of woolen to the touch. Shelf life of Heat Set-fiber carpets is 4-12 years.
  3. Frize fiber. Polypropylene yarns are created by twisting two Heat Set fibers. As a result of this treatment, the polypropylene thread becomes rough, and the surface of the carpet becomes curly. If you choose a children's carpet made of polypropylene, then products from twisted fibers are not only brighter, but also as safe as possible for health. The cost of such a product will also be an order of magnitude higher than that of cheap and lower-quality fibers.

Polypropylene carpets: properties

You can evaluate the benefits of polypropylene through its main characteristics. Among all synthetic materials, polypropylene carpets are in the greatest demand. Material properties are as follows:

viscose carpet

  • low hygroscopicity (has a low coefficient of moisture retention);
  • strength;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • resistance to the effects of most chemicals;
  • increased heat resistance;
  • low fire safety;
  • crush resistance;
  • durability, brightness and gloss of the picture;
  • antistaticity.

Carpet made of synthetic polypropylene has low wear resistance and durability. Its service life usually does not exceed three to four years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polypropylene carpet has several advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the material include:

  • low cost: polypropylene is the cheapest material of all synthetic coatings;
  • antistatic properties;
  • ease of care;
  • lack of allergic reactions;
  • color fastness and brightness.

polypropylene carpets environmental friendliness

Disadvantages of polypropylene carpets:

  • low environmental friendliness;
  • low wear resistance and fragility;
  • instability to deformations.

To preserve the appearance of the product, it is not recommended to store it folded. Otherwise, it quickly deforms. Care is very simple - periodically clean using a vacuum cleaner or using detergents for synthetic materials.

Is a polypropylene carpet harmful?

One of the disadvantages of polypropylene carpets, like any other synthetic materials, is their low environmental friendliness. In turn, this factor gives customers a reason to think about the toxicity of the coating. In fact, a number of studies were carried out that proved that the environmental safety of polypropylene products is within normal limits. Polypropylene carpets do not bring harm to health, and their advantages far exceed the minimum disadvantages. In addition, synthetic materials are hypoallergenic, which is another plus in favor of their safety.

Polypropylene carpet for kids room

The carpet for the children's room must meet the following characteristics:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • naturalness;
  • softness;
  • ease of care.

polypropylene carpet for children

Despite the advantages of natural materials, they have one significant drawback - the ability to cause allergic reactions. For the rest, three out of four criteria correspond to a children's carpet made of polypropylene. This material is hypoallergenic and easy to clean. Polypropylene is used to make products of various shapes and colors, with a long pile and a pleasant to the touch surface.

Polypropylene Carpet: Customer Reviews

According to customer reviews, it is easy to understand that a polypropylene carpet product is available in almost every home. And most buyers are satisfied with its functionality.

Firstly, the polypropylene carpet, according to reviews, is ideal for hallways and corridors, that is, for places with increased traffic. It is not trampled underfoot and is easily cleaned both with a vacuum cleaner and with a damp cloth and detergent.

polypropylene rugs harm

Secondly, a polypropylene carpet has excellent antistatic properties, which is its great advantage.

Thirdly, such a coating costs much less than, for example, a viscose carpet, and in appearance it is not inferior to it.

As practice shows, a polypropylene carpet cannot be washed, as it is strongly deformed and loses its appearance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39433/

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