Which steam mop is better? Selection tips

Modern household appliances can save a lot of free time to the hostess of the apartment. Nowadays, it is completely optional to wash the floors with the old "grandmother" method - using a wooden mop and rags. This time-consuming method is clearly a thing of the past. Innovative steam mops help you cope with floor cleaning much faster and better. Such a tool is inexpensive, and absolutely any housewife can afford to purchase it. In this article, we will examine in detail which steam mop is better and how to make the right choice.

Tool design

The steam mop is a multi-functional lightweight appliance powered by a household network. The power of these tools is usually about 5 kW, they do not consume much electricity. Externally, this modern equipment resembles an ordinary traditional mop. The working part most often has a triangular shape and is attached to a long handle. The latter is usually height adjustable.

Mistresses who are wondering which steam mop is best should know that such a tool can be used not only for mopping. At the moment, models with a detachable steam generator are also available. This element can be used for cleaning and steaming clothes and furniture. A large number of nozzles intended for cleaning different types of flooring are usually included with the mop itself . You can use this tool to care for parquet, laminate, floorboard, tile, etc.

which steam mop is better

Principle of operation

In fact, such a mop is a regular steam cleaner. Its design includes a small tank into which water is poured. When connected to the network, it is heated to boiling point. The resulting hot steam is ejected through special openings below and softens the dirt. Next, the brushes available on the lower surface of the working body come into operation. Thus, stains and unpleasant odors are eliminated from the floor covering. At the same time, surface disinfection is also carried out.

When using such a mop, it is not necessary to use all kinds of chemical household products. The cleaning intensity is regulated by the power of the ejected steam jet. For cleaning clothes and upholstered furniture usually use a weak mode. For carpet care - medium. The laminate, board, parquet and tile are cleaned by turning on the tool at full power.

Unfortunately, most models cannot be used to clean windows, polished furniture, and delicate fabrics.

Varieties of Steam Mops

So which steam mop is better? At the moment, devices are produced that have different:

  • power;
  • weight;
  • number of functions;
  • different modes of steam supply.

Steam Mops: Which is Better?

Before buying a tool, you should precisely determine what it is needed for. For example, if you just want to use it to mop the floors in an ordinary city apartment, you don’t have to pay extra for a model with a huge number of nozzles and modes.

Of course, the convenience of working with it largely depends on the weight of the device. The lighter the tool, the less tired your hands will be. However, for example, it is better to clean the carpet with a mop harder.

steam mops which is better

Another aspect that you should definitely pay attention to is the quality of the plastic. A device made of thin and brittle material will probably not last long. Of course, it is difficult to determine visually how reliable the material is. Therefore, you need to focus on the manufacturing company. Do not buy mops of unverified firms with a dubious reputation. Savings in this case will be more than doubtful.

Also in the technical passport, you should see how long the cord of the device has. Of course, it should be sufficient to clean even the farthest corners of the apartment. Another important parameter is the volume of the water tank. In compact mops up to 2.5 kg of weight, the tank is very small. Therefore, in the process of cleaning a large room, sometimes you have to add water. Of course, this is not too convenient. However, mops with large tanks and weigh accordingly. When acquiring such a heavy model, you need to pay attention primarily to the convenience and length of the handle. The latter must be adjustable in height. A similar variety is a slightly more convenient steam mop. Which is better, therefore, in this case depends on the size of the room.

As already mentioned, mops with a removable steam generator are considered to be very convenient to use. You can use this element not only for steaming clothes and furniture, but also for cleaning the stove, microwave, oven, car interior, etc.

What nozzles can be

Nozzles designed for:

  • Cleansing common contaminated sites.
  • Cleaning of inaccessible places.
  • Plumbing, showers, stoves. At such nozzles the end is usually bent.
  • Steaming clothes.
  • Cleaning the blinds. This variety is most often made in the form of tentacles.
  • Glass cleaning. This variety is a special scraper.

steam mop best model

Microfiber cloth

When buying a mop, among other things, it is worth checking whether a microfiber rag is included. With its help, cleaning is much more thorough. In some models it is not. They are considered less convenient than those designs in which it is present.

What should be the design

Now let's see what design steam mops can have. Which is better? Vladivostok, Moscow, Leningrad or some not too big city - in any case, you can definitely find options for sale with a beautiful body in a nice color. Of course, the choice of shade is a matter entirely and completely dependent on the personal taste of the hostess herself. As for the form, it is advisable to acquire a model with a triangular working body. This design makes it easy to clean in corners and in fairly inaccessible places.

Steam Mops: Which is Better? Reviews

Of course, the majority of housewives have the most positive opinion about this modern tool. The convenience of working with him, as well as a good quality of cleaning, is noted. However, sometimes you can hear about steam mops and not particularly flattering reviews. But they usually sound from the lips of those who purchased not very high-quality Chinese goods. Therefore, do not repeat the mistakes of those who are seduced by the cheapness of the tool. It is better to overpay for a good model of a well-known manufacturer, but get a reliable tool with which you can produce high-quality cleaning.

steam mops which is better vladivostok

So, on the question of which steam mop is best, customer reviews are unambiguous - the one that is most suitable for this particular room and these specific tasks, and also released by a trusted company with a good reputation. When choosing all this must be taken into account.

Equipment manufacturers

Thus, wondering which is the best steam mop, first of all, you need to figure out how to choose its brand. Quite popular manufacturers of these tools at the moment are Bradex, Black Decker, Bissell, Karcher. Housewives highly praise the H2O MOP brand tool. Two varieties of such mops X5 and X6 are available. The first option can be used not only for cleaning any floor coverings, but also for cleaning windows, removing animal hair and dust from furniture, steaming blankets and pillows. Mops of H2O MOP X5 weigh about three kilograms. To remove particularly complex contaminants, a special metal brush is included. Such a mop costs about 2000 rubles.

which steam mop is better for laminate flooring

H2O MOP X6 weighs a little less - 2.5 kg, and is somewhat more advanced structurally. This modification is equipped with a special indicator of readiness for work, as well as a mode dial. You can use this mop, including for washing kitchen appliances. So the answer to the question of which steam mop is better - X5 or X6, is obvious. Also quite popular modifications of H2O MOP are Ultra and X12. The first option is very convenient to use for cleaning and steaming clothes and furniture, since the steam generator is disconnected in it. Its distinguishing features are increased power, and therefore, the speed of cleaning. The handle rotates, which allows you to wash the floors in the most inaccessible places.

Thus, H2O MOP is a very good steam mop. The best model is X12. It combines the advantages of all three described above. In addition, it does not have a long hose that would interfere with the cleaning of vertical surfaces.

Will the steam mop damage the laminate or the parquet?

Housewives often have a question: will such a tool be harmful to a laminate? Of course, the opinion that a steam mop can spoil such a coating is wrong. Laminate is a wonderful tool for washing. And in most cases, completely without fear. If you are still worried about the safety of your gender, try a mop first in a small area.

The only advice is to clean in this case regularly, and change the water in the tank more often. Otherwise, dirty stains may appear on the floor surface. After cleaning with such a tool, the laminate remains completely dry, that is, there is no danger of deformation of the lamella.

For parquet, such equipment will also, of course, not be harmful. In addition, a steam mop can also be used for polishing it. It is not recommended to use this tool only for cleaning waxed surfaces.

What model should be purchased for laminate and parquet

You can often hear a question about which steam mop is best for a laminate. In principle, you can purchase absolutely any model of a trusted manufacturer. For example, the same H2O MOP is very good for this type of coating. Most often, for the laminate, structures of medium weight and size are chosen.

steam mops which is better reviews

In which rooms can I use a steam mop

Such equipment is suitable for cleaning rooms not only in city apartments, but also in private homes. Steam mops are convenient to use both for cleaning very small spaces and large ones. Even in rooms where there are many inaccessible corners, working with a steam mop is convenient. In this case, you should purchase a model that comes with a narrow nozzle.

How to use

Well, which steam mop to buy, you now know. Next, let's see how, in fact, to wash the floors with such a tool. So, the work in this case will be carried out in several stages:

  • Ordinary tap water is poured into the tank. Do not worry about scaling in the tank. The design of high-quality squeegee tanks includes a set of special filters.
  • After the water is poured, you need to wait a few seconds until the red backlight changes to blue.
  • Next, the nozzle is attached with Velcro.

Now you can start cleaning. After the work is completed, the mop just needs to be put in an upright position. Disabling will happen automatically. The cord is wound around the handle, after which the mop is placed on a special mat, which usually comes with it.

Precautionary measures

During operation, the steam squeegee creates a stream of very hot steam. Therefore, use it carefully. In no case should the workpiece be directed at people or animals. Do not blow steam with a mop and fragile items, especially cold ones (for example, glass).

what is the best steam mop

Unpolished wooden furniture can be processed with this appliance. But at the same time, keeping the mop in one place for too long is also not recommended.

Well, hopefully you answered the question for yourself, which steam mop is better? Choose a model based on the size of the room, the necessary functionality and focusing on manufacturers with a good reputation. In this case, cleaning the apartment will turn into a pleasure, and the tool itself will last a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39438/

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