Insulation "Isosoft": warmth and softness of clothing

When choosing insulated clothing, we, unfortunately, do not have the opportunity to look behind the lining to find out what, in fact, we are offered to insulate. As you know, air is the best of all heat insulators. Distributed between the thinnest fibers, it has a high heating ability. This is what manufacturers take into account when creating new insulation materials - effective, light and environmentally friendly.

Insulation Isosoft
Recently, under the lining of winter clothes, one can often find the Isosoft insulation produced by the Belgian company Libeltex. It represents a huge number of the finest fine-denier spherical microfibers, separated by air layers. Thanks to this structure, products with Isosoft perfectly keep their shape and retain heat. To prevent fiber migration, the insulation is protected by a double-sided polymer coating, which, in addition, increases the wear resistance of products and allows you to combine it with any fabrics.

The Isosoft insulation is softer than fluff and warmer than other synthetic fibers. It has high breathability and ductility, that is, the ability to quickly restore shape even after prolonged compression. The material does not cake, does not sit down after washing, does not need dry cleaning. Another property of the insulation, which is especially taken into account in the manufacture of children's clothing, is the absence in its composition of substances that cause allergies, and simply harmful to health.

Insulation Isosoft reviews
Overalls, mittens, hats and other products for children, sewn using Isosoft, are very durable and wear-resistant. Due to the lightness and insignificance of the insulating layer, winter clothing does not hamper the child's movement and allows him to move actively. Such products have the effect of a thermos: the body retains its own temperature and does not overheat.

"Isosoft" - a heater not only for children's things, it has a fairly wide range of applications: any outerwear, including sportswear, work clothes, for extreme conditions; sleeping bags and bedding, insulated shoes. Products with his participation are very light and look elegant and fashionable.

Thus, as practice shows, by far the most comfortable and practical insulation is Isosoft. Customer reviews fully support this view. And how can one not appreciate soft, warm, attractive-looking and easy-care products, in which only one layer of thermal protection exceeds 2-3 layers of syntepon?

Isosoft insulation
It is also useful for customers to know that, depending on what weather conditions the clothes are designed for, Isosoft insulation can have a different density. So, if numbers up to 70 g / m 2 are indicated on the label, this means that the product is designed for a warm spring (autumn), and if up to 150 g / m 2 - for a warm winter or cold spring (autumn). For frosty winters, this indicator rises to 300 g / m 2 .

Before you buy a thing, you should carefully read the information on the label and still β€œlook under the lining” in order to make sure that there is really Isosoft insulation under it. Reputable firms supply their products with a special booklet, which describes in detail the properties of the material and the rules for caring for the thing.


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