American athletes: doping. How American Athletes Pass Doping Controls

For many years, the United States team was considered the cleanest at the World Doping Agency. But new information, which was accidentally revealed, undermined the reputation of the American team. Despite this, The New York Times still convinces the whole world that Russia is the main violator of WADA prohibitions.

Who denigrated the honor of American athletes?

Not so long ago, hackers hacked into a database that contains the names of all athletes who used illegal substances. According to WADA’s initial statements, Russian hackers did it, but there is no evidence, as always.

American Doping Athletes

These data are mainly American athletes. They used doping systematically and, interestingly, constantly gained access to all competitions.

Later, WADA employees tried to refute the information released, but the popular gymnast from the United States, Simone Biles, confirmed that she had been using illegal substances since childhood, thus making it clear that all the opened data was true.

How does the American team pass doping tests and who controls it?

Of course, such data were immediately received by the public with hostility. The fighters for justice immediately wondered how American athletes go through doping control. Has everything been bought in sports for a long time and now double standards exist?

All is not quite so. American athletes are tested for doping, like all other athletes. They take urine and blood tests. Officially, of course, no one allows the United States team to use doping. Everything is formalized.

WADA employees oversee this process. Data is recorded, and prohibited substances in certificates are indicated as drugs that were prescribed to athletes from America for medical reasons.

It is also interesting that during this scandal one more detail was revealed. It turns out that the athlete Radcliffe, who once set a record at a marathon, suffers from asthma all her life. Upon learning this, any person will no longer doubt whether American athletes accept doping, because with such a diagnosis it is simply unrealistic to engage in professional sports, especially athletics.

Doping Test American Athletes

Caught by the hand

Of course, the IOC did not have the right to completely turn a blind eye to the use of prohibited substances by the US national team. However, compared with other teams and other countries, the list of athletes who were not allowed to compete or were deprived of medals was negligible.

American athletes who are disqualified for doping are only a small part of the US team, which does not have a special effect on the result. For example, in 2004 in Athens, only two athletes were disqualified - the cyclist Tyler Hamilton, who lost his gold, and the athlete Crystal Cox, who also lost the opportunity to get a gold medal.

The next disqualification took place only in 2012 at the Olympics in London. She was disqualified from the silver medalist in athletics Tyson Gay. As a result, the US team lost a medal in the 4x100 meter relay.

There is no need to be surprised at how much scandal erupted around the American team. The fact is that employees of The New York Times reminded their readers that at one time, namely in the 90s, all Olympians from the USA openly used illegal drugs, and for some reason then the IOC preferred not to pay attention to it . Therefore, the question of who checks American athletes for doping remains open.

All wins expected

Fans of sports, and especially the Olympic Games, have long come to terms with the fact that Americans are almost always the best in everything. They show the highest results, and rivals are far behind. But how do American athletes achieve this? Dope?

American athletes caught doping

World critics believe that many teams simply were not even given the opportunity to show themselves. And no wonder. At the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, there were even those athletes from the United States who a priori should not be there.

In this list was the popular and invincible gymnast Simone Biles. She confidently won 4 gold medals in her sport, despite the fact that from 2012 to 2014 she openly and absolutely legally used amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. And nobody was interested in the fact that it was only two years ago.

Another American basketball player passed an analysis, which confirmed that she used amphetamine. She was admitted to the competition simply because this drug was officially prescribed to her in 2014.

These are just a few examples. How are doping samples taken by American athletes?

Amphetamine - Favorite Dope

Already the whole world has become convinced that strong athletes become invincible only after using prohibited substances. Their list is simply huge. There is nothing to count, besides, every year more and more new drugs are added to this list. But this is for other countries.

Do American athletes take doping?

Amphetamine, as it turned out, is very often used by American athletes. This doping is prohibited for a long time. Openly used it only until the 60s of the last century. It is able to reduce appetite, has a positive effect on physical endurance, improves mood and performance. They banned him primarily because of the heavy drug addiction. But this does not scare the United States team.

In medicine, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. This is what is necessary for professional athletes whose joints are at the limit during training. However, some are sure that the Americans are just hiding behind medical indications for the sake of high-profile victories.

Modern dope

Modern types of doping include, for example, electrical stimulation. Recently, it has especially become popular among American athletes. It seems unusual, but American athletes caught doping absolutely do not repent of what was done.

American athletes disqualified for doping

So, as already mentioned, electrical stimulation is especially appreciated in the US team. The principle of operation is simple. Using a special device, the brain is affected by an electric current. His strength is relatively small, but this is enough to increase mental and physical activity.

This is a very effective and relatively safe method that American athletes use. This doping is not officially banned by WADA, but again only for a specific list of countries. By the way, electrostimulation has a particularly good effect on the athlete during sleep.

WADA was not opposed

Journalists are outraged by the behavior of the employees of the World Doping Agency. Until that moment, as it became known about electrical stimulation, WADA experts officially banned absolutely any substance that could in any way affect the outcome of the competition. But what about American athletes caught doping?

After the secret became clear, WADA immediately officially announced that this method is not a violation and cannot be officially banned. Moreover, they confirm this by taking samples of blood and urine. Of course, electrical stimulation does not affect any of these analyzes.

Who checks American athletes for doping

Defenders expressed their dissatisfaction and officially voiced the fact that doping tests of American athletes are taken with gross violations.

And what is the result?

Around the world, those athletes who use illegal substances have a biased attitude. People are also beginning to doubt their past results. As a result, this greatly undermines the emotional state of the Olympian, and as a rule, he rarely returns to big sport. But some perceive everything differently, for example, American athletes. Doping is not an obstacle for them, but they are hiding behind posed diseases. But officially nothing can be proved.

All over the world, doctors will never agree to officially voice the diagnoses of athletes, even those who were involved in a scandal. This is not surprising, because there is such a thing as medical ethics.

Moreover, all reports give unambiguous answers to the question of whether American athletes accept doping. Of course they don’t accept. All medicines were prescribed by doctors. Amphetamine is drunk to relieve inflammation and joint pain, and electrical stimulation has a positive effect on the brain and on the patient’s mental state.

How American Athletes Pass Doping Controls

However, then only one thing is interesting. Why do American Olympians participate in world competitions, despite the fact that they have a whole bunch of different diseases?


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