Block thermal point: description, characteristics, purpose

Block heating units are designed to connect new facilities, residential buildings, etc. to the heating network , which already exists. In addition to supplying heating, it is also possible to supply hot water and connect the facility to a communication such as sewage.

General description of BTP

Block heat point (BTP) is a ready-to-use complete installation. It is important to know that the layout by any devices for each item is carried out individually. The main characteristic that experts rely on when assembling the unit is the size of the room in which the object will be installed.

The very production of a block point is carried out through the use of basic schemes, on the basis of which, it is possible to connect this equipment to a conventional engineering heating network of a building. There is a general Danfoss calculation program for heat points. It is worth noting that this is one of the fairly large manufacturers of block heat points.

block heat point


If we talk about the most common configuration of BTP, which is considered standard, then it includes such elements as:

  • The node of accounting and regulation. This unit is designed to keep track of the actual flow of heat carrier and heat. In addition, he is engaged in adjusting the flow rate of the thermal medium in accordance with a predetermined temperature schedule.
  • The heating unit. This element is responsible for the consumption of thermal energy, taking into account weather conditions, time of day and other conditions.
  • Hot water supply unit . This device is intended to maintain the optimum temperature of the water in the system (55-60 degrees Celsius) and supply it to the consumer. Also, this unit is responsible for carrying out operations for heat treatment of the system.
  • Ventilation unit. This system is designed to control the flow of heat supplied to the consumer, depending on weather conditions, as well as the time of day.

cn thermal points

BTP device

A block heat point is an automated installation that is designed to transfer energy coming from a boiler house, a thermal power station, a heating system, to heating, as well as ventilation and hot water communications, connected to residential or industrial buildings. In other words, it is a local intermediary between the station and the consumer.

If we talk about the room in which it is planned to install a block heat point, then it should be large enough to accommodate all the block equipment, as well as the control and measuring devices necessary for the functioning of the system. All these devices are needed so that the TP can perform such functions as:

  • coolant conversion;
  • adjustment, control and change of thermal values;
  • distribution of coolant in group or individual systems;
  • plays the role of a fuse in case the temperature rises above the maximum value;
  • Keeps records of consumed heat and coolant.

heat sources

Variety of systems

According to their characteristics and reception of heat sources, TPs are divided into types. The first type refers to an open system. In this case, the liquid enters the BTP directly from the coolant, and the entire volume of liquid that goes into the operation of the equipment is replenished by full or partial withdrawal of water.

By their type of connection to the system, open types of BTP can be divided into two groups:

  • Dependent Scheme. In such a system, the coolant is supplied directly to the heating system. The advantages of the scheme include its simplicity, as well as the fact that no additional equipment is required. However, without it, there is no possibility of adjusting the heat supply on this node.
  • Independent scheme. In such a system, there are devices such as heat exchangers between the consumer and the thermal station itself. With their help, it is possible to regulate the flow of the heat source, which helps to save up to 40% of energy.

thermal elements

What are the benefits of installing a BTP?

Installing an automated block heat point can give the system several of the following advantages:

  1. Increases network efficiency. The ability to adjust on-site heat consumption increases overall heat energy savings by about 15%.
  2. Automation of the control process. The equipment has thermal relays, which make it possible to configure the equipment in such a way as to compensate for weather conditions, as well as change the operating mode in accordance with the time of day.
  3. Lower material costs. Since the installation is an automated system, fewer personnel are required to monitor its operation, monitor the state of thermal elements, carry out preventive maintenance or repair, etc. In total, all this can reduce material costs by about a factor of three.
  4. Even with high performance (up to 2 Gcal / h), this equipment is compact. The approximate area that will have to be allocated for BTP is 20-25 m 2 .

automated block heat points

Manufacturer Danfoss

The acquisition of block TP from such large manufacturers has its advantages. For example, one of the main differences from other manufacturers is that the equipment is delivered to the installation site in a ready-made form. That is, it is not necessary to assemble the unit, which significantly increases the speed of installation and connection. Of these advantages, one can also highlight the fact that Danfoss installations can be operated in fully automatic mode.

In order for the equipment to work in this mode, you just need to set the desired temperature and pressure. Regulating and controlling devices will continue to maintain a given operating mode. It is also worth adding that here there is the possibility of individual equipment by request of the buyer. You can add an accounting system, a system for remote control of a device, etc.

block heat points manufacturers

Thermal points SP 41-101-95

This paper is a document on which the design of a heat point is carried out. All the rules that are written in this paper apply to TPs whose characteristics fall under the given ones: hot water pressure up to 2.5 MPa, liquid temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius. If the installation works with steam, then its conditional working pressure should be in the range up to 6.3 MPa, and the temperature should not exceed 440 degrees Celsius.

In this joint venture, heat points are divided into two main categories - these are individual or central. Individual TPs are intended to join the heating, water supply and ventilation systems of one building or part of it. Central TPs are intended for the same as ITP, but with the only difference that they are used for several buildings at once.


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