Syktyvkar population: size, characteristics and employment

Located in the north-west of the Russian Federation, the colorful city of Syktyvkar lives and thrives. It can be described in different ways: a calm measured town, and a modern metropolitan center. No matter how anyone perceives this locality, one can clearly note only its good-natured and hospitable population. Syktyvkar and its residents leave only the most pleasant experience, so I want to come back here again and again.

The history of the formation of the capital of the Republic of Komi

The capital of the Komi Republic, which is part of Russia, cannot be called a young city. Officially, its history began more than four centuries ago. Ust-Sysola included several dwellings of simple peasant families and a small population. Syktyvkar of those years in its modest territory owned only one attraction: a wooden building that served as a local church.

the population of Syktyvkar

Formation of a shopping center on the Sysola River

Slow pace, but firm and confident steps in the beginning of the XVII century began the rapid growth of handicraft production, the establishment of the agricultural industry, some industrial sectors. Naturally, the heyday of production entailed the development of trade relations, and the population of Syktyvkar (then Ust-Sysola) increased. In addition, the village had a rather favorable geographical position. All the routes to the largest shopping centers of that period intersected here. Through the village you could get to Veliky Ustyug, Vologda, Arkhangelsk. At the beginning of the XVIII century, the population of the city of Syktyvkar totaled almost 1000 people.

Syktyvkar population

After several decades, the enlarged city began to be called Ust-Sysolsky, having existed with that name until 1930. After that, the decision to rename the city was made by the population. "Syktyvkar" in translation from the language of the indigenous inhabitants of Komi means "a city on the Sysola River."

Weather and climatic conditions of Syktyvkar

Not so long ago, according to local old-timers, climatic conditions in the capital of the republic could not be called sparing. Severe long winters, which occupy the main part of the calendar year, windy, humid and cold autumn-spring period, and short, imperceptible summers, did not allow heat-loving residents to move here. Climatic roughness has always been smoothed out by the friendly, hospitable local population. Syktyvkar is often called a “smiling city”, as its residents always smile at passers-by and warmly welcome visitors regardless of weather conditions.

However, the problem over which scientists all over the world are racking their brains, namely global warming, has not passed by this region. If before 40-degree frosts were the norm almost throughout the winter, now they are very rare. In addition, if a cold snap occurs, then for a very short time. The predominant part of winter allows people living in the northern region to feel quite comfortable.

What nationalities live in Syktyvkar?

First of all, it is worth noting that the capital of Komi is an international large administrative center. Favorable living conditions attract people from more remote peripheral regions of the North. At the moment, it is not easy to calculate the number of residents of Syktyvkar accurate to unity. However, one can easily say that according to the last census of 2015, their number is about 250 thousand people. It turns out that about a third of the residents of the Komi Republic are metropolitan residents.

Syktyvkar population

Previous data obtained as a result of collecting information for the last couple of years do not significantly differ from the indicated number. State statistics authorities emphasize that in general for several years the number of people in Syktyvkar increased by 2%, which is approximately 5 thousand people.

In addition, many are concerned about the percentage of living nationalities and nationalities here. In particular, it is often asked how many Russians and Komi live here. How many? The population of Syktyvkar mainly consists of these nationalities. It turns out that there are twice as many Russian people here as there are representatives of indigenous peoples. Komi in the capital of the republic about a third of all residents. About 10 percent of all other residents are Ukrainians, Nenets, Tatars. Also among the townspeople you can often meet Azerbaijanis, Arabs, Greeks, British, Yakuts, Finns, Czechs and many others.

Why are there more Russians than Komi?

The trend towards the predominant number of Russians has changed about a century ago. Then the indigenous inhabitants of Komi were a clear majority: out of ten local people, only one was Russian.

Syktyvkar population
Such drastic changes in the national composition of the local population occurred as a result of the migration policy developed at that time. Political prisoners were exiled to northern cities not only for serving hard labor. As a punishment, the authorities deprived them of the opportunity to live in more comfortable warm cities, transferring them to the northern part of Russia until the end of their days.

Increase in population

To this day, not only in the Komi Republic, but also in many Russian regions, the tendency of young people to get out of the hinterland closer to the center has been preserved. In the villages there is no way to get a full higher education, to find a worthy highly qualified job. The population of the city of Syktyvkar is constantly increasing due to visitors from the Far North. This is confirmed by statistics. Syktyvkarians become more every year, the reason for which is an unhindered migration flow.

Syktyvkar employment

If we take into account the natural growth of residents, here we can also note the positive dynamics. Over the past few years, it has been possible not only to equalize demographic indicators, but also to move forward. So far, we can confidently say that fertility prevails over mortality by only 1.5%. Although these indicators are considered rather favorable, since a few years ago the situation developed according to a more dramatic scenario.

Average age

It should be noted that the average age of the population is inexorably moving up. If not so long ago these indicators barely reached the limit of 35.5 years, then today this category is confidently occupying the mark of 36.3 years. The young population of Syktyvkar, in particular, the number of people under the age of 14 decreased by 3%, and people able to work and bring income to the state also did not increase - their number decreased by more than 1%. At the same time, there were much more pensioners in Syktyvkar, almost a quarter. Naturally, this is a huge problem for the economy of the republic. In order to maintain the maximum balance, the government has to undertake very unpopular reforms, in particular, increasing the retirement age.

From here, as you can see, the changes affected the age structure of residents. Pensioners make up almost 20% of the population, approximately the same number of children. The remainder are able-bodied persons.

Male and female question

Considering the percentage of men and women living in the city, you won’t have to wait for equality. 45% to 55% - this way you can imagine the gender picture in Syktyvkar. The situation with the sex ratio is deteriorating every year. The female population prevails over the male. However, this state of affairs cannot be called characteristic only for the capital of Komi. On the territory of the whole republic, an average of 13 men accounts for 13 women. The high rate of premature death among able-bodied men is the main reason that demographers call.

how much is the population of syktyvkar

The next question arising from the previous one is the statistics of family relations of Syktyvkar people over 16 years old. As it turned out, there are just over 500 married men per 1000 women. At the same time, 225 representatives of the weaker sex from the indicated thousand never heard Mendelssohn’s march, 115 managed to break the marriage ties and about the same became widows. Out of thousands of men, almost a third consider themselves incorrigible bachelors, 64 - are divorced, and more than 600 are currently happily married. Of these, one fifth are in civilian.

Education level of Syktyvkar residents

An important moment in the life of the Komi Republic is the employment of the population. Syktyvkar is a leading industrial center, therefore, the predominant part of the able-bodied population has a specialized education. About a third of the inhabitants of the capital have diplomas of higher and incomplete higher education. Those who graduated only from school are about the same. Another third have secondary specialized education: they graduated from technical schools, lyceums and vocational schools. The rest (about 5% of them) have only a basic level of education.

In Syktyvkar, 72% of all doctors and candidates of science in Komi are engaged in scientific and teaching activities. Statisticians note that among those who defended their doctoral dissertation, there are more men, and among those who have a Ph.D. thesis, there are more women.

social protection of the population of syktyvkar

The majority of people working for the benefit of the capital’s economy. This number is about 120 thousand citizens. In the working age of 15 to 72 years, such people represent more than 65% of employed persons.

Economic Industrial Sector

The predominant industry of Syktyvkar is logging, wood processing and pulp and paper production. This sector of the economy accounts for about 60% of manufactured goods. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the Syktyvkar timber industry complex (SPLK), in the operation of which about 15,000 workers are involved. This is one of the most developed pulp and paper manufacturing enterprises in the northern part of Russia. More than 700 thousand tons of uncoated paper, pulp, and cardboard are produced here annually.

15 years ago, a subsidiary, the Syktyvkar Plywood Plant, was once separated from the SPLK. He is rightly considered the largest manufacturer of large-sheet plywood. The history of the existence and successful operation of the plant dates back to 1976.

Health sector in the republic

The social protection of the population deserves a separate review. Syktyvkar as a major administrative center in Russia in any sphere of public relations is governed by state law. However, due to some autonomous powers vested in the local authorities of the republic, significant differences can be revealed. For example, in the field of healthcare in the territory of the Komi Republic, the social and medical program “Health” was successfully implemented for the employed population. It involves passing regular examinations of the body by working citizens on a free basis. The only thing that has not been changed is the mandatory availability of an insurance medical policy. Without it, citizens cannot seek social medical care.

Education Issues in Syktyvkar

The issue of education in Syktyvkar is quite acute. Despite the existence of educational institutions, including more than two dozen schools, several gymnasiums and lyceums, boarding schools, two art schools and an institution for children with disabilities, pre-school institutions are not so easy to find.

During the period of the so-called perestroika of the end of the 20th century, childbirth declined significantly, which is why the need for many kindergartens disappeared. The buildings were redesigned for other purposes and given under the leadership of numerous departments. Currently, the population suffers from a shortage of kindergartens, therefore, over the last time, the authorities of the republic constantly put this issue on the agenda.


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