The job description of the warehouse manager: duties, requirements, rights

The duties of the warehouse manager are so that he can competently organize the work, be a professional manager and an experienced specialist in his field. The first thing that the warehouse manager does according to the job description is to divide the warehouse territory into functional zones. A warehouse typically includes the following areas:

  • goods acceptance;
  • complete sets;
  • shipment of goods;
  • storage area.

The warehouse manager also makes decisions on the various deliveries of various components, and has a complete understanding of the presence of product balances in the warehouse.

Is a job description compulsory?

There are no strict, binding laws on the preparation of the job description of the warehouse manager. Drafting instructions is a purely personal initiative of the employer. The position of the warehouse manager is directly related to the storage and circulation of inventory, and the availability of competently written job descriptions will help both the employee and the employer to assert their rights and obligations in the event of contentious issues.

General sample job descriptions

job description of the warehouse manager
The warehouse manager is responsible for the competent placement of personnel and a clear subordination structure. The position belongs to the category of managers, therefore only the head or director of the company can accept or dismiss him. Its main task is to properly organize not only the receipt, shipment, but also in the further storage of material assets.

The job description of the warehouse manager usually obliges him to be fully responsible for equipping the warehouse with technical equipment and labor. A person with higher education and most often with at least 2-3 years of work experience is appointed to this position.

Responsibilities of the warehouse manager

The job description of the warehouse manager includes the following duties:

  • Mandatory annual inventory of products and goods.
  • Conducting intermediate inventories.
  • Management of work on the reception, rational placement, storage and dispensing of inventory in the warehouse.
  • To be able to competently organize the loading and unloading operations in a warehouse.
  • Compliance with safety regulations, labor protection, fire safety.
  • Document management within the unit.
  • Develop schedules for setting and shipping goods.
  • Draw up the necessary established reporting, comply with the rules of not only registration, but also the delivery of receipts and expenditures.
  • Provide timely inspection and repair of equipment, inventory in the warehouse.
  • Make a work plan for a month, week, day.

job description of the deputy warehouse manager
In addition, the job description of the head of the finished goods warehouse obliges one to know and use the rules and procedure for warehousing, as well as storage of various groups of material assets. The head of the warehouse should be able to ensure the safety of the stored values, taking into account the storage conditions, keep a written record of warehouse operations.

The warehouse manager is a financially responsible person. Usually, drivers, pickers, computer operators, movers, freight forwarders are subordinate to him. He, like any other boss, has a deputy. The job description of the deputy warehouse manager is approximately the same as that of the warehouse manager.

Manufacturing incidents

Often the job description of the warehouse manager indicates responsibility for incident management. He must be able to competently solve the following problems:

  • violation of technology;
  • equipment breakdown;
  • loss or theft of goods and material values;
  • any event that incurs additional costs;
  • customer complaints and complaints.

In the presence of any incident, the warehouse manager must immediately notify the director of the organization and register this case in a special registry. An internal investigation is then conducted to determine the causes and perpetrators of the incident. The damage caused to the company is revealed, and ways to solve the problem are sought. After the work done, it is important to develop measures to prevent the origin of such cases.

The warehouse manager is usually entitled to determine the penalty for guilty employees, but with the approval of the director. After that he monitors the implementation of planned activities.

Rights and responsibilities of the warehouse manager

finished goods warehouse manager job description
The warehouse manager has the right to make any decisions that fall within his competence. He can make demands on the management to create normal optimal conditions that are necessary for the performance of official duties. Submission of suggestions for improving the work is welcome.

In the section on responsibility of the department head, most often in general 3 types of responsibility are described:

  • disciplinary - in case of non-performance or improper performance of labor duties;
  • material - in case of damage caused to them within the limits established by labor and civil legislation;
  • administrative or criminal - in the commission of the relevant offenses (although this is no longer in the competence of the enterprise).

Approximate list of responsibilities of the warehouse manager:

  • both for the performance and non-performance of work processes and their duties;
  • if material damage was caused to the company through his fault;
  • in case of an offense committed in the process of activity.

Warehouse shift manager and his job description

job description of the warehouse shift supervisor
The shift supervisor is subordinate to the warehouse supervisor. In his absence, duties are transferred to the senior storekeeper. The job description of the warehouse shift supervisor prescribes the following:

  • He must ensure and verify the performance of a given work, as well as coordinate the work of subordinates.
  • Monitor compliance with the established regime by all working in the shift.
  • Responsible for compliance with labor protection rules by shift personnel, as well as for safety measures.
  • Monitor compliance with the rules for the operation of equipment, conduct technological processes in accordance with the approved instructions.
  • Carry out 1 stage of control when taking a shift.
  • Familiarize yourself with the entries in the reporting journals, with the new instructions of the management.
  • Identify and eliminate deficiencies in the work.
  • During the shift, bypass workplaces, checking their condition, work performed, and working conditions.
  • Supervise the observance by workers of all the norms and rules of the workflow, the maintenance and proper operation of instruments and equipment.
  • To analyze the results of shift work, identify possible causes that cause downtime. Eliminate identified deficiencies.

The grounds for the preparation of the job description

job description of the warehouse manager sample
A sample of the job description of the warehouse manager is made on the basis of the description of the position, using the qualification guide. The employer has the right to independently reduce or expand the scope of rights and responsibilities in accordance with his actual requirements for the position. After drawing up the instructions, it must be confirmed by the head of the organization, company. Then it is studied by an employee and puts his signature.


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