Where to buy an oriental tandoor stove?

Until now, disputes between historians have not ceased: some believe that the first tandoor appeared in Japan, while others are sure that Central Asia is the birthplace of these peculiar furnaces. But what, in general, is the difference, because these appliances for cooking are now used everywhere.

In ancient times, a mixture of clay and wool served as the material for the traditional tandoor. This is the secret of Asian stove-makers: even after the first firing, the wool burns out, as a result of which small cavities form in the walls of the eastern stove, which contribute to the quickest heating of the walls. And this is a serious application not only for shortening the cooking time, but also for significant fuel savings.

To this day, stationary tandoor made by masters using ancient technology are used in the East. But the use of such devices for a modern person is not entirely convenient and appropriate, therefore portable ceramic tandoor is widely used, which can easily be installed on a summer cottage or in the courtyard of a country house.

A mandatory structural element of the portable tandoor is a metal braid with handles. This allows not only easy transportation of the “magic jug”, but also is a guarantee of the integrity of its integrity, because ceramics are fragile. Inside each tandoor there is a grate, on which solid fuel (coal or firewood) is laid.

Such an “eastern oven” is akin to the Russian oven: any food cooked in it is not only tasty, but also healthy, and the complete absence of carcinogens in such food is what distinguishes the tandoor from the barbecue or roasting pan. The food is cooked not on fire, not on charcoal, but due to the heat coming from the red-hot walls of the “eastern stove”.

Buy tandoor - means providing yourself and your family with healthy food. And it doesn’t matter what is preparing for the “magic jug”: the meat, vegetables or pastries. It is important that all products undergo a completely unique heat treatment, which no household appliance designed for cooking can boast of.

True, the tandoor has one small minus: it can not be used indoors, because it is simply not suitable for this. Indeed, during ignition, the flame height can be more than half a meter, and even smoke is generated during the burning of solid fuel. This is a completely natural process, from which there is no escape. Therefore, the courtyard yard is the best place to install a tandoor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39478/

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