Social media is ... The concept, definition, types, classification with examples, virtual worlds, goals, objectives and features of development

At present, Russia is talking about the emergence of a competitive element between the Youtube platform and television. Most people over the age of forty are more likely to trust the latter than any information channels on the Internet, but among young people there is a reverse trend. It is with this that the appearance of the phenomenon of the social media market is associated. In other words, media with an enhanced effect of attracting attention, or media with the possibility of reciprocal feedback between the recipient and the acceptor.

Concept and definition

Social media is a mass communication method tied to the Internet system. They include literally all the information products that can be found on the Web: videos, pictures, texts.

If we turn to a more scientific definition, we can find out the following:

Social media is a type of mass media that is used to describe new forms of communication between content producers and its consumers and for which the factor of content co-production by the users of the final product is of paramount importance, when each reader / subscriber of a blog can, for example, act as a commentator, reporter, photojournalist and editor of this service. Wiktionary

Is Transverse video blog a representative of the type of social media? Yes. The official public of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation "VKontakte"? Yes. “Twitter” posting funny pictures and stories from the life of cats? Yes again.

Simply put, all you see around you on the Internet is social media.

Social Media Posters

Types of Online Media

It is classically accepted to distinguish three types of online platforms of this type. In the social media category , these are mass, thematic, as well as photo and video hosting. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

  • Mass social media are the main communication platforms where everyone may be interested in any part of it. Social networks, general news platforms.
  • Thematic social media - professional online platforms, specific forums like “Future Moms” or “Joiners of the Kuban”.
  • Photo and video hosting - YouTube, Yandex.Pictures and so on. The key difference from the previous two is that this view consists entirely of visual (or audio-visual) content.
Smartphone screen with application icons


In the world there is a clear classification of varieties of social media. Four classes are distinguished - communications, collaboration, multimedia, and more, which are not included in the previous three formats, but do not have enough features to be allocated in a separate class.

The first includes blogging and microblogging, the creation of your content (posts, photos on avatars) on social networks, profiles on dating sites. To the second - various variations of Wikipedia, to the third - accounts on video and photo sites. Among the fourth-class ones, one usually distinguishes question-answer systems (the familiar Answers, for example) or various virtual worlds (for example, literary role-playing games).

There are mixed positions, so, to the relatively new social media can be attributed the Periscope system, which simultaneously refers to the first and third class.

A man looks perplexedly at a laptop screen, around social media application icons.

Virtual worlds

In addition to the named literary role-playing (creating your characters, acting out their thoughts, feelings, actions by creating text, in some cases - using visual means), virtual worlds include multi-player or single-player online games. In other words, this is a world created artificially by programming. The most popular social media in Russia of this kind are World of Tanks and various kinds of economic games ("Farms") located on social networking platforms.

Army of Faceless Web Users

Targets and goals

What is the difference between social media and other media? First of all, by its mobility. The inclusion of the user in the creation of content allows in the end to better meet the social media need to inform the person.

On the other hand, due to the same element of inclusion, social media is a more convenient tool for managing people's moods than advertisers actively use (as an example, targeted advertising). Analysis of social media, which is carried out using neural networks and high-speed linguistic modules.

Social media tasks include the step-by-step expansion of the audience by increasing the quantity and quality of multidirectional content in some cases, and attracting consumers who were not previously involved through advertising campaigns.

The global goal of social media is to reach the largest (maximum possible) share of the audience for the further fulfillment of their functions.


Given the fact that social media includes journalism, transformed under the technical achievements of the century, she also adopted its functionality.

Classic Media Features:

  • communicative - communication of different parts of society with each other, their awareness of the existence and problems of each other, help in easing social tension,
  • ideological - the formation of a person’s stable certain worldview (therefore, the media is often called the fourth power),
  • cultural and educational - enlightenment of the viewer or reader,
  • recreational - rest, recovery from stress.

In various scientific studies, the advertising function either stands out as a separate, or refers to a recreational one.

Social Media Like Cubes

Development features

The emergence of social media was predetermined by the appearance on the general access of the World Wide Web in one thousand ninety-first year and the browser NCSA Mosaic in one thousand ninety-third.

If by the end of the nineties the network users were fifty million people, then in the two thousand and seventeenth year - more than three and a half billion, which is 48% of the world's population.

It is clear that at such a pace (from one thousand ninety-five to two thousand of the seventeenth year, the number of users has increased seventy times!) Of the development of the Internet, ways of interacting with the public are also in continuous development.

The progressive movement that characterizes the development of the system looks like promoting in social media the more technically difficult content to reproduce. Text materials prevailing before the beginning of the zero years were almost replaced by visual ones. The emergence of the YouTube platform is associated with the general videoification of information (it is not for nothing that the generation of zero is called the generation with clip thinking, that is, they are not able to get carried away for a period longer than five minutes, and assimilate the information if it is presented in a bright cover), which, in its a queue could have arisen only due to the appearance of proper technical equipment (a typical computer of the late nineties - early 2000s simply could not cope with playing high-quality video). Thus, the development of social media has generated a whole list of new professions: video blogger, blogger, SMM analyst, web designer, and many others.

The evolution of social media as an example of human evolution


Does this mean that social media created new opportunities in the labor market without replacing the old ones? Yes.

Of course, despite the advent of the Internet, the profession of a carpenter did not cease to be necessary, so the emergence of new professions did not supplant the old. Although, of course, the attractiveness of some vacancies has become much greater compared to others. But such a boom occurs in all periods after scientific and technological achievements (after the flight of Gagarin, in the sixties, everyone wanted to be astronauts). At the same time, a fascination with fashion, following the role model of the “hero” does not lead to the fact that some profession is seriously and permanently fixed as the most relevant and promising. Firstly, passion or non-fascination with a trend depends on the sphere of interests and the range of skills of a particular person, and secondly, on the Internet, due to the news boom, the peak of popularity of a blogger or other factors, the most prestigious, demanded, attractive professions naturally rotate .

Social media monitoring systems allow us to conclude that the prospects for the development of social media are quite promising. So, over thirty-six million people visit the most popular social network VKontakte in Russia every month, and, for example, the audience of the Instagram social network in Russia is about twelve and a half million people a month. Social networks are one of the ways a person expresses himself, and in an era of triumphant individualism, they will only gain attractive points, especially among young people. It follows from this that now social media is a separate area of ​​business in which the sale and resale of promoted accounts on social networks becomes a key point.

Chaos among people surrounding social media


But what is unproven to say if there is a lot of evidence of the triumph of online networks over previously known forms of media interaction in the public domain?

Yuri Dud collects four million seven hundred thousand views of his interview per day, Poperechny’s humorous videos gain six million six hundred thousand views per month and have the potential to gain more when television, having years of prestige gained, cannot keep its audience and is forced to move “to the territory enemy ”, creating their sites broadcasting parallel to the TV channel.

Many afloat TV shows owe their success to the support of online platforms and their viewers (discussions on Twitter, allowing to attract new viewers, trailers and targeted advertising that pop up among users of the World Wide Web), but even despite this symbiosis, we can confidently say about the victory of social media: the generation of television, sooner or later, will simply die out, given the fact that there is no clear trend among young people to watch a broadcast program.

So, in the social networks of Russia, media belonging to the generation of the last century are increasingly simply ridiculed in popular public places.


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