How to brew a camomile for drinking: methods of brewing

Chamomile tea is a pretty healthy drink. It is able to get rid of microbes, relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa and significantly strengthen the immune system. Before proceeding with tea treatment, you should learn how to brew a chamomile for drinking. There are several ways, each of which has its own characteristics.

The chemical composition of chamomile

Beneficial features

Inflorescences of this plant have a mass of useful components. They contain pectins, flavonoids, mucous membranes and tannins. In addition, this plant is valued due to the content of salicylic acid, vitamin C, A and E. Among the trace elements, the largest amount of potassium is necessary for strengthening the heart muscle. In second place is calcium, which helps to improve bone mass, as well as magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system, and copper. In addition, it contains a mass of other trace elements. For example, a lot of boron, aluminum, selenium and zinc.

Than useful

Chemical composition

Chamomile is an excellent sedative, but in large quantities it can significantly slow down the nervous system and make a person somewhat indifferent. Due to the presence of salicylic acid and vitamin C, decoction from this plant is also used to treat colds. Drunk broth at night will help get rid of insomnia. And if you use it regularly, then the digestion process will noticeably improve and intestinal pain will pass. However, you should first learn how to brew chamomile for drinking newborns and adults.

The plant is an excellent antispasmodic, able to replace pharmacy drugs. People suffering from extreme weather should eat chamomile tea these days. And also this drink is recommended for women with migraines. This plant is equally useful in case of pain or delays in menstruation.

Raw material preparation

Raw material preparation

How to brew a camomile for drinking? To prepare the broth, as a rule, take dried inflorescences. They are collected during flowering, carefully tearing them away from the stem. After the raw materials are sorted, it is laid out on fabric or paper. Flowers are dried quickly enough. However, it should be borne in mind that in over-dried, yellowed inflorescences, extremely few useful substances remain. Raw materials are stored in paper bags or bags made of natural fabric. Shelf life - up to two years.

Chamomile for the stomach

This plant is simply indispensable for the health of the stomach. Patients who have been consuming acetylsalicylic acid or antibiotics for a long time are advised to take a course of chamomile tea. Thanks to vitamin PP, small capillaries heal and thereby prevent internal bleeding, which sometimes occurs due to the action of โ€œAspirinโ€.

Chamomile tea is also indispensable for gastritis. Doctors say that this plant can cure even the most inveterate gastritis. Women who regularly use strict diets also need chamomile decoction to restore the digestive tract. If light food poisoning has occurred, then the first medicine after activated carbon will be chamomile tea. It gently removes the remnants of toxins and poisons, as well as treat the irritated mucosa. In short, the effect of this plant on the digestive tract is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, it is often recommended to give newborn infants suffering from ventricular colic.

Children with a cold

Due to its unique composition, chamomile helps to cope with colds in both adults and young children. Typically, the following composition is prepared: one dessert spoon is added to three hundred milliliters of boiling water and left to infuse. After the composition is infused, it is filtered through double gauze and slightly diluted with water. Children from twelve months old are given medicine for one teaspoon, but no more than three times a day. Older kids can already use a dessert spoon of funds. An excellent decoction acts on an irritated throat and helps to cope. The temperature of the broth should not exceed thirty degrees.

For babies from colic

Tea for babies

Before brewing chamomile for drinking, a child should make sure that he is not allergic to this plant. To do this, a small amount of decoction is preliminarily applied to his skin and the reaction is monitored for half an hour. In the absence of irritation, a decoction can be used. This tool will help clear the babyโ€™s stomach of mucus. In addition, chamomile eliminates gas in the intestines and thus acts as an effective pain reliever.

How to brew a chamomile for drinking babies? Preparing the composition is quite simple. It will take only one teaspoon of dry inflorescences per cup with hot water. After the tea is infused, it is filtered through double gauze and slightly diluted with water. It should be borne in mind that a strong broth will not be suitable for treating children. Its color should have only a light lemon tint. The broth filtered and diluted with water is poured into a bottle and given to the baby in a warm form. This usually occurs between feedings. The baby almost immediately falls asleep and sleeps in a good, sound sleep.

With honey and mint

Tea made from chamomile inflorescences, prepared with the addition of mint and a small amount of honey, perfectly copes with any colds. How to make a camomile for drinking to an adult? It will take a small amount of flowers, taken in half with lemon balm or mint. The composition is filled with hot water. Once it is infused, it is filtered through a strainer and mixed with a teaspoon of natural honey. Moreover, honey can not be combined with boiling water, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Chamomile tea is used once or twice a day for the prevention of respiratory diseases. If a person is already sick, then the norm can be increased to three cups per day.

Decoction with linden

With a severe cold, accompanied by a cough, it is useful to make chamomile tea with the addition of linden blossoms. This is a fairly powerful antipyretic, after which a person needs to lie in bed and sweat a little. Therefore, chamomile-linden tea is not recommended to drink at work or school. How to brew a camomile for drinking? Making tea is quite simple. Both types of raw materials should be taken equally and filled with boiling water. Once the composition has cooled, you can add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Moreover, it is also advisable to take honey linden, since it is this type that has the best properties in the fight against colds. The composition can be consumed in the amount of three cups per day, using other treatments as well.

Daisy in a diet

Tea for adults

With this herb you can lose weight quite well. It stimulates the intestines and perfectly cleanses it of feces. The composition of the medicinal decoction also includes motherwort, dried kelp, calendula inflorescences and yarrow. If desired, you can add senna and dill. All components are taken equally and filled with hot water. The ratio of raw materials to water should be 1 to 20. That is, ten grams of raw material will need two hundred milliliters of liquid. Use the composition before meals in an amount not exceeding one hundred or one hundred and fifty grams.

other methods

How to brew a chamomile for drinking in case of poisoning to induce vomiting? To do this, prepare a concentrated broth. For example, take two full tablespoons of dry raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Then cover the cup with a lid and let the composition brew for twenty minutes. Use the finished product in full, in large sips. It is this manner of drinking that will help induce a gag reflex.

Contraindications and side effects


It should be borne in mind that in young children this plant can cause allergies. Therefore, before brewing chamomile for drinking, conduct a test for the reaction. This tea should not be used for diarrhea. Pregnant women should also be careful not to get involved in such a tool. In too large quantities, chamomile inhibits the functioning of the nervous system, and therefore it is not used if a person suffers from any mental disorders. And also keep in mind that the decoction of this plant significantly dilutes the blood, which is extremely undesirable in case of internal bleeding.


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