How to withdraw money from Yandex.Money to a card, phone? How to withdraw money from Yandex-wallet without commission?

Today we’ll talk with you about how to withdraw money from Yandex.Money, as well as the benefits of transactions. It’s probably not as difficult to earn money on the World Wide Web as to cash out. Especially when you don’t know where to start. So, let's quickly begin to understand this issue with you.


But before you withdraw money from Yandex.Money, it’s worth discussing some of the nuances that can ruin the impression of transactions. More precisely, you may be disappointed in them.

The first problem that users face is the waiting time for funds to arrive. As a rule, this period can vary from 1 to 7 days. If you need money very quickly, you will have to take care of the transaction in advance.

how to withdraw money from Yandex money

The second minus that arises when figuring out how to withdraw money from Yandex.Money is the collection of commission fees. In fact, there’s nowhere to go from them. There are only a few ways to resolve the issue, which we will discuss a little later. By the way, if you are thinking about how to withdraw a large amount from Yandex.Money, then it’s better to pay attention to the interest charged. Sometimes they can "roll over" for 10-15%.

Now let's try to think with you what subjects and data can help in the implementation of today's idea. Indeed, correct preparation always alleviates suffering.

Getting ready

Well, before you withdraw money from Yandex.Money, it’s worth preparing fairly. The first thing that is required of us is to decide where and how we want to transfer. Our components will depend on this.

If you can’t decide, then let's prepare in advance absolutely all the documents that can only help us withdraw money from the Yandex Wallet. There are not so many of them.

how to withdraw money from Yandex

First and foremost is a passport. You may need an identity card almost everywhere. With it, you will need to pass a check in the "wallet", and then to receive the transfer.

The second point to consider is the availability of a bank card. If you have plastic, then take the details to replenish the balance. They will come in handy later. The same goes for a separate bank account.

The third thing that may be required is a mobile phone number and, of course, the “device” itself, which is at hand. This will save you a few minutes when you enter a special security code for transactions. In principle, that’s all. Now you can think about how to withdraw money from Yandex.Money to a card or somewhere else.

Card from Yandex

Well, let's start with you, perhaps, with the most interesting and simple way to cash out money earned on the Internet. This is the use of a special card. With it, you don’t have to think about how to withdraw money from Yandex.Money without a commission.

withdraw money from Yandex wallet

The thing is that each user has the opportunity to publish a free card from Yandex, which will be attached to your wallet. With it, you can not think about withdrawing funds - instead of bank details you will have a wallet number. A few simple clicks - and that's it.

True, for starters it is worth making and receiving this plastic. Service for 3 years is only 149 rubles within Russia, and 199 rubles abroad. Production and delivery are absolutely free. Log in to the system, and then go to the "Translations" section. There, select “Yandex.Money Bank card. Fill in the details, enter your address, and then confirm the operation by entering the security code. That's all. True, if you already have plastic, then collecting the“ collection ”from the cards is not the best the best way out. Let's think about what else can be done. How to withdraw earned funds from Yandex.Money?


Well, if you do not plan to receive cash, and you suddenly needed to replenish the balance of your mobile phone, then you can do it using the Yandex Wallet. Performing this operation is easier than any other.

First, log in to the system. When it’s finished, go to “Products and Services” and then find “Mobile” there. Click on the necessary line and see what happened.

how to withdraw money from Yandex money to a card

A new page will open before you, in which you will have to fill in the details. Namely - the phone number where to transfer the money, and, of course, the amount of payment. After confirming the operation, you can safely wait for the results.

Even if you didn’t indicate your number, it’s better to keep your cell phone closer. After all, without it you cannot confirm the actions taken. You will have to send a special security code, which is entered during the transaction. As you can see, nothing complicated.

This option is convenient because no commission is charged. However, if you need cash, you will have to look for other ways to implement our plan. And they are. Let's get to know them.

Bank card

And now it’s worth trying to transfer to a bank card. This is the same process for which it is necessary to prepare in advance. Funds will usually be credited to the account after approximately 3-7 days. Consider this fact.

If you are thinking about how to transfer money from Yandex.Money to a card, then first log in to the system and prepare the card details. You only need the plastic number. Go to the "Payments" section, and there select "To a bank card." You will find yourself on a page where they will require a plastic number indicating the recipient’s email, a message for him (an e-mail will be sent to you), as well as the transfer amount.

how to withdraw money from Yandex money on webmoney

Pay attention to the field where the numbers of withdrawn funds are entered. The commission is indicated on the left. It is 15 rubles as standard, a bank charges 3% of the transaction. However, this option is still the most reliable and popular. In principle, for the security and accuracy of the translation is a small fee.

Through "binding"

Well, not everyone likes to work with the Yandex service. Such users are often interested in how to withdraw money from Yandex.Money to WebMoney. After all, through this payment system it is much easier to cash out.

To crank up a deal, you have to get wallets in both systems. After that, go through authorization everywhere. In particular, you will need to provide passport scans to help you understand that you are a real person, not a scammer. Only after receiving a certificate no lower than formal at WebMoney you can quickly and simply transfer funds from one wallet to another.

There is a special column for this - the Yandex.Wallet binding. Go to "WebMoney" in the "Account Binding Service" section, and then attach Yandex. Indicate the number of the desired wallet - and the job is done. After you get the binding code, which is entered on a special page. That's all. You can work.


Another rather interesting point is the use of intermediary sites that offer quick transfers from Yandex.Money. Many users prefer to use this method of withdrawing money.

how to withdraw money from Yandex money without commission

True, one should be careful here. Quite often, such services simply deceive you, leaving you without money, or even without a wallet at all. If you do not want to worry again, then refrain from this option.

For general development: in such a case, you will have to indicate the details of your wallet. If someone asks you to enter a password, you can safely close the page. These are scammers. Now you know how to withdraw money from Yandex and use it.


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