Wine "Brunello di Montalcino" (Brunello di Montalcino): description, features and production technology

Montalcino is a typical Tuscan town. He, like thousands of others like him, rises on a hill. A little white church, terracotta houses, an old castle ... But unlike the neighboring towns, there are enough visitors to Montalcino at any time of the year. And tourists are attracted here not so much by the old castle or the characteristic Tuscan views with cypresses, as by Brunello wine. Description of the characteristics of this drink you will find in this article. Mantalcino is located just forty kilometers south of Siena. Everyone can come here to get acquainted with the interesting history of Brunello. We can say that winemaking is the backbone of the Montalcino economy. At the same time, only 8 percent of the communal lands, that is 24 thousand hectares, are sown with vines. We invite you to take a virtual tour of Montalcino to learn more about Brunello wine.

Wine Brunello


Soils and microclimate allow you to create completely different drinks from the same grape variety. Of course, production technology is of great importance. But it, after all, can be copied anywhere. But the soil and climate can not be borrowed. Therefore, real champagne is made only in Champagne, and not in Abrau-Durso. As for Brunello di Montalcino, this wine was one of the first in Italy to receive DOCG status. The abbreviation stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (a name that is controlled and guaranteed by origin). What is there in Montalcino that is not in the neighboring Tuscan towns? The climate here is typically Mediterranean, very mild. Heavy rainfall occurs in May and the second half of autumn. Snow is rare in Montalcino. Grapes do not like temperature extremes. The plantation is protected from climatic stresses by the Monte Amiata mountain range of 1,700 meters high, which serves as a reliable barrier to westerly winds blowing from the sea. As for soils, Montalcino boasts shallow, well-drained soils with a predominance of sandstone and limestone. By typology, they belong to the Eocene era.

Terroir Wine Brunello di Montalcino

Grape sort

What makes Brunello that this wine is so appreciated? There is little or no intrigue here. Material for wine gives the most common in Italy, one might say, endemic Sangiovese. The first vines were planted by the ancient Romans. From these berries it turns dark red, ruby ​​wine. Therefore, the name of the variety means "Jupiter's Blood." Brunello - wine is not assorted or blended. For him, only one year's harvest is taken, from one appellation and one variety - Sangiovese. “How boring,” you say. Experts do not think so. Brunello stands on the hierarchical top of Italian winemaking. The drink is amazing with a concentrated body, aroma complex as Hegel’s metaphysics, and an amazing development potential in a bottle. Wine only gets better over time, and can either decorate a gourmet collection or become a great investment.

Grapes for Brunello wine

History of "Brunello di Montalcino"

Paradoxically, until the middle of the 19th century, white wines were produced in the town. And so mediocre that they were not even bottled. Turned the town of Montalcino into a mecca of winemaking, the Biondi Santi family. Its head, pharmacist Clemento Santi, bred a special kind of old Sangiovese Grosso variety. From the usual "Blood of Jupiter" this grape was distinguished by a small brush, but larger berries. Now Sangiovese Grosso is also called Brunello variety. Because of the small bunch, all berries are well warmed up by the sun, and the vine saturates them with minerals. The grandson of Clemento Santi, Ferrucho Biondi, founded the Fattoria del Greppo wine house. He continued experiments with the variety. By the way, Ferrucho had to start all over from scratch, since the phylloxera imported from America destroyed all the vineyards in the bud. For the first time, the house began to produce monosorted drinks, renouncing the mixing of ruby ​​Sangiovese with white and red berries. Ferrucho also abandoned the traditional “governing” method, when the wort was fermented a second time with the addition of slightly dried grapes. From aging in barrels, and then in bottles, drinks began to be exceptional, completely unlike those that were produced in Montalcino before. A number of successful years gave rise to vintages, which attracted the attention of the general public to the Brunello red wine.

Modern technology

We will not go into details. We will only say that the grape must for brunello is aged for at least 2 years in oak barrels. Then from six months to two years it stands in bottles .. The wine goes on sale for the fifth year after the harvest, and Brunello di Montalcino Riserva - for the sixth. Moreover, the container for the drink must be necessarily "Bordeaux type." That is, in a bottle, wine can still evolve and develop. Brunello production technology is now divided into two areas. The traditional school continues to use large, about 30,000 liters of Slovenian oak barrels. Such producers produce stunningly elegant wines with balanced acidity and exciting tannins. But the color of the drink is not too saturated. Modernists use the shutter speed according to French technology - in barriques, small barrels with a capacity of only 225 liters. The output is a bright drink with powerful tannins, berry flavor and aroma, with a concentrated ruby ​​color. But wood greatly affects the small amount of wine in the barrel, telling him his notes.

Brunello wine Italy

Poggio di Sotto

And now we will make a small tasting tour of the estates in the vicinity of Montalcino (Siena, Italy). The brunello wine created in them is equally excellent, but because of the different production technologies it has its own nuances. The first on our way is the estate "Poggio di Sotto" (Poggio di Sotto). In this wine house they don’t even know what a garrick is. The wort is kept according to ancient traditions in huge bots. House "Poggio di Sotto" produces only three brands of wine. But what! Experts believe that these are the best brunello of the entire subregion. Riserva DOCG aged wine spends in barrels for 60 months and another year in glass until it goes on sale. The usual Brunello DOCG ripens for 48 months in Slovenian oak containers and eight more in a bottle. The assortment of houses also includes young wine Rosso di Montalcino DOC. It is also made from Sangiovese Grosso, having spent two years in barrels. The traditionalists include Giulio Salvoni and Livio Sassetti.

Brunello di Montalcino


Brunello wine is aged in houses such as San Polo, Pieve Santa Restituta and Casanova di Neri. If you appreciate powerful but soft tannins, a characteristic fruity aroma, freshness and taste, as well as a rich ruby ​​color in the drink, then you should pay attention to these manufacturers. As you can see, there is no single definition for brunello. The hilly terrain, where vineyards are planted, is still causing confusion. The northern hillsides produce more juicy berries with less sugar. Wines from them are intended for the experienced judge. They do not explode with fireworks of loud notes, but quietly sound with a brilliant symphony. Harvest of the southern slopes gives more characteristic, memorable wines, striking with their young energy. And of course, you cannot discount successful and not-so-good years.

Brunello red wine

How to drink

Wine with a thick ruby ​​color "Brunello di Montalcino" is recommended to serve at room temperature (+18 ... + 20 ° C). Two hours before serving, it should be decanted. This wine is served with roast game or beef. It will be an excellent accompaniment to tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms or pecorino cheese. However, gastronomic recommendations are not dogma. Drink Brunello as you like best. The drink is noble enough to enjoy its solo.

Brunello wine how to drink

Wine brunello: reviews

Consumers praised the quality of this glorious Italian drink. The price of wine fully justifies its merits. You can drink Brunello with different dishes, but still the bottle should be uncorked in advance. After aeration, notes of leather, tobacco and spices are mixed with a rich bouquet of cherry jam and ripe fruits. Brunello wine is refreshing, it has a clear, concentrated and rich overflowing taste of blackberries, wild cherries and plums. Experts note the perfect balance of tannins, acidity and fruity notes. The drink has a long finish.


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