The moral of the fable is "The Wolf and the Lamb." Analysis and Content

The plot of many works is eternal. They were relevant in ancient times, have not lost relevance now. These include the "Wolf and the Lamb." For the first time, the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop told about them. Lamb, suffering from thirst, on a hot summer day went up to the stream and began to drink icy water. The wolf decided to eat it. Wanting to justify his act, he charged that the lamb had muddied the water, because of which the predator can no longer get drunk. The lamb replied that this could not be, because he barely touches the water with his lips, and is located downstream. Then Wolf said that in

moral fables wolf and lamb
last year he insulted his father. And here the baby found arguments, because then he had not yet been born and even if he wanted to, could not have done it. The wolf noted that the Lamb knows a lot about excuses, but he will still be eaten. If someone decided to commit an evil deed, then nothing will stop him. Such is the moral of the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb." Then the fables of Lafontaine, Sumarokov, Derzhavin were created on the same plot. In the early 19th century, the fable of the same name was written by Krylov.

Moral fable "Wolf and the Lamb"

wolf and lamb morality
There are two main characters in the work, the images of which are important and inconceivable one without the other. The fabulist immediately begins with morality, loudly declaring that when they encounter strong and powerless, the latter will be guilty in any case. He further assures the reader that there are many historical examples confirming this conclusion, and cites the already known episode of the meeting of the Wolf and the Lamb at the stream.

Contents. "Wolf and the Lamb"

The moral of the work, however, is that the predator was already hungry and immediately had the intention of eating someone. The kid was not lucky that he was the one who got in his way. If there were a bunny or a duckling in his place, they would suffer. The moral of the fable β€œThe Wolf and the Lamb” tells of the hopelessness of the weak. However, the Wolf wants to justify his act and says that the Lamb himself is to blame, as he prevented him from drinking clean water. In exquisite terms, the Lamb replies that this cannot be, since it is located downstream 100 meters. The wolf clearly does not satisfy this reasonable and polite answer. He begins to scream that last year the Lamb was rude to him in the same place. Therefore, the Wolf could not forgive such an insult all year, and now he can avenge him. Upon learning that this could not be, since last year the Lamb had not yet been born, he replies that it was one of his relatives or acquaintances. The lamb reasonably asks, and what does it have to do with it? The wolf exclaims that he is already guilty of what the wolf wants to eat. Then he stops talking with his victim and drags him into a dark forest.

wolf and lamb analysis

"The Wolf and the Lamb." Analysis

There is an opinion that in this fable the lawlessness of a simple person before those in power is shown. It becomes clear that the one who is stronger wins, and not the one on whose side justice is won. The wolf behaves rudely, realizing his complete impunity. Indeed, often those who have more power and authority do not even have to explain anything and seek excuses. Krylov understands how difficult it is to stop those on whose side an advantageous position is. Such is the moral of the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb."


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