Modern hairstyles for all occasions

According to stylists, all everyday hairstyles over the past decades have undergone a number of changes. Today we will tell you what modern hairstyles are most relevant in our time. For example, the well-known and seemingly banal “twisted tail” hairstyle is perfect for owners of long thick hair, especially since this season it is very fashionable.

modern hairstyles
Smooth turns of twisted strands are fixed with studs and fixed with varnish. Such a romantic image will perfectly emphasize the expressive facial features and visually stretch it. At all times, loose hair was in fashion, today such a hairstyle has been slightly modernized.

Many hairdressers advise loose hair to wear in straight strands with a straight parting, that is, the front strand is hidden behind the ear, and the side parting asymmetrically divides the rest of the curls. The above modern hairstyles can be done for any occasion.

The third place on this pedestal goes to the curls, from which a high cascade of curls is formed. This hairstyle is most popular among young people. For many, it is associated with a wedding and evening look. Beautifully wound curls, neatly folded into a high hairstyle, create a romantic connotation.

What should be modern wedding hairstyles

In fact, the wedding hairstyle does not have to be complex and textured. The main thing is that she harmoniously combines with makeup and dress and, of course, the bride liked. Wavy hair with magnificent locks framing shoulders and face looks very feminine and elegant. For brides with short hair, stylists offer high hairstyles.

modern wedding hairstyles
In any variation, modern hairstyles for a wedding celebration are usually decorated with fresh flowers, hairpins or a diadem. An experienced and qualified hairdresser will help you make the right choice, who will choose a hairstyle for the type of your face, hair and even growth. He will also recommend styling products and decorations. But the main guarantee of success is clean, healthy and well-groomed hair.

But not only women want to look stunning and stylish, men also spend a lot of time and effort in order to be attractive to the fair sex. Modern men's hairstyles are made on the basis of classic short haircuts, which differ in clear lines, correct and even shading. The fashion trend is bangs. It can be short, elongated, oblique and straight.

modern men's hairstyles
It is a beautiful, regular bang that sets the style. Today, most men's haircuts can not do without this central detail. Today's popular haircut is “short bean”. It looks especially fashionable if it is complemented by sideburns and is trimmed “on the leg”. Also at the peak of fashion, very short men's haircuts with elongated at the top and shaved at the back of the head and temples hair.

Ultrashort modern “hedgehog” hairstyles do not lose relevance. Many people choose it because of the convenience and style. No less popular elegant hairstyles of the last century a la Presley. It is the mods who copy this haircut, creating a magnificent coke on their head. Creative ragged haircuts on hair below the shoulders look good. A stylish “punk” hairstyle, which is suitable for any hair, will add aggressiveness and brutality.


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