Sweet wine: how to choose and where it is better to buy. Red sweet wine. White sweet wines

Just choosing and buying a bottle of expensive wine is not all that is needed for a meal. It is important to know which dishes to serve this exquisite drink.

Wine selection

Many people know little about wines, for example, only their varieties: sweet , semi-sweet, dry, white and red wine. For the average consumer, this knowledge is enough. But in life, every person has situations when he is faced with the choice of a drink of excellent quality, which will be the perfect complement to the festive table.

sweet wine

Varieties of drink

All wines are very different, often it depends on what source material was used in their preparation. In the case of wines, the sort of grapes that the producers used to create the wine in what soil the grapes grew, matters. After all, only with experience does a person become wiser and with his mistakes is able to create truly great and valuable objects.

According to the aging time, the wine can be young, without aging or, conversely, aged. It is believed that wine older than seventy years is losing its value. However, if you rely on the words of Parker, criticism of wines, then such wines are the most valuable and of great benefit to the body.

white sweet wines

Wine classification

If you rely on Russian standards, according to the amount of sugar and ethyl alcohol, wines are divided into:

- table wines, natural wines;

- dry, semi-dry or semi-sweet wines ;

- special wines (sweet , dessert, semi-dessert wine, strong and liquor);

- flavored wines;

- sparkling wines that are filled with carbon dioxide during their repeated fermentation.

The most famous sparkling white sweet wine in the whole world, of course, champagne.

red sweet wine

Factors to consider when choosing a drink

When choosing wine in a store, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

1. Only dry or sweet wine should be purchased at the store, since semi-sweet wines can also be sold in Russia and neighboring countries, but they are of poor quality.

They often add base wine materials. Semi-sweet wines contain more preservatives than dry or sweet wines . In dry wines, the fermentation process is slowed down due to the low sugar content, and sweet wine, on the contrary, with the help of sugar, which is a natural means of fermentation, this process does not slow down.

If the buyer decides to buy a bottle of semisweet wine on his festive table, he automatically agrees to pour a large number of preservatives and chemical additives into his body.

2. Pay attention to the manufacturer. All self-respecting companies want their brand to be recognizable. To do this, they place the name of their company large and clearly on the label so that people can read it without difficulty.

3. Another important point is the crop year. Each wine label must be located when the crop was harvested. In the case when there is no such information, it is worth considering whether this bottle is a preservative.

4. Grape variety. Many wines are made by mixing several grape varieties, in which case the producer must indicate on the label which varieties were mixed.

On the shelves in the shops you can find only wines from mixed grape varieties, since wines from one sort of wine are expensive and are not sold in ordinary stores.

An exception to the rule may be French wines. French producers may not indicate grape varieties, since this process is monitored strictly according to the regional principle. White sweet wines are excellently obtained from manufacturers in France.

5. Container and cork. It is best to purchase wine in a bottle or barrel. Wines sold in cardboard boxes can be consumed in cooking. If the manufacturer decided to save on packaging, then his wine is of poor quality.

6. The price of the drink. It must be remembered that all quality products are expensive. In no case should you buy wine at a low price. The best wines are sold at the best prices.

best wines

Where to buy wine

The choice of a place to buy a bottle of wine depends on many factors: for whom it is bought, for what event, how much time there is to choose and, of course, what finances a buyer has.

If you need to buy a bottle of wine for a family dinner, there is not much time, and finances do not allow you to buy expensive wine, then you can visit a supermarket and buy wine using the above principles.

If you want to present wine as a presentation or just want to enjoy delicious wine, you need to visit specialized wine boutiques. The best wines presented in them are always of high quality.

In the event that you have a controversial issue regarding the manufacturer or quality, sales consultants will offer their help. In the boutique you can buy both cheap wine and expensive, better quality wine. Rose wine will become sweet an excellent purchase made in a boutique, because here they will advise you and offer a large assortment of such wines. There are also such boutiques at which a small restaurant is created. In it, the buyer gets the opportunity to taste the wine, combine it with certain dishes and make the final decision.

And the most pleasant place is the restaurant where you can taste the best wines. It also happens that poor quality wine in a restaurant is presented at a huge price, because the margin ranges from forty to two hundred percent. But do not forget that everything depends on the restaurant, and you should not completely trust the taste of the waiter.

When purchasing the best wines, if possible, do this while traveling. After all, where, if not in the homeland of wine, you can purchase the highest quality drink. Just do not miss the moment that there are restrictions on the import of alcohol into the country.

sparkling white sweet wine

What is wine

Wine is primarily an alcoholic drink, which is obtained as a result of the natural fermentation of grape juice. Most often, wines are made from grape juice, it can be of different varieties.

In the production of wines, grapes are most often divided into two groups: white and black, sometimes it is called red. By color, it can be white, red, pink wine.

sweet wine name

Where is wine made?

They produce wine in many countries of Europe. But the leaders in the wine industry were France, Italy and Spain. Each nationality has its own types of this alcoholic drink. For each of them there are specially selected dishes, which in a duet better show their taste. Sparkling white sweet wine, whose name is Carlo Rossi, glorified the United States of America, namely California. This is one of the worthy representatives of white wine of its kind. Germany becomes the export leader.

The best combinations

Sweet red wine is perfect if the menu includes roast chicken or pasta. Red wine is a great addition to burgers and steaks. Sweet red wine is very popular and has a wide variety in the wine market, ranging from bright “pinot grigio” to fruit “pinotage”.

A great option when sweet red wine is served with dessert. For example, red sweet wine "Vintage Port". You will definitely appreciate the taste qualities of this drink.

White sweet wines are well savored against the background of light meals, which include chicken and salad, fish, and also veal.

sweet rose wine

Wine etiquette

But to get a good bottle of wine, to do it in all respects is far from all that is needed for a meal. Indeed, real wine connoisseurs know that wine notes can be best felt in a certain kind of glasses. And so that the process of wine tasting was at a high level, a special wine etiquette was invented. Under this etiquette, it is customary to consider the rules for combining wine and dishes, as well as the rules for serving wine.

And what is the process of wine tasting! When color, texture, aroma, taste and an individual aftertaste come to the fore. Only true experts in their field do an excellent job of the tasting process.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40795/

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