What herbs can be used to improve metabolism

One of the main causes of many human diseases is a metabolic disorder. Because of this, gastric and vascular diseases, obesity develop, skin problems appear. Metabolism is the main function of the body and if it is slowed down or does not flow correctly, organs cannot function normally. It is not always possible to take medications, it is best to use herbs to improve metabolism.

herbs to improve metabolism

Since ancient times, folk healers have treated this problem with the help of fees that do not cause side effects. Various herbs that improve metabolism are best used in courses, taking breaks between them. Herbal preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is advisable to compose them yourself from those plants that are right for you. Indeed, metabolic disorders in the body are so individual that a common recipe simply does not exist.

What herbs are there to improve metabolism?

  1. For a long time, for this, a decoction of horsetail was taken. It cleanses the body well and speeds up metabolism. It can be brewed like tea. But drink a little - a few sips up to six times a day.
  2. The best plant that improves metabolism is dandelion. In spring, you can collect its young leaves and use in salads and soups, brew them like tea and make tincture of vodka. They well regulate the work of all organs and endocrine glands, reduce body fat by cleansing from toxins, and also improve digestion. You can also brew dried dandelion grass, in addition, use its roots.
  3. herbs to speed up metabolism
    It is also good to eat and drink a decoction of nettle leaves. This plant successfully copes with many metabolic disorders and improves digestion. Good nettle also eliminates skin problems. And the juice from its leaves purifies the blood.
  4. Often, oregano infusion is used to improve metabolism and cleanse the body. The crushed grass must be kept for some time in a water bath, and then insisted for several hours. If you take the infusion before meals, it acts well on digestion.

Herbs to improve metabolism are also used in the form of fees. Delicious teas can be made from healthy plants to help your body work properly.

  1. Mix in equal parts the crushed grass of immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile and birch buds. Brew the mixture like tea and drink with honey before bed and before breakfast. Such tea will well cleanse the body of toxins and improve well-being.
  2. In obesity and diabetes, it is good to take this collection: one part of parsnip grass, three parts of hop cones and four parts of celery and bean pods to brew like tea. Take a decoction of two tablespoons six times a day.
  3. With poor digestion, tea can be made from wormwood, yarrow, calamus and dandelion root. It is advisable to insist the broth all night, and then drink throughout the day with honey.

metabolic enhancing herbs

For weight loss, you can drink tea, which contains herbs to speed up metabolism. Ginseng root is added to them . It reduces hunger and improves digestion. It is good for this to also brew tea from a string and knotweed (to brew 4 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water) and drink it half a glass a day.

When compiling fees, it should be borne in mind that herbs to improve metabolism often have the opposite effect: for example, marshmallows, flax seeds or milk thistle reduce appetite, and wormwood, centaury or dandelion, on the contrary, stimulate digestion. Many herbs have contraindications, so do not take medicinal teas uncontrollably.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40799/

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