Vodka "Belenkaya": Secrets of popularity

Vodka Belenkaya is a unique product, the production of which is a priority for the company. The brand is very popular both among ordinary consumers and among connoisseurs of alcohol. This vodka is in great demand not only in our country, but also abroad. Such popularity is associated with high standards and production technologies, which significantly exceed the requirements imposed by GOST. In addition, it is worth noting that for 15 years of work, the manufacturer has never failed his consumer. He always supplied him with quality, environmentally friendly and safe products at a reasonable cost.

white vodka

About production and plans

Vodka is distinguished by a special, mild and tart taste, which is possible due to long and deep cleaning through a 13-meter coal-based filter. The centuries-old traditions and experience of domestic manufacturers, innovative technologies and equipment, and constant monitoring allow us to produce high-quality alcohol. Belenkaya vodka, the price of which is available to everyone, is in great demand among buyers.

little white vodka

Today, due to the growing demand for alcohol, the manufacturer seeks to improve and strengthen the Belenkaya brand in order to create better and premium products that will significantly increase revenue and trust in the supplier. The number one task is the possibility of exporting abroad - to the CIS countries, the states of Europe, America and Asia. Vodka "Belenkaya" (producer - Synergy ) is one of the most popular in Russia, and all because the company properly refers to the production process.

Line of flavors

The product has four unique flavors in its line:

1. Vodka "Belenkaya Classical". Persistent, tart and unique taste of strong alcohol.
2. "Belenkaya Lux." Deeper cleaning and minimizing the use of fusel oils make the taste much milder.
3. "Belenkaya Golden". The number of fusel oils is minimized, due to which there is no bitterness and alcohol aftertaste.
4. Vodka "Belenkaya Kedrovaya". Soft, has a rich aroma and cedar finish.

vodka little white reviews

In the production of all the above types, many years of technology, traditions are preserved and pure alcohol, water from natural sources and multi-level purification through a carbon filter are used. Vodka Belenkaya has only positive reviews. Buyers note its quality, excellent taste and reasonable cost.

Product and packaging

The manufacturer is always honest with the consumer, due to which it is possible to maintain confidence in the products. On each bottle is displayed not only the composition, but also the presence of impurities. This is a unique characteristic that only the Belenkaya vodka producer deigned to declare.

Each bottle undergoes a rigorous 9-step test - this is indicated by the corresponding label on the bottle. Due to such control, it is possible to comply with all quality standards, guarantee environmental friendliness, safety and declared taste characteristics. It is worth noting that vodka is a product that is better to drink chilled. For this purpose, a special thermal element was placed on each bottle, which shows when the temperature of alcohol dropped below +10 degrees.

New design

The company does not stand still and expands production facilities. That is why cooperation was established with Synergy, which allowed us to start production at another plant near Moscow - Traditions of Quality. The result was a new bottle shape with a more aesthetic and thin, but at the same time modern design. The consumer clearly appreciates this, as well as a new degree of protection against counterfeit goods - a relief logo placed on each bottle.

little white vodka 0 5
The bottle cap is also unique: such a design has not been used previously by any of the domestic manufacturers. Also, each container has 4 labels that display the name and composition of the product, as well as a thermal indicator that will allow you to monitor the cooling of the drink. At temperatures below +10 degrees, the label will turn red.

Design has not reduced quality

Improvement in design did not affect the change in demand for the product. Indeed, the qualities and indicators have not changed in any way and still exceed all the requirements of GOST several times, which indicates the previous high quality of alcohol and perfect technological equipment of production. The new factory produces more than 12 thousand bottles per hour. All processes are fully automated.

vodka little white producer
"Quality is higher than GOST" - the principle of the manufacturer of this type of vodka. Its preservation is ensured by constant modernization and control of all technological processes. Due to this, demand remains and grows even in the most crisis times. Especially popular vodka "Belenkaya" 0.5 liter.

Keeping the traditions of quality, keeping up with the times, improving the appearance of products and improving its taste characteristics, Mariinsky Distillery satisfies the needs of even the most demanding and fastidious consumers, and the demand for its products only increases year after year.


Vodka "Belenkaya" is one of the most common in Russia. Such demand is due to the excellent quality of the drink and excellent taste. Vodka "Belenkaya", the price of which is reasonable and objective, is becoming more and more popular every year. The cost of one bottle of 0.5 liter is from 300 to 500 rubles. Due to this, anyone can buy first-class vodka at an affordable price.


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