Anapa population: size, composition, demography

The small resort town of Anapa, located on the Black Sea coast, is known to almost every resident of the former USSR. This is a famous children's health resort, balneological and climatic resort. The population of Anapa has now grown by more than 20% compared to the Soviet period. This can be explained by a number of reasons, including demographic, which, along with other factors, influenced growth.

Anapa population

Antique period

It so happened historically that different peoples lived on this territory. About two thousand years ago, Sinds lived here, and on the site of the modern city was the ancient ancient city of Sindika (Sindh Harbor).

In the XIV century, the city was a Genoese colony of Mapa, Genoese and Jews lived here. It was the Genoese who built strong fortifications that can be seen on the ancient maps of the Visconti tarot as the Mapa fortress. In the same XIV century, Tamerlan walked through these places with “fire and sword”, who, having ruined everything, left the fortifications unharmed.

Ottoman period

For more than 300 years, the territory of modern Anapa has been ruled by the Ottomans, it was at this time that the name of the city, or rather the fortress, appeared. She began to be called Anapa. In the written sources of that time, we see that the indigenous population of Anapa was the Circassian Shegake tribe, which means “coastal inhabitants” in Turkic. The entire territory was ruled by the Ottomans, who collected tribute from them.

After the Russo-Turkish war of 1784, Turks and Nogais, who fled from the Crimea, Taman and roamed the steppes, found refuge in the Anapa fortress, which had by then become the city of Anapa. Turkey was engaged in the slave trade and, raiding Russian possessions, stole its inhabitants into slavery. Anapa port was the center of trade in Russian slaves.

In 1782, a fortress was built here, resisting the Russian troops for 28 years, who waged war with the slave traders and periodically captured the fortress during a series of Russian-Turkish wars that took place during this period. Don and Kuban Cossacks came to their aid.

Anapa population

Anapa as part of Russia

At the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, the fortress was annexed to the Russian Empire. This is done in accordance with the Adrianople Treaty. In 1846, at the behest of Nicholas I, she received city status. The population of Anapa became mainly Russian, as the Turks and Circassians left for Turkey. Twenty years later, in 1866, the first sanatorium was built in the city, which laid the foundation for the development of the resort city.

Ethnic composition

According to statistics, for 2016, 176,210 people lived in the urban district, including the population of Anapa was 73,410 people and in the countryside - 102,800 people. According to the 2010 census, more than 86% of Anapa's residents are Russians, about 7% are Armenians, Ukrainians - 2%, and 5% - other nationalities.

Belarusians, Tatars, Jews, Greeks, Georgians and Gypsies live in the city. In recent years, statistics have noted an increase in migrants due to the population of the former Soviet republics: Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijanis.

Anapa's population is


Anapa's population is increasing by an average of 3,000 people annually. Moreover, this is a natural increase, which indicates an excess of the birth rate over mortality. This demographic situation has been observed in Anapa for several years, which indicates an increase in the level of socio-economic situation.

According to statistics, in recent years, the number of registered marriages has increased compared to the number of divorces, which undoubtedly shows an increase in family status and general economic condition.

Anapa employment


The vast majority of the urban and partially rural population of Anapa is engaged in tourism, since the city’s infrastructure is closely connected with this type of economic activity. Many resorts, boarding houses, recreation centers, various types of hotels require a huge number of staff.

Anapa received the title of the world's first balneological resort. The demand for the city as a holiday destination has increased significantly, along with this the number of visitors increases year by year, leading to the fact that the employment of the population of Anapa in the field of services and catering is becoming high.

The city of Anapa is a federal resort that receives millions of tourists annually, so it is a gigantic market for agricultural, food and industrial products of the Kuban Territory and all of Russia as a whole. Therefore, a large number of the population of Anapa is associated with trade.

The population of the suburbs of Anapa is working in agriculture. It grows fruits, vegetables, is engaged in viticulture and processing of these products. There is a winery in the city.

Anapa population


There is a large airport in Anapa, which daily receives planes from all over the country. The city is connected with many cities by rail. Trains arrive at the train station. A large number of buses leave daily to different ends of the Krasnodar Territory and the country. In connection with the events in Ukraine and the reunification of Crimea with Russia, it was Anapa that became the connecting point for a single ticket to the Crimea, bus routes to the catamaran and the ferry pass through it.

Buses run along the city along 25 routes, besides them, a large number of fixed-route taxis operate in these directions. Part of the city’s population is involved in transport and its maintenance.


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