Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant: Aibolit for locomotives

The locomotive team often has to, by the nature of their activity, urgently make important decisions related to the repair of the locomotive. To do this, you need to know the design of the main parts of the electric locomotive and the functions of those mechanisms that can be repaired by the brigade’s own forces. Elimination of serious breakdowns and major repairs of electric locomotives are carried out in the factory. One of such enterprises, one can say “Aibolit” for locomotives, is located in the capital of the South Urals. Address of the Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant: ul. Kosareva, 1.

History and activity of the enterprise

This unitary enterprise belongs to the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and has the status of a federal state enterprise. The Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant was founded in April 1943. At first it was workshops: foundry-mechanical repair services worked in them, and tank shells were produced in wartime. Later, in the 57th year, the workshops were continued in the form of a factory for the repair of electric rolling stock.

JSC Zheldorremmash / Lokotech / Chelyabinsk ERZ

Nowadays, a number of Russian branches-enterprises of the railway profile are united under the wing of Zheldorremmash (LokoTech). This is an established OJSC, where the Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant is located. On the site of the enterprise you can find information about the activities of the plant, production, products, personnel and vacancies. Contact information is also indicated there.

Plant structural divisions

The electric locomotive repair enterprise of the South Ural capital includes three large divisions:

  • Electric machine production is engaged in the acquisition of engines for electric forklifts.
  • Foundry specializes in the production of malleable cast iron parts for the contact network. Such production is the only one in the country. It made a significant contribution to the execution of orders for some countries of the East: Mongolia and Iran, China and Turkey. Also played a significant role in the electrification of railways in the CIS and Russia.
  • Electric assembly production.
Workshop of Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant

The Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant carries out repairs and modernization of domestic locomotives: electric locomotives of different series, direct and in some cases alternating current. Locomotives for freight and passenger transportation, as well as mining equipment, are taken into operation.

Electric assembly production

“The heart of the plant” is considered to be the production sites of the electric assembly division. Here, locomotives received for repair undergo the following maintenance steps:

  • Preliminary inspection. The presence of components and assemblies is fixed, the level of deterioration and the number of damage are determined. Inspection data is entered into the in-plant passport, and a repair schedule is drawn up.
Locomotive Repair
  • Disassembly. Electric locomotive sections are set to the disassembly position; assemblies, parts, assemblies are dismantled.
  • The dismantled equipment is transported to the specialized services of the plant for prevention and repair.
  • The body of an electric locomotive sequentially moves along three repair positions: dirt and old paint are removed, the body is repaired, and its color is made. In some cases, a complete replacement of the skin of the body and old cabs is made with new ones.
  • Electric installation work. High-voltage and low-voltage wiring is being laid.
  • Assembly of an electric locomotive. The repaired units, devices and pneumatic equipment are installed and mounted.
Electric workshop
  • Test. A check is carried out at a stationary station and run-in on railway tracks.

All stages of the assembly production of the Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant are controlled by the Quality Management Department.

CHERZ customers

Successful work of the enterprise over many years, reliable partnership cooperation are important factors in attracting new orders, investments, and further progressive development. Good reviews of the Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant may be the lack of staff turnover and the presence of regular customers.

Russian rail service

Representatives of sixteen branches of Russian Railways use the services of the Chelyabinsk enterprise. These are: the October and South Ural railways, the Moscow branch, the Kuibyshev and West Siberian railways. Since the first decade of this century, the factory has organized repair of locomotive equipment for mining enterprises: Orenburgasbest, Bogatyr, Vostochny and Severny. The rolling stock of the processing plants of the Sokolovsko-Sarbayevskoye, Kachkanarskoye deposits, and the cities of Ekibastuz is being serviced.

Currently, the plant employs about 3 thousand people. The team is proud of the work of the enterprise, satisfied with working conditions, social and personnel policies. The main thing in life, according to the factory workers, is that the composition move forward. And for this we need reliable locomotives!


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