Amplification is an important part of childhood development. What is amplification?

It is generally accepted that amplification is the expansion or increase of something. Sometimes such images may arise that do not cause certain associations. If they are very capacious, it is almost impossible to describe them in ordinary words. In this case, symbolic meanings are used, but the image still remains at the level of unconscious perception.

amplification is

Amplification gives you the opportunity to experience the full power of the archetypal principle and come into contact with the collective. A person can abstract a little from ordinary thinking and feel like a particle of something more significant.

Why is amplification necessary?

Self-knowledge takes place in a roundabout way, so there is a contradiction of amplification. To better consider the present, it is worth paying close attention to the past, for example, turning to myths. This will stimulate thinking without overloading it with unnecessary knowledge that only makes it worse.

The analysis method is necessary in order to understand what is happening in the unconscious world. Amplification is a way to help you understand. In this case, the intervention of the analyst is not required, it is enough to completely trust the unconscious. Use this method with caution, observing the state and mood of the client. He must be prepared to draw parallels and trace connections.

amplification of childhood development is

Properly chosen children's development methodology is the key to success

Any parent wants his child to be the most capable and special. For the sake of this goal, I do not spare neither money, nor time, nor strength. Today there are a huge number of different methods of early development, but in order to see the result, you need to choose it correctly. The psyche of the child has not yet become stronger, and large loads can lead to disastrous consequences.

Parents should know that harmonious development is impossible without communicating with peers and others. Problems that may arise in the process of communication negatively affect internal harmony and cause stress. Amplification of development is a way to overcome difficulties.

Children's experts recommend developing a child through games, drawing, or through music. Choose a training center with great care so as not to harm the baby.

Why are there problems?

Many experts thought about what amplification is. This in pedagogy means the expansion and deepening of children's consciousness and development. A.V. Zaporozhets in the process of his activity tried to figure out why there are difficulties in perception in an adult. He believed that all causes must be sought in childhood. Many teachers and parents, wanting to "keep up to date", begin to artificially accelerate the natural pace of development of the child. In schools, complex subjects are introduced that are not always clear to the children. Such integration is one-sided and accelerates the child’s familiarization with adulthood, which is not always correct.

development amplification is

Theory of A.V. Zaporozhets

The founder of one of the most common domestic preschool psychologies is A.V. Zaporozhets. He formulated the main principles and indicated that amplification is a concept of child development, which is based not on the compulsory stimulation of the child, but on its enrichment due to the full living of a certain age period.

Zaporozhets insisted that it is necessary to reveal the potential of the baby, which he has at each stage of development. The child needs to invest the knowledge that corresponds to his age, and not overload him with unnecessary information. Amplification of child development is a technique based on games and fairy tales that correspond to the development of the baby. They should be aimed at the development of personal qualities, personality and mental abilities.

This technique is quite complicated, as it requires effort, time and a lot of patience. To get a positive result, parents must learn to feel and understand their child. It is because of this that it is not widely demanded and is not often applied in practice. But parents should work hard: this approach allows you to bring up a harmonious and full-fledged personality.

amplification is in pedagogy

What is amplification used for?

Amplification is the enrichment or deepening of children's development, which is necessary for the comprehensive education of children. This is especially important at an early age when the laying of abilities occurs. The child needs to be given a wide selection of areas of activity in order to determine his inclinations and talents.

Applying this technique, it is necessary to observe the main condition - free development, search and finding the child himself in the process of studying the material.

Amplification of child development is the maximum use of reserves that are available in a certain age period. If you do not attach the necessary importance to games and fairy tales, you can significantly narrow the child's abilities and reduce his level of development.


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