Does anyone know what to incorporate this ...

Some words in the Russian language are difficult not only to understand and correctly write, but also to correctly pronounce at least letters. Obviously, incorporating is a verb, since we know that the verb is part of the speech, denoting the action and answering the question "What to do." What else do we know about this word?

To incorporate is ...

We will try to find out what this mysterious verb means. For help, we turn to the explanatory dictionaries.

Incorporate: synonyms

To incorporate is:

  1. Merge smaller objects together.
  2. To carry out the absorption of small objects by larger ones.

Incorporate: synonyms

Is it possible to replace a word that is not very convenient in pronunciation and spelling with more understandable and simple analogues?

To incorporate is to unite, unite, include, absorb. It is these verbs that are synonyms of the verb we are considering, but they convey its meaning only partially.

Morphological features and conjugation

Incorporation process

To incorporate is a transitive, irrevocable verb of the first conjugation. It is noteworthy that this verb is two-species: both imperfect and perfect. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the stress in this word falls on the fourth syllable.

Face / timePast timePresentFuture
II have incorporated / incorporated.I incorporate.I will incorporate. / I will incorporate.
YouYou have incorporated / incorporated.You incorporate.You will incorporate. / You incorporate.
He she itHe / she / it has incorporated / incorporated / incorporated.He / she / it incorporates.He / she / it will incorporate. / He / she / it will incorporate.
weWe have incorporated.We incorporate.We will incorporate. / We incorporate.
YouYou have incorporated.You incorporate.You will incorporate. / You will incorporate.
They areThey incorporated.They incorporate.They will incorporate. / They incorporate.


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