National parks of Spain - list, attractions and interesting facts

The nature of Spain is unique, and the country's authorities are making a lot of efforts to preserve it. Evidence of this is the numerous reserves and national parks of Spain. They are located in almost all regions of the country. The list of protected places and national parks is quite extensive: there are fifteen parks, and more than four hundred reserves in the country.

Spain examples of nature reserves and national parks

We will present you the most beautiful and most visited reserves and national parks in Spain. The list is as follows:

  • Islas.
  • Atlantikas de Galicia.
  • Monfrague
  • Aigues Tortes y Lago San Mauricio.
  • Cabanieros.
  • Sierra Nevada
  • Picos de Europa.
  • Timanfaya.
  • Garahonai.
  • Tablas Daimiel Cabrera.
  • Doñana.
  • Sierra de Guadarrama.
  • Ordesa y Monte Perdido.
  • Teide.
  • Taburiente.

We will introduce you to some of them in more detail.

Ordesa and Monte Perdido

One of the very first parks in Spain, which today is recognized as one of the most beautiful. In the distant 1918, in the north of Aragon, the Ordesa Park was founded. He occupied an area of ​​156 square meters. km In 1977, it was combined with Monte Perdido. The park is considered a vivid example of the nature of the Pyrenees: here you can admire the picturesque mountain peaks, canyons of Anisio and Ordesa, the gorges of Fon Blanca, Anisclo, Escuain and Desfiladero de las Cambras, see the frozen Lake Marbore, the picturesque waterfalls of Carriata, Cotatuero and Cole de -Caballo.

national parks of spain

The foothills of the mountains are covered with dense beech and poplar forests, and mixed forests begin above. It is interesting that the fauna of the park is so rich that it is periodically allowed to shoot some species of animals to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

The park adjoins the famous national park of France, the Pyrenees, forming a huge protected area, along which numerous hiking, horse and ecological trails are laid.

Doñana (Coto de Doñana)

This national park of Spain, located near Cadiz in Andalusia, is the largest and most significant in the southern part of the country. More than 600 square meters. km of oak and pine forests, dunes, freshwater lagoons and marshes in the Guadalquivir delta are included in the largest off-road area in Western Europe.

spain reserves and national parks

The park is home to a huge number of birds: herons and flamingos, rare species of birds of prey, thirty families of the Spanish lynx, which is recognized as an endangered species of the same rare Spanish vulture, a large number of migratory birds. By decision of UNESCO, the park received the status of a biosphere reserve of world significance. Now you can visit the park only as part of excursion groups on the boat. In addition, you can take part in a short organized tour, which runs from April to September.

Aigues Tortes y Lago San Mauricio

The National Park of Spain is located in the Catalan Pyrenees, at the foot of Anette. This is the only park in Catalonia that protects a huge (140 sq. Km) and picturesque mountainous region, almost four hundred glacial lakes, amazing glacial valleys and many waterfalls. All this splendor is covered with dense coniferous forests and delightful alpine meadows.

Spain examples of nature reserves and national parks

The interest of tourists is the fate of the park. It was opened in 1955. In the period from 1986 to 1996, its territory was significantly expanded, but the park is still not recognized by the international community because of the hydroelectric works that are being carried out on this land.

Sierra nevada

Many reserves and national parks in Spain, whose names are well known to specialists, were created in the second half of the XX century. Sierra Nevada received the status of a national park in 1999. It was founded in the Granada region to protect a mountain range located in the very south of Europe. This national park of Spain is famous for its rare wild flowers, of which there are more than two thousand species, fifty of which are local endemic.

spain reserves and national parks briefly

The fauna is also diverse in this territory. The visiting card of these places was the Spanish Capricorn. The world of birds is represented by more than 60 species. There are many different insects in Sierra Nevada. For example, there are more than one hundred and twenty species of butterflies recorded here. Surprisingly, this place is located next to the large industrial centers of Andalusia and first-class mountain resorts. That is why this area is very popular among ecotourists and outdoor enthusiasts who are attracted to unique local landscapes.

Delta ebro

The famous national park of Spain, covering an area of ​​320 sq. Km, is located in Catalonia, on the border of the popular resort areas - Costa del Assar and Costa Dorada. The vast majority of reserves and national parks in Spain are famous for their rich flora and fauna. In Ebro, a unique fauna and flora formed, perfectly adapted to life on the sandy saline soils of the coastal zone.

country spain reserves and national parks

The park has more than five hundred species of plants, over three hundred species of birds (flamingos and cormorants, terns and herons, gulls and others). In addition to the park, an ecological station operates in this territory. Here you can visit a small aquarium, a museum of ornithology, which hosts river cruises.

Picos de europa

The amazing country is Spain. Nature reserves and national parks here occupy vast areas, and it is planned to open new protected areas. This national park was opened in 1995 in the provinces of Cantabria, Asturias and Leon. He was the first to receive national status. An example of nature reserves and national parks in Spain can be considered this magnificent park, which is recognized as the most visited natural reserve in Europe.

spain reserves and national parks names

It includes deep gorges and high mountains, which attract tourists from all over the world. Hiking routes to mysterious caves and mountain slopes leave an unforgettable experience. You can travel here not only on foot, but also on a mountain bike, snowshoe and canoe. Numerous excursion programs offer cable descents into ravines, paintball games, rock climbing and many other adventures.

If you don’t really like hiking, you can use the Fendete cable car, which will lift you to a height of 1800 meters above sea level.

Nature reserves

In Spain today there are more than four hundred nature reserves that protect the country's main ecosystems.

Aiguamols de l'Emporda

Between Rosas and L'Escala, around the bay of the same name, is located one of the most popular reserves in sunny Spain. It was founded in 1983 after a long campaign that was designed to stop the construction of a residential complex in the area of ​​the system of lagoons and marshes, which stretches between the estuaries of the Fluvia and Muga rivers.

reserves and national parks of spain list

Once wetlands occupied almost the entire coast of Roses Bay. They were drained to eliminate the source of malaria and farmland. But in these places for centuries birds have nested, the territory has been an important “transit zone” for a huge number of birds on their migration routes. In addition, it was an important historical area, where unique antique monuments were located.

Given all these arguments, the Parliament of Catalonia in 1983 almost unanimously gave these lands to the organizers of a natural park and reserve.


The volcanic zone, with an area of ​​one hundred and fifty square kilometers, is one of the most unusual reserves in the country. In the upper reaches of the Fluvia River in Catalonia, on the ancient volcanic plateau, which is covered with dense forests, there are 26 small reserves, including three volcano reserves, many old towns and villages.

national parks of spain

Interesting fact: 98% of the park is privately owned. There are more than seventy volcanoes, forty of which are active, the last eruption was about twelve thousand years ago. This is evidenced by more than twenty frozen lava flows, about a thousand thermal springs. And in recent history, only mud flows from craters are noted.

1173 species of only flowers and shrubs grow here, 258 species of animals (vertebrates) live. And the landscapes and landscape of Garrochi are recognized as one of the most beautiful in Spain.

Gran canaria

The reserve occupies about 40% of the total area of ​​the island of the same name and covers all ecosystems - from the tops of the mountains to sea zones, including valleys that are occupied by agriculture. It is not for nothing that the reserve is called a “miniature continent” - there are so many different types of climate, landscapes, natural complexes that are difficult to find elsewhere in such a small space: the island’s area is only 1,560 square kilometers.

spain reserves and national parks

Thirty-two protected areas are part of the reserve, including the amazing Maspalomas Dune Reserve, an area of ​​250 hectares. The dune area here stretches for three kilometers. In the reserve you can visit the rural park Nublo and see the rarest rock monolith, whose height is 80 meters. Very popular among tourists are excursions to the Jungle Doramas, Tamadaba Gorges, Asahu, Pinot Santo, Cueva Pintada Park, two amazing reptile parks and other unique objects.

We have briefly presented you the national parks and reserves of Spain. Of course, this is only a small part of them. We hope that you will have the opportunity to visit this hospitable sunny country and see with your own eyes amazing natural beauties.


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