6 best restaurants in Russia: description, photo

The restaurant business is a special area of ​​activity where everything matters - from the degree of cookery to the interior and uniform of waiters. Moscow has long and deservedly enjoyed the fame of one of the gastronomic capitals of the world. St. Petersburg is not far behind. Pancakes, cabbage soup, caviar and dumplings - where are the best? Talk about the menu, atmosphere and features of famous restaurants.

1. Savva, Moscow, Teatralny pr., 2

Savva opens the top of the best restaurants in Russia - this restaurant serves gourmet cuisine without reducing the size of servings. It is located in the building of the Metropol Hotel. The location of the restaurant, its cozy and festive atmosphere, live music and excellent cuisine cause rave reviews from visitors and favorable reviews by restaurant critics.

Waiters can recommend choosing a particular dish and recommend suitable drinks from the wine list. The chef of the institution is Andrey Shmakov, who adheres to traditional Russian cuisine. Here you can try pike dumplings served with sour cream and red caviar, as well as cold Hungarian soup with cherries. The average bill is 3,000 rubles.

Restaurant "White rabbit"

2. White Rabbit, Moscow, Smolenskaya Square, 3

Among the best restaurants in Russia, White Rabbit occupies a special place, the panoramic windows of which offer stunning views of the Vorobyovy Gory. It should be noted that the restaurant in question is part of the White Rabbit Family group, in which there are a total of 21 establishments - in Moscow, Nursultan, Sochi and even in Dubai. A group of restaurants plans to further develop the international market.

Restaurant "Turandot"

3. "Turandot", Moscow, Tversky Boulevard, 26

The rating of the best restaurants in Russia would be incomplete without this institution. Russian businessman, architect and painter restorer Andrei Dellos invested several years of painstaking work in it, a significant amount. The investments paid off, now Turandot is the only institution of its kind, the interior of which returns its visitors to the 18th century luxury era - several halls, separate rooms, each in its own exclusive style, and a Florentine courtyard that stuns you from the first minutes of your stay in the restaurant anyone entering this building.

Connoisseurs of art and gourmet cuisine consider Turandot the best restaurant in Russia. This is not surprising, because several hundred people worked on the implementation of every detail, so that stairwells, ceilings, and furniture - everything was done in an impeccable style.

Restaurant "Flying Dutchman"

4. “Flying Dutchman”, St. Petersburg

One of the most prestigious floating restaurants in the Northern capital of Russia - a sailboat with three masts has long become a favorite place of Petersburgers for business meetings and celebrations. Guests of the restaurant can enjoy views of St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the arrow of Vasilyevsky Island, as well as see the bridges.

The restaurant's wine list is characterized by a variety of collection drinks, and the menu from the Italian chef Marco Bindi pleases with unusual taste combinations.

"Tatar manor"

5. "Tatar estate", Kazan

The list of the best restaurants in Russia is continued by Kazan - on the shore of Lake Kaban, in the old part of the city, where rich merchants settled in ancient times, there is a hotel and restaurant complex "Tatar Manor". Visitors can use the services of the main or one of the VIP-halls, the interior of which is designed in a national style.

Tourists, whose number in Kazan is increasing every year, love to visit this institution - the atmosphere and interior, as well as the unique national cuisine allow them to feel the spirit of the Tatar culture and enjoy a measured rest.

6. "Calypso", Sochi

The restaurant of Mediterranean Italian cuisine, the building of which resembles a sailing ship, rightfully takes sixth place in the list of the best restaurants in Russia. This establishment combines luxury and convenience. Calypso cooks trained at recognized Italian chefs, serving food in this place is indescribable.

Russian entrepreneurs own hundreds of premium restaurants, many of which have ended up in foreign travel guides. The quality and variety of dishes served in the main cuisines of the country is growing every year. If the trend continues, then in a few years you can flagship establishments will be able to replenish the Michelin rating.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40839/

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