How to recolor from red to ash blond?

Red hair color looks very impressive, and sometimes even defiant. Girls with fiery-colored hair most often have not only a bright appearance, but also a cheerful extraordinary character. But, oddly enough, sometimes I want to hide so that everyone's attention switches to someone else. And then the question arises, how to change from red to ash-blond, more neutral color.

Red and white

In general, any woman sometimes has a desire to completely change her image, and the main point in this matter will be a change in hair color. But the whole point is that getting rid of the copper color is not so easy. To turn from red to ash-brown even without a hint of a golden hue is a real feat. But to complete this task is quite realistic, although difficult. It is necessary to clearly follow the instructions without missing a single item.

Causes of Problems

How to paint red from ash in light brown, while not spoiling the hair structure - is one of the most asked questions. Here a lot will depend on the nature of the red pigment, that is, it is a natural fiery color or the result of staining. It happens that a red color appeared due to an unsuccessful exit from black or red.

Of course, it is very difficult to change from red to ash-brown in any case, but the most difficult option is to lighten dyed hair. The thing is that any shade of red paint is rich in red and yellow pigments, but in ashen dyes, blue and gray tones predominate. Any child will be able to answer the question of what will happen if you mix yellow with blue. It will turn green. In the best case, it will not be a marsh hair color, but a dirty gray, but not ashen. So it’s not worth taking a paint of light brown shades and immediately putting it on a red one.

Successful staining

The colors of red shades have another feature. It is this pigment that penetrates deepest into the hair, so it is unlikely to be able to remove it the first time.


In no decent salon will they begin to paint over already dyed hair. And even more so on top of the red pigment. Here you have to strictly adhere to these rules:

  1. In order for the shade to turn out to be natural light brown, without copper glare, you will first have to get rid of the yellow and red pigment. Here it is recommended to use a wash with a brightening effect. If you use professional tools, you can lighten your hair at a time of 2-4 tones at a time.
  2. Experts recommend the use of gentle acid washes. They do not corrode the natural pigment, but act only on the paint. You can buy such a wash in specialized stores.
  3. The fastest way to get rid of the golden hue is a deep decoupage. But this is the most dangerous tool. Such a solution can be prepared at home, but it is worth repeating again - this tool can greatly spoil the hair.
  4. After several rinses, you can try to repaint from red to ash-blond. Reviews say that this is quite real after repeated repetition of the washing procedure.

Which wash to choose?

Of course, not everyone has the time and ability to change the color of curls in the cabin. Although it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. It is the hairdresser who knows how, without much harm to the hair, repainting from red to ash-blond. The photo below is a confirmation of this. But still I want to know if it is possible to carry out such a procedure at home? The answer to this question is yes, although certain nuances will have to be taken into account.

From red to ash brown
  • An acid wash does not destroy, but only discolours the red pigment.
  • When using acid washes, you need to be prepared for the fact that the redhead returns, especially if paints such as Palette or Fara were used to apply it.
  • But professional paints are usually easily washed off with acid-based products. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.
  • If an inexpensive household paint was used to get a red color, then it is better to wash it off with the help of decapitation.
  • In the same way, natural dyes, such as henna and basma, are washed off.

Conclusion: decapitation is much more effective than acid washes, but this method too negatively affects the hair. Therefore, it is recommended that you first use an acid-based product, and the last method of decapitation. Then there is a real chance that the yellowness and redhead will be removed without causing any special damage to the health of the hair.

How to rinse?

It is better to buy an acid remover exclusively in stores with professional cosmetics. Often, you can buy the product directly at the hairdresser. Do not be shy to ask for a quality certificate for the product. It must be a must. If the red color on the hair did not come from professional paint, then you need to purchase all the components for decapitation. You can stock up on a professional kit, it includes several products in special tubes that need to be mixed in the correct sequence.

But as practice shows, most often girls make the remedy on their own. This will require hydrogen peroxide, an oxidizing agent, shampoo and water.

Coloring in the cabin

To begin with, an acid wash is still used. It is applied to dry, clean hair. You can keep it for no more than 20 minutes. The repeated procedure is carried out no earlier than three days later. If yellowness remains after the third procedure, then you will have to start decapitation.

Important! Experts warn that it is better not to carry out deep dipping at home. Since it is possible to cause severe damage to the hair. Hair can become dry, brittle, and lifeless. Thanks to such a wash, all the scales on the hair open, so after the procedure it is worth immediately repainting from red to light blond or ashen.

How not to spoil your hair?

To do this, after washing it is better to use not a paint, but a tonic. Only it should be several tones lighter than natural pigment. In order to avoid similar problems with washing in the future, it is better to use professional paints for painting in red.

Natural Washes

You can also use products from natural ingredients. With their help, it is unlikely that it will be possible to recolor from red to ash brown, but they can be used between acid washes or after decapitation.

Ash blond hair color

To prepare such a tool, you need to mix a glass of kefir with two tablespoons of ordinary yeast. Such a wash is applied to the hair and kept for about an hour. Then you just need to wash it off. In fact, this is not even a wash, but a mask. It will not only help get rid of yellowness, but also strengthen curls. It is recommended to strengthen not only hair but also their roots between washes. To do this, you can use various balms and masks.

How to recolor from natural red to ash blond

If a girl has fiery hair from birth, then repainting in a different, more neutral color will not bring any special problems. Most often, you do not even have to pre-bleach the curls.

Natural red

Here you need to adhere to one rule: the saturation of light brown color should correspond to the natural tone. Or you can use darker shades. Cold colors such as ashen are best suited here. You can even use additional mixtones that neutralize the fire pigment. If you use high-quality paint, the result is sure to please.


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