Burdock roots: application in folk medicine

Burdock has several names: burdock, burdock, burdock. There is no need to describe the plant; it grows everywhere, like weed grass. However, its useful properties can hardly be overestimated. In some countries, burdock is even grown specifically as a vegetable crop. For consumer and medicinal purposes use the leaves and roots of burdock. The use of the plant helps with many diseases. All its parts are used in food in the form of salads and vegetable soups. But burdock roots are famous for their especially rich content of vitamins (groups A and B, C, E, P) and microelements (calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium).

burdock roots application

Medicinal use

Burdock, without exaggeration, can be called an ambulance. In case of headache, for example, it is enough to rinse a fresh leaf with boiling water and attach it to the back of the head. If the pain is caused by cervical osteochondrosis, a hot compress with burdock must be fixed on the cervical-collar zone, covered with a film and a warm scarf. If you do these simple procedures regularly, the pain will noticeably weaken. The same compresses are done on sore joints and lower back with rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. Treatment with burdock root is effective for diseases of the stomach - gastritis and ulcers. Excellent results are also noted after taking infusions and tinctures of this plant with urolithiasis and gallstone disease, with gout, with diseases of the endocrine system, in particular diabetes mellitus. A decoction of burdock root is traditionally prepared in the following way: pour four tablespoons of chopped and dried roots with two glasses of boiling water and leave for 12 hours to infuse. Then the infusion should be filtered and boiled, cooled and kept in the refrigerator.

burdock roots useful properties
Take three times a day in a tablespoon. The tincture is prepared even easier: the raw material is placed in a dark glass dish and poured with alcohol or vodka. Filtering is not necessary. This remedy perfectly treats skin diseases - eczema, boils and other inflammation of the skin. Juice from the stems and roots of burdock is recommended for allergies. And the healing effect on the hair condition of any decoctions, infusions and oils based on this amazing healing plant has been known to people for several centuries.

As a product

Fresh annual leaves and burdock roots are eaten . The use of plants as vegetables, seasonings, greens for salads is very popular in many countries. Young roots are added to vitamin soups instead of potatoes or with it, as well as with carrots, cabbage, greens. Slightly bitter leaves add spice to any salad. Many of them even ferment and pickle for the winter. The roots are eaten raw or stewed, baked or as a seasoning.

How to harvest burdock roots

burdock root treatment
The use of plant roots for one purpose or another dictates the features of the workpiece. So, for use in food, young annual plants deserve attention . Fresh, juicy root, as mentioned above, goes to all kinds of salads fresh, added to soups. But for medicinal purposes, hardened two-year-old burdock roots are perfectly suitable. Their useful properties are enhanced by the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, when the plant has already blossomed and matured, it gained strength and priceless vitamins and minerals. Burdock must be dug up, cut off the roots and let them dry. Washing them is not recommended. Dried dirt is easily brushed off. Then the roots must be thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth. Further, the raw materials should be dried in the fresh air in the shade, and even better, they should be slightly dried in the oven and allowed to be reached already in a draft. In order for the roots to dry faster and not to ferment, they need to be cut or grated on a coarse grater. Burdock leaves are harvested a little earlier, in July-August, and dried in the usual way in the shade.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40841/

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