Psychological literature: a list of the best books

What role does psychology play in human life? It helps to better know your inner world, strengthen relationships with other people, choose your goal in life and find out the answers to the most important questions. That is why psychological literature has become so popular. A single publication can instantly change a person’s attitude to many things. In total, ten of the most successful works can be distinguished.

1. "Fake"

psychological literature [
“Fake” is the first psychological novel in Russian literature, based on the plot of which a film was made. The author of this unique work was Nicholas Bourne. From the very first pages, the author’s subconscious is transferred to the most terrible period, where there were wars, shots were constantly heard and there was a wild fear for his life. Even under such conditions, people fell in love, trusted each other and could understand who was right and who was to blame for a particular situation.

2. "Calling"

For a long time, the life of Sir Ken Robinson was associated with communication with people of different statuses. With this experience, he managed to understand the truth: each person is individual and has his own specific talents. There is no person who in any activity would be superior to society. All these thoughts led to the emergence of socio-psychological literature replenished with a work under the loud name "Calling".

psychological literature list

The author claims that to achieve wealth, a person does not need to work. It is enough for him to find a type of activity that will bring him moral satisfaction. If a person doesn’t go to work “through strength” and begins to master his beloved profession with all his heart, then he will automatically have everything: career growth, making a profit and a happy life.

3. "Why are we wrong?"

As mentioned earlier, psychological literature will help to find the answer to many important questions. The list of such works is quite large, but there are several books that are more popular with readers. Such is the creation of Professor Joseph Hallikan.

socially psychological literature

The title of the work is “Why are we wrong?” speaks for itself. The author seeks to find an explanation for everything that is happening around: the crash of planes, a loss in the lottery, the appearance of an unfavorable period in life. Thanks to this book, a person can learn to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant situations.

4. About bad habits

A person can spend a lot of money on cigarettes, ruining his health, but still does not quit smoking. An alcoholic will destroy his family, but will not give up another bottle of vodka. The addict is ready to sell everything for the sake of the dose. Why does humanity risk a lot for the sake of temptation, what rules it, and how to get rid of dependence? The famous psychologist Richard O'Connor tried to uncover these important psychological problems. The literature, entitled “Psychology of bad habits,” saved millions of people from addiction.

psychological problems literature

This book seems to make the brain of the reader think differently. It is a kind of scales. A person will finally think about what benefit a fleeting pleasure will bring to him, and what he will lose if he does not stop in time. In total, the methodological manual examined more than 50 bad habits of various types.

Three best works to help you know yourself

In order to succeed in life, a person must find a balance with his inner world. That is, to know yourself. This will allow him to understand why the soul lies more, which way to choose, with whom to communicate, and who is better to avoid, and much more. To cope with this task yourself is almost impossible. Special psychological literature will direct the reader’s thoughts in the right direction. In total, three sources can be singled out, which every person must meet.

Psychologist Eckhart Tolle gained well-deserved popularity after the publication of The Power of the Present. This is a powerful work that greatly affects the human subconscious. The main goal of creating the project is to help get rid of emotional feelings, memories and anxieties, to direct our thoughts only to the present.

psychological novels of Russian literature

The famous author Liz Burbo gained about 15 years of experience in the field of metaphysics before creating a book called “Your body burns. Love yourself". So psychological pedagogical literature replenished with another work. Bourbo was able to prove that a person exposes himself to all diseases on his own, and in order to prevent them, you need only one thing - to put things in order on a psychological level.

Elizabeth Gilbert created an amazing project called "Eat, Pray, Love." The book will teach you to fully understand your inner world. But for this, the reader will have to do some practical exercises.

Magnificent Russian masterpiece

psychological pedagogical literature

Of course, the first psychological novel in Russian literature, Crime and Punishment, was included in the list of the best world works. For seven years, Mikhail Dostoevsky wrote this book, and in 1866 it finally became available to the reader. The main idea of ​​the novel is that strong, true and mutual love can defeat all obstacles. Even a person like Raskolnikov can change for the better when elevated feelings appear in his heart. If you love a person, you can forgive him the biggest sin, understand and try to help.

"Dark alleys"

first psychological novel in Russian literature

The year 1943 was not the easiest for many countries of the world. But even in this bloody period, psychological novels of Russian literature were created. Ivan Bunin wrote a philosophical work entitled "Dark Alleys." It describes all the most important phenomena that a person may encounter while he is in love. He is overwhelmed by a wide variety of emotions: excitement, absurdity, passion and much more. Several small stories in one book make the reader plunge into a new world for him.

For young mothers

What is most important for every young parent? Of course, that their child was healthy, happy and obedient. Unfortunately, teens often commit actions that go beyond the understanding of their ancestors. They fall into bad companies, begin to lead the wrong lifestyle and make them constantly worry about themselves. How did it happen that a young mother wanted to raise an exemplary child, but instead she is constantly disappointed in her child. The problem is clear: she made mistakes in his education. In order to avoid them, it is required to study psychological literature during pregnancy.

first psychological novel in Russian literature

Particularly noteworthy is the work of Olga Vologodskaya entitled “The Education of Independence in Children”. This book was released in 2009. For 8 years, she has helped find answers to global questions for millions of parents. The author urges every reader to the fact that you need to love your child, but in everything you should keep a certain measure. From birth you should not do everything for him. The kid is the same person who should have his own space, free time. It is necessary to form the baby's ability to achieve the task. Only with properly organized upbringing, a child will never grow up spoiled or too aggressive, will he become a good, kind person.

Also, several topics are dedicated to problem children. You can find the reason for their strange behavior and try to avoid trouble in time. Thanks to such publications, the bond between the parent and the child will be strong, respect, understanding and love will reign in their family.

Psychological literature is absolutely necessary for every person. Properly selected phrases, good examples, excellent motivation - all this makes a person become a little better. Medical experts recommend reading at least once a year a similar work for general development. Only in this case can a person understand what he needs in life for spiritual satisfaction. The internal state of the personality is a rather subtle matter, which can be influenced by several deep and meaningful phrases.


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