Beeline home Internet service provider: reviews

Today, many companies offer to connect the Internet. Terms of use may vary significantly for each provider. Therefore, before concluding a service contract, it is recommended to consider the features of traffic, tariffs and other nuances of using the Internet.

Today, users can choose which company to apply for communication services. Popular today is the Internet provider Beeline. Reviews of service quality should be considered before concluding a contract.


Considering the reviews about the Beeline Internet provider in Moscow, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, it should be noted the high popularity of the presented company. Its customers are more than 235 million people. The company has been working in the field of communication services since 1992.

Internet provider Beeline reviews

The Beeline brand is owned by PJSC VimpelCom. She, in turn, is part of the international group of companies VEON Ltd. This is a large company that pays great attention to the quality of the provision of communication services. The head office of VEON is located in the Netherlands, in the city of Amsterdam.

Today it is a successful company. It is expanding harmoniously, taking its rightful place in the market of communication services. The Beeline brand managed to gain trust among domestic users with a global network. This is one of the largest communication companies in the domestic market, which provides its services in almost all cities of the country.

Brand Features

Studying user reviews about the Internet provider Beeline, it should be noted the main features inherent in the company. The information technology market is developing rapidly. To maintain a leading position, the company is constantly improving its technology.

Internet provider Beeline reviews

One of the important advantages that the presented brand boasts is its coverage area. This is the only provider that can access the Internet and cellular network in the most remote corners of our country. Thanks to this, residents of the Russian Federation can use communications on the archipelago of the Barinets Sea, the Commander Islands.

The needs of subscribers to speed up communication are constantly increasing. Therefore, the company is constantly improving its technology, purchasing new, modern equipment to increase the quality of services provided. The coordinated work of all services allows us not only to satisfy the needs of customers, but also to get ahead of them. This is the key to the success of Beeline.

Internet features

Reviews about the Beeline Internet provider in Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Ufa, Podolsk, Vladivostok and other cities of our country indicate a high level of service in the provision of services. You can use all the functions of working in a global network both from a computer and a mobile phone.

Beeline provider home internet reviews

Home Internet connection is very simple. Providing communication services, the provider applies FTTB technology. The Internet is connected to the appropriate receiving device using a fiber optic cable. However, to use the network will not require additional equipment. This greatly simplifies the process of connecting and operating.

One of the main criteria when using the Internet is its speed. Modern technologies used by Beeline make it possible to provide a connection with an indicator of up to 100 Mbps. Connection is absolutely free. At the same time, the master not only connects the equipment, but also configures it.


Many users recognized Beeline as one of the best Internet providers. Reviews about the company are mostly positive. Experts recommend using a few tips. This will increase the comfort of using the Internet.

It is best to purchase a Wi-Fi router before installing your home Internet. This will allow you to distribute the network to all relevant devices in the apartment. It can be a computer, tablet, phone, etc. You can order a router from Beeline. Using wireless internet is familiar to almost everyone. It is very comfortable.

Beeline Internet Service Provider Ekaterinburg reviews

Also, experts recommend considering as one of the preferred options the connection of the “Internet + TV” or “Internet + TV + Mobile Communications” package. In this case, the user will replenish his personal account and will be able to use not only the Internet, but also watch TV shows, make calls.


Users leave many positive reviews about the home Internet provider Beeline. They note a number of advantages in the process of using communication services of the presented company.

Among the main positive comments that subscribers leave, it should be noted the high speed of the Internet and high-quality connection. Connection is free. At the same time, it will be possible to enter the network simultaneously from several devices.

The best Internet provider Beeline reviews

For the convenience of subscribers there is round-the-clock technical support. If you have any difficulties or various questions, you can contact the operator. Beeline has provided many promotions, opportunities that increase comfort in the process of using the Internet. Payment for services is convenient for the subscriber. There is also the opportunity to use the “Trust payment” service, to block the network for free while you are away.

Tariff Reviews

Reviews about the tariffs of the Beeline Internet provider are provided by users in different cities of our country. They claim that payment for company services remains acceptable. At the same time, each subscriber can choose suitable conditions in accordance with his budget and needs.

Internet provider Beeline user reviews

The most inexpensive tariff provides the user with unlimited home Internet at a price of 300 rubles. per month. The price does not include renting a router. The data transfer rate in this case will be 50 Mbps. This is quite enough to work on the Internet, sometimes download music, communicate on social networks.

For those who actively use network services, a higher data transfer rate is offered. It is 100 Mbps. Such a package can be connected at a price of 550 rubles. per month. In this case, the price will include renting a router. This tariff will not only allow you to freely communicate, travel on sites and download movies, but also watch videos online in high quality, play, etc.

Service and Payment Management

Considering the reviews about the Beeline Internet provider, it should be noted a convenient service for controlling services and payments. Each user of mobile or home Internet can create a personal account. All information on the status of the account, connected services will be displayed here.

Internet provider Beeline tariff reviews

You can register your personal account on the official Beeline website. Further, the user will be able to control how much money is left in the personal account when it is required to make another payment.

Here you can get comprehensive information about the conditions of your tariff plan. You can also consider existing offers from the provider. If necessary, you can connect the necessary services and functions, switch to another tariff plan. This is a very convenient service, which many users of the system managed to evaluate.

Feedback on additional services

Reviews about the services of the Internet provider Beeline are mostly positive. The comfort of managing and using various tariff plans has been noted by many subscribers.

One of the advantages that the company provides its users is the choice of speed. Each subscriber can register his personal account. Further, with the help of this service, he will be able to increase the data transfer rate. In this case, you do not need to change the existing tariff plan. Increasing the speed by 25 Mbit / s, the subscriber will have to pay 60 rubles.

Also, many Beeline communication users like the service that allows you to use the Internet even in the absence of funds in the account. It is called "Trust payment." You can also connect the "Auto payment" function. If there is no money in the account, the system will debit the necessary amount of funds from the attached payment card.

Negative reviews

Some users of the system leave negative reviews about the Internet provider Beeline. They note the insufficient quality of technical support. Getting to the operator is quite difficult. Answers to questions may be incomplete. The situation is the same with correspondence with the company's consultants using messages on the Internet. Users note that this flaw significantly affects the comfort of using the system.

There are negative comments that the data transfer rate is very small. In this case, it is recommended to connect a tariff plan with great capabilities or increase the speed already in the existing service package. Today the Beeline company applies new technologies in the process of providing its services. This significantly increases the quality of use of both mobile and home Internet.

There are also complaints about the work of the masters who connect the system. However, these reviews are quite rare. In general, the company's attitude to its obligations to users remains at the highest level.

Positive reviews

Beeline Internet users are most often satisfied with the service provider. Communication quality is marked as high. The speed with the right tariff plan suits each subscriber. Many additional features and capabilities increase the comfort of using the system.

Also, users note the acceptable cost of tariffs. For almost every budget, the company is ready to offer the optimal tariff plan. At the same time, the quality of communication remains high. The Internet is not interrupted, data is transmitted quickly.

Many subscribers choose among a variety of Beeline providers. They argue that the quality of service and service delivery remains consistently high.

Having examined the features of the Beeline Internet service provider, customer reviews , we can conclude that the company’s service quality is high.


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