Psychocorrection is a psychological consultation and help. Methods of psychological assistance

Psychocorrection is a type of psychological assistance that aims at correcting the direction of emotional development or already existing characteristics. This is one of the most important moments of the socialization of a person, as well as the adaptation of a person to changes.

Specific Features of Psychocorrection

Psychological correction at this point in time has become not only a familiar phenomenon, but also an objective necessity. It implies a deliberate influence on human behavior, his intellectual activity, worldview and other areas of life. A good psychologist can fundamentally change the situation if we are talking about deviations in development or deviations in behavior.

Speaking about the goal of psychocorrection, it is worth noting that it consists in identifying and eradicating any defects in a person’s personal development . It is important to understand its fundamental difference from other common concepts. It is not equivalent to either counseling or psychotherapy. Correction is possible even in cases where a person not only does not realize his problems, but also refuses to do so. It is also possible to purposefully expand the worldview of a person, his physical and mental skills.

Speaking about the main signs of psychocorrection, it is important to note its discreteness. It is understood that a psychologist can act on the deepest internal systems that function independently of each other. It is also important to understand that psychocorrection focuses on different age categories. So, the techniques that are used in working with adults will be ineffective in the case of children.

When is psychocorrection needed?

The task of psychocorrection is determined, firstly, by the age and other characteristics of the patient himself. It is also important to take into account the focus of work (correction of deviations, development delays, and so on). So, most often resort to psychocorrection in such cases:

  • irritability and irritability;
  • excessive anger and intolerance towards others;
  • propensity to conflict;
  • excessive emotionality and susceptibility to external stimuli;
  • pessimistic attitude to life;
  • committing rash acts;
  • apathy and indifference to what is happening around;
  • excessive activity or, on the contrary, passivity of behavior;
  • obsession with the same problem;
  • other deviations.

It is important to understand that not everyone is ready to openly declare to a specialist about an existing problem because of its intimate or confidential nature. In this case, the work of such a service as a telephone of psychological assistance becomes especially relevant, with the help of which absolutely anonymous consultation can be obtained.

psychocorrection is

The emergence and development of psychocorrection

Psychological correction in its development has gone through four consecutive periods. The first consisted solely in the description of already known facts and new hypotheses. It was mainly about the diagnosis and correction of the condition of children who were behind in both mental and physical development. Theories were developed that involved working with worldview and cognitive processes.

At the next stage, the theory took shape in a separate field of knowledge, and therefore it was time for practical experiments. Psychologists have begun direct corrective work with patients. The main attention was paid to such activities as psychological diagnosis and correction of children's cognitive processes. Interest in the phenomenon of memory begins to show. Also, active work begins with children characterized by destructive behavior.

The third stage was characterized by the unification of all previously existing ideas into a single concept, which determined the signs of abnormal conditions. The main directions in which psychological correction was carried out were also developed. Theories and methods of adaptation of children with anomalies in the development of hearing, speech, vision and other systems are being developed.

The fourth period can also include modernity. It is characterized by the active work of specialists. At the same time, psychological correction is no longer just a theory, but a generally accepted practice, which includes the work of teachers, doctors, as well as rehabilitation centers and other services.

good psychologist


A good psychologist must be familiar with a wide range of correction techniques. The following varieties are worth highlighting:

  • In accordance with the tasks:
    • normalization of family relations;
    • correction through gaming techniques;
    • neuropsychological mechanisms;
    • stimulation and correction of personal development.
  • Towards:
    • short-term effects on the human psyche in order to eliminate acute negative symptoms;
    • work on identifying and neutralizing the causes of psychological deviations.
  • In accordance with the method of exposure:
    • directive correction;
    • non-directive methods of exposure.
  • By organizational form:
    • general correction, which leads to optimization of perception and interaction with the environment;
    • private psychocorrection is the impact on certain areas of the individual's activity;
    • special involves solving specific narrow problems.

helpline for teens

Where is psychocorrection applied

Despite the complexity and delicacy of the topic, psychocorrection is a fairly common practice. It has a very wide scope. Most often, this mechanism is involved in the following areas:

  • emotional development of children and adolescents (sometimes it can also be about working with adults);
  • correction of intellectual activity (perception and processing of information, as well as the ability to absorb and correctly evaluate it);
  • psychological correction of adolescents who, under the influence of an unstable hormonal background, can be characterized by deviant behavior;
  • correction of the person’s personal development, which implies the determination of life guidelines, as well as setting and achieving goals;
  • behavior correction (this may apply to children, as well as the rehabilitation of asocial personalities);
  • work on the emotional sphere.

psychological assistance phone

Psychocorrection Methods

Correction can be carried out in accordance with the following methods:

  • A simple sentence involves modeling certain situations in which the patient is invited to make a decision. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to talk about vital situations.
  • The paradox instruction is that the patient will be asked to simulate a situation in which he continues to behave unchanged without making any adjustments. As a result, he must independently realize the fallacy of his position.
  • Fantasy is the formation of abstract reasoning about a really existing problem. The patient may reflect on its causes and possible consequences, as well as alternative ways out of the situation.
  • The formation of a new vision of the situation involves the expansion of the worldview. There is an opportunity to look at the problem from a new, positive side.
  • Feedback is a method that involves establishing a trusting relationship between a psychologist and his client. When the goal is achieved, the doctor will have a sufficient influence on the situation and consciousness of the person.
  • Closed questions are used when the patient cannot (or does not want) to clearly explain his position. The psychologist begins to list the alternatives himself.
  • Building a logical chain provides an opportunity to structure the problem. Thus, not only causes are identified, but also intermediate obstacles to overcome.
  • An emotional resume brings the patient back to the situation. Moreover, he should describe not the course of events, but precisely his feelings.

socially psychological correction

Work with children

Psychocorrection of children is carried out on the basis of the following series of principles:

  • corrective work must certainly be preceded by diagnostics, the results of which determine the mechanisms of psychological impact;
  • work to eliminate deviations involves establishing full contact and interaction (otherwise it will be ineffective);
  • when working with children, it is important to focus on the immediate period of development, and not on the long term;
  • correction should be carried out in the direction from higher psychological processes to their elementary manifestations;
  • for each age period, reference indicators of development, behavior and world perception are defined, which a specialist should be guided in in the process of working with a child;
  • It is important not only to eliminate the deviation, but to eradicate the cause itself (otherwise the problem can return at any time);
  • the psychologist must determine the age point at which the first signs of deviation were noticed, and then take appropriate measures;
  • psychological correction should not concern normally working processes and mechanisms, but affect only deviant ones (it is important to prevent the occurrence of deviations in the future);
  • it is impossible to work with children according to a unified scenario (each session should be planned based on what successes were achieved during the previous one);
  • psychological correction of a child’s behavior should take into account interests and abilities;
  • Sessions should not only carry practical value, but also give children emotional and aesthetic pleasure.

Stages of work with children

Socio-psychological correction of children's behavior includes the following steps:

  • diagnosis based on the results of the conversation both with the child himself and with people in his environment (friends, parents, teachers);
  • compiling promising forecasts for the development of the situation (options should be provided for both according to the results of the correction, and in case of abandonment);
  • development of a correction program with an indication of goals and detailing them for individual tasks;
  • implementation of the intended plan of psychological work;
  • assessment of the achieved results.

Most experts agree that the emergence of a fundamentally new outlook on the current situation can be considered a positive shift.

psychological diagnosis and correction

Teen helpline

The adolescent period is one of the most difficult both in terms of development and in terms of staging psychological work. It is important to understand that it is at this time that a person is faced with serious problems of world perception, choice and attitude to certain situations. Given that the situation is exacerbated by hormonal instability, often the questions are intimate. Obviously, young people are not always ready to talk openly about their problems. The way out of the situation could be a helpline for adolescents.

It is important to understand that this form of psychological assistance is one of the most effective and suitable for children of senior school age. That is why it has become so widespread throughout the world. At the same time, not only teenagers themselves can call, but also their parents, teachers, friends and close people. This demand is also caused by the fact that telephone communication is one of the most accessible resources at the moment.

If we pay attention to statistics, it is precisely in adolescence that the largest number of cases of suicide occurs. This is mainly due to the fact that young people do not find understanding in the usual circle of friends or simply do not dare to talk about their problem. If we talk about a service such as a helpline for adolescents, then there is an opportunity to talk and get help from a qualified psychologist. This option attracts young people by the fact that the conversation does not oblige them to anything and can be ended at any time.

The task of a specialist who ensures the work of the service is to establish trusting relationships and create an atmosphere of mutual understanding. In parallel, the psychologist must determine the severity of the problem, the emotional state of the client, as well as the period of time during which this or that help can be provided. Feeling the lack of criticism and complete understanding, the teenager will surely reveal himself to a specialist, which will allow him to remove emotional stress and go to a direct search for ways out of the situation.

behavior correction


Psychocorrection is the correction of a person’s emotional state with the help of a specialist. The modern pace of life, as well as the saturation of its events, cannot but affect the mental state of people, and therefore this phenomenon has long ceased to be something new and unusual. The timely help of a psychologist sometimes becomes a decisive moment in solving a particular emotional problem. In case of delicacy of a question the telephone of psychological help can be used.

Psychocorrection in its development has gone through several successive stages. At first, these were exclusively theoretical works in which hypotheses were put forward about the possibility of correcting a person’s emotional state or his attitude to the current situation. Gradually, experts began to move on to practical experiences. The greatest attention was paid specifically to working with children and adolescents, because in their thinking and behavior the greatest number of deviations is observed. After all the ideas were combined in one concept, psychocorrection became a common practice.

Every day, psychologists encounter certain problems of patients who require indispensable intervention. If we talk about correction, it is aimed at the state of children and adolescents, intellectual problems, as well as solving issues that relate to the personal growth of a person. Quite often, corrections require behavioral characteristics of a person who underwent deviations due to certain circumstances. One of the most difficult areas for correction is the emotional background.

As for working with children and adolescents, here one of the decisive roles in psychological correction is played by the so-called helplines, which are characterized by complete anonymity. Young age is characterized by hormonal and emotional instability, which often leads to psychological deviations, as well as problems with perception of the world. In some cases, adolescents simply cannot open to an outsider (especially an adult) due to the delicacy of the problem. Communicating with a stranger by telephone, young people can give vent to emotions, as well as receive moral support and advice.


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