Black absinthe - description, features and interesting facts

Those who are looking for legendary drinks in the world of alcohol should pay attention to the famous absinthe. Many different myths go about this emerald liquid: some classify the drink as terrible poisons that lead to hallucinations, while others, on the contrary, do not stop praising its unique taste. But be that as it may, absinthe for many centuries has been a source of inspiration for writers and artists, a subject for research by scientists and one of the most popular ingredients for making cocktails in bars.

Drink history

One version says that the drink got its name from the French word, which means “wormwood,” because it is this herb that is the main component of absinthe. There is another legend according to which the name of the drink came from the Greek language and translated as “unsuitable”, since absinthe was originally extremely bitter.

All products used to prepare absinthe, according to its creator, were designed to complement and balance each other in their own way. So, in addition to wormwood, the legendary drink includes mint, lemon balm, angelica, calamus, anise, fennel, licorice and other herbs. The first production of absinthe began in a small Swiss city called Couvet in 1792 under the guidance of the author of this wonderful drink - Pierre Ordiner. True, this product was sold not as alcohol, but as a real medicine.

Absinthe is black

In just five years, the formula of the famous drink from its author was bought by an entrepreneur from France - Henri-Louis Pernot. He supplemented absinthe with several more ingredients and started production. So, the drink turned out to be quite bitter and strong, and its name was the name of the manufacturer. Very soon absinthe became an extremely popular drink, which was appreciated by all Parisian bohemians, creative personalities and the working class.

Further fate

However, in 1905, a tragic event took place in one of the cities of Switzerland, which left a bad imprint on the reputation of absinthe. The fact is that a man who drank a large amount of wormwood drink shot his entire family in a fit. Two years later, he was convicted, sentenced to death. However, this story gave rise to legends that absinthe can lead to madness, the occurrence of hallucinations, and even suicide. As a result, it was banned for use by Switzerland, France and the United States.

Absinthe maktub black

Today, the production of absinthe is allowed in most countries, but the legislation strictly controls the manufacturing process and the composition of the drink. For example, a minimum dosage of thujone in the finished product is allowed, which is not able to harm human health.

Types of absinthe

Today, more than one hundred varieties of absinthe are known. Most of them are inaccessible to a wide audience due to small production volumes. Most often, the drink is classified by color. There is a classic green, blue with the addition of lotus, yellow, red with pomegranate extract, blue and black absinthe, made from wormwood roots.

Features of black absinthe

Sometimes this drink has a rich brown tint. This variety of absinthe is considered the strongest among other species. In its production, food coloring is extremely rare, which also distinguishes the drink from other varieties. The composition of black absinthe is supplemented with special acacia, which gives the finished drink a beautiful currant hue, and the taste of the product acquires a pleasant berry note.

Black absinthe: degrees


Today, absinthe is considered one of the most common drinks around the world, and it is produced in many countries, for example, in the Czech Republic, Holland, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and France. In some factories, in the production of black absinthe, wormwood is replaced with softer incense. If you classify the drink according to the content of thujone, then the strongest among them are made in Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

Although in reality absinthe, produced at present, has much less thujone in its composition in comparison with drinks that were made in the past. Modern absinthe is considered safe for health. Connoisseurs of this unusual drink often advise, for example, black absinthe maktub. This product is made from natural ingredients and has a very bright multi-faceted taste. Black absinthe has a rather unobtrusive, mild taste that leaves a subtle mint aftertaste. The aroma of the drink opens immediately: it is very fresh and colorful.

Drink strength

As you know, absinthe is a very strong drink, however, it is actually difficult to identify with accuracy how many degrees black absinthe contains. This indicator can vary between 55-85 degrees. A real drink, prepared in compliance with all traditions, should have a rather bitter taste and high strength - not less than 70 degrees. Indeed, only with such properties the essential oils of wormwood in alcohol can be retained.

Black absinthe: how many degrees

But despite this, many modern manufacturers offer consumers a huge assortment of drinks with a strength of less than 55 degrees. This means that the product is devoid of thujone and sweetened with auxiliary components, many wormwood essential oils in such alcohol may be completely absent. But the number of degrees of black absinthe "Maktub" is 70. So this product is fully consistent with traditional methods of preparation and will surely appeal to all lovers of the classic drink.

How to drink black absinthe

As is the case with any other strong alcohol, when drinking absinthe it is necessary to observe a certain culture of drinking. Of course, drinking this drink in its pure form is not accepted. There are several methods of eating black absinthe. Usually they drink it in a diluted state, after adding a piece of sugar with a special spoon.

How to drink black absinthe

Absinthe is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and in some cases several ice cubes are thrown instead of liquid. In addition, unique absinthe often becomes one of the ingredients in various cocktails, adding a certain piquancy to them. Drinking absinthe in its pure form is also possible, but only in small doses.

Ways to use

The classic version of the use of absinthe is considered the most common and familiar for domestic residents. This method involves setting the drink on fire and then drinking it in one gulp. It is best not to bite or drink.

The French drink this magic drink differently. First you need to pour absinthe into the glass, and then a special spoon is put on the edges of the dishes, on which you need to put a cube of sugar. It is through this sugar that cold water should be poured into a glass. Gradually, the sand will dissolve in water, and the resulting syrup will mix with absinthe.

Black absinthe: composition

Czechs also have their own way of using the famous absinthe. And it consists in the following: through a cube of sugar a part of alcohol is poured into the glass, after which it is necessary to set fire to the wet piece, and add the resulting caramel to the glass. Then the mixture should be diluted with three parts of cold water. True, it should be borne in mind that when using this method, absinthe in a glass may suddenly erupt. So in no case do not forget about caution.


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