Livestock family farms. Family Farm Projects

Family farms are institutions that are exclusively in private use, as well as fully owned by the farm. They can be founded in accordance with the current legislation of the country. It is worth noting that all members of the farm should be relatives and take full participation in its development.

How to organize a family farm?

The family farm has every right to hire about five workers who will help in caring for animals and grow crops. To properly organize family farms, you need to perform a number of planned actions, as well as collect documents. Today it is necessary to have a large number of documents in order to obtain permission to open such a business. The list of documentation that will need to be prepared depends entirely on the target direction of the future farm.

family farms

You can give an example when a family decides to open its own livestock organization, where the main activity is raising cattle and its further maintenance. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the acquisition of the land and obtain the farmer's certificate. If a family farm is opened for breeding and keeping small animals or pigs, the owner will need to buy the appropriate farmland in the countryside. In this case, obtaining a farm certificate is not a prerequisite.

You should always remember that in order to get the maximum profit and benefit from farming, it is necessary to organize the cultivation of animal feed, because it is not profitable to buy it.

How to create a family farm?

In addition to the availability of land on the farm, there must be spacious and most reliable facilities. Then it will be possible to breed animals throughout the whole calendar year. Some farmers are faced with the issues of renting or acquiring additional land for the construction of buildings. In the relevant state bodies it is necessary to obtain permission for the construction of structures.

family farm

Coordination of all construction issues is necessary in the architectural state institutions and local authorities. In some cases, the creation of a family farm can be planned on a large scale, then the owner needs to go through the registration process as a legal entity, as well as obtain a certificate.

Documentation and permission to open a farm

For the economy to function and make a profit, participants must draw up a business plan and engage in the careful preparation of project documentation. After the farmer has prepared the main list of documents and completed all the necessary construction work, you need to get permission in various state bodies.

You need to contact:

  • To the sanitary epidemiological station.
  • To the labor inspector.
  • To fire departments.

All documents and permits received are referred to the administration, which will issue a decree to open family farms. After completing all of the above items, you can hire maintenance personnel. To work on the farm will require workers who will carefully take care of the animals. You need to hire accountants, veterinarians, livestock specialists, agronomists, as well as specialists in sowing the right crops.

development of family livestock farms

Why do I need a grant when opening a family-type farm?

Many people do not understand the importance and need for a grant. Now family farms can arrange it for the establishment and development of the institution. To date, the grant is issued in the amount of 60 percent, which are calculated from the amount of all costs. They must be indicated at the time of preparation of the business plan, as well as in plans for expenses.

But it is worth noting that no more than 10 million rubles can be allocated per farm. In this case , value added tax will not be taken into account and taken into account.

The farmer must have a 40 percent share of his own money. Current legislation allows farm owners to take loans to develop their own business. But in this case, the amount cannot exceed more than ten percent of their own money.

Limitations and requirements for grant farmers

There are several main limitations that apply to all grant applicants:

  • The main farmer and his three closest relatives must have the citizenship of the Russian Federation. This condition applies to people who jointly carry out production activities and are directly involved in doing business.
  • When a grant application is submitted, the family farm must work and function for at least one year, as well as engage in household affairs.
  • Any applications for participation in the tender may be submitted to state institutions of the Russian Federation where the business was registered.
  • Neither the farmer nor his immediate family should have previously received grants that are issued for the development of a small business.
  • Farmers cannot receive additional financial resources and subsidies from the state.
  • Relatives of the farmer undertake to reside regularly in the territory where the farm registration procedure was carried out.
    family dairy farms

Family Farm Projects

Today, cows on the farm are considered a guarantee of profit and incredible wealth. Family-dairy farms have a large number of advantages and advantages, even despite the ever-changing lifestyle in society. Livestock farms are a useful and even profitable business. This is explained by the following points:

  • By growing cattle, you can get fresh meat and dairy products. The family will be constantly provided exclusively with natural products that are necessary for a healthy and proper diet.
  • Meat and dairy products that are produced on farms are in demand and are in demand.
  • Such an organization can be a great family business.

family farm projects

Family farm projects include the following technical and economic indicators:

  1. Production capacity is the total amount of milk and average annual milk production.
  2. Counting energy requirements. Farmers must take care of water supply, electricity and heating.
  3. The cost of feed, straw and other consumables for the whole year.
  4. The amount of manure output.
  5. Counting material investments.
  6. The total area of ​​the farm and land.

family farm

Family Dairy Farms

The construction of a dairy farm must be carried out in full accordance with all technical solutions. Each farmer must clearly understand the costs of maintaining cattle, creating a feeding, watering and milking system. Projects of family dairy farms should include information on such indicators as design features, type of foundation, number of walls, ceilings, material for warming the foundation, windows and doors. The development of family livestock farms requires large financial investments and a properly drawn up plan.


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