"Lovely scolding - only amuse": the meaning of expression and the psychology of relationships

This phraseology is known to many. However, it is not completely clear how to make fun of warfare. What does it mean "cute scolding - just amuse"? Below we describe the meaning of the proverb under study. We will find other Russian and foreign proverbs with similar meanings. Let's see why our ancestors said so and is it true. And in the end, let's see how this proverb can be used in speech.

“Lovely scolding - only amuse” - meaning

quarrel of the loving

A foreigner studying the Russian language will poorly understand the meaning of this phraseology. As, however, not every Russian person will understand what is at stake. Proverbs learn in school, class in the fifth. Children still cannot understand the meaning of this phraseology, it seems strange to them. How can you swear and amuse yourself with this? After all, when you quarrel, then there’s no question of any fun. It is also unclear to young people with youthful maximalism how they will curse with their beloved, and also have fun from this. How to understand "darlings - only amuse"?

Not only children cannot understand this phrase, but also some adults for whom a quarrel is always a bad thing. Swearing cannot end in anything good. This is known not by hearsay to many adults.

But why, then, does this proverb exist, and what is hidden in it?

The historical subtext of the proverb "Lovely scolding only amuse"

The deep meaning of this phrase is revealed if we take into account the old Russian life. After all, the expression came to us from Ancient Russia. From there the phraseologism “cute people scold - only amuse” was formed.

two want to make peace

In Russia, a wedding was usually played once and for a lifetime. The girl left her home forever, she could no longer return there. And the daughter-in-law lived in her husband’s house. It is hard to understand for a modern person, but it really was absolutely impossible. That is, he had to humble himself and endure his husband, no matter what he did.

Like all married people, the couple quarreled. But this abuse did not go beyond their bedroom, did not lead to parting. They put up and lived on until a new engagement. And this carousel was endless. Therefore, they said this: they quarrel, but nothing will come of it, everything will remain as before. It is precisely in this that the expression “dear ones scold - only amuse” lies.

Psychology of behavior according to this proverb

cute scolding

However, not only several centuries ago, people lived according to this catchphrase. And today, in the modern world, there are families for whom quarrels are the norm.

Is it really bad to quarrel in terms of psychology? Not always. If the quarrel is caused by disagreement and misunderstanding, then it is designed to eliminate all the shortcomings in the relationship. Yes, sports can be compared to minor surgery, which is unpleasant, but can help restore health. Only a quarrel helps restore love and peace in a relationship. It refers specifically to discussion, not about fights and not about mutual insults. When a quarrel takes the form of aggression, there can be no talk of any benefit.

If people do not quarrel at all, this may indicate their indifference and unwillingness to understand another person. How to understand that a quarrel was useful for your relationship? See what happens next. Will you be entertained by each other soon or, conversely, will blow cold?

That is, this proverb is really true in some cases. Indeed, during a quarrel, loving people throw out all the negativity, try to solve the problem and make peace. Therefore, those around them conclude that lovers do not swear slightly, make-believe, everything will soon pass and end in peace. Phraseologism "lovely scolding - just amuse" the meaning is becoming more clear now.

Some couples admit that after a quarrel they feel a surge of new passion. Feelings become brighter, and love is renewed.

Other proverbs with similar meanings


There is one more sense in this phrase, which tells us that when two loving people quarrel, then the third one cannot enter. Since they will reconcile among themselves, but to the one who got in, no luck.

There are several proverbs that express the same meaning:

  • Do you like to scold, love and make peace.
  • Husband and wife swear, and the third superfluous do not interfere.
  • Although I scold, but love.

In addition to Russian proverbs, there is also a phrase of the ancient Romans: Amantium irae amoris integratios, which means "The anger of the beloved is the renewal of love."

It can be concluded that at all times, a quarrel may not always be negative, sometimes it can help to understand each other and do something to improve relations. Such an attitude to a quarrel happens only to those who really love and do not betray their partner. In a bright flash of anger we spend all the negativity, that is, only all the good remains. If love lives in the hearts, then all the bad goes away with a quarrel and the darlings only make fun of what they argued about. Thus, we were able to find out the expression "cute scolding - only amuse" meaning.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40870/

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