High salary professions in Russia

Every employee dreams of a profession with a big salary. This is a logical and completely justified desire of any person. After all, no one wants to work, getting in return pennies that are barely enough for the most necessary.

in which professions a big salary

The greatest interest in information about professions with high salaries is in young people who have not yet decided on their choice and are just starting their careers. A lot can depend on the choice of a field of activity. After all, building a successful career takes a decade and more. If you make the right choice and master a profession with a large salary, it is highly likely to make the dream of high income a reality.

How are things in the capital?

Moscow has always been and continues to be an attractive place for workers from all over the country and even from neighboring countries. There are reasons for this.

The largest salaries in the profession are usually received by metropolitan workers. According to statistics, their remuneration is 50 percent or more higher than in similar posts in the regions. This injustice forces people from provinces with high-salary professions to move to Moscow. Here, much greater prospects open for them than in a small city.

In the capital there are many more companies that offer favorable working conditions and large payments compared to the province. That is why metropolitan cities always attract applicants from all over the country. Some simply cannot get settled in their city due to a lack of jobs.

What professions have a high salary?

what profession has the highest salary

There are a variety of reasons why people ask this question. Someone is looking for a future, wanting to get a higher-paid position, or even a new profession with a large salary in Russia. Someone is simply interested in how things are with more successful colleagues. There are those who simply study the situation on the labor market. Let's get acquainted with professions whose representatives receive large salaries.


Even during a period of financial instability, this position is still among the highest paid. During crises, the ability to attract customers becomes an especially valuable skill. After all, even the highest quality goods and services may remain unclaimed and not make a profit if there is no one to sell them. The marketer is responsible for attracting customers, and with quality work, he can count on a salary of 100-200 thousand rubles. Some experts consider this profession as a start. Having gained experience in promoting other people's goods and services, they think about creating and promoting their own business.


Any large company needs representatives of this profession. These may be auditors specializing not only in financial indicators, but also in general quality assessment. To count on a salary of 60 to 160 thousand rubles, you need to make decent competition to your colleagues. To do this, novice professionals have to gain experience working on less paid vacancies.

HR manager

Simply put, these are personnel specialists. Relate to fairly promising and at the same time sought after vacancies. Large employers constantly hire and fire employees. Someone must control this whole, essentially continuous process. Therefore, the state provides a place for HR managers. For potential candidates, practical skills are important. A theory without real interviews is usually not enough to interest the employer.


which professions get a big salary

Despite the inconsistency of this profession, it continues to not only exist, but to remain one of the most popular and well-paid. This is especially true of the capital. The Moscow real estate market is so mobile that successful representatives of the profession receive the highest salary. On average, its size is 150 thousand rubles. But since realtors work for a percentage of the transaction, the upper bar does not exist. In fact, the specialist forms his own salary. The more transactions, the more expensive the property, the higher the income. At the same time, it is very curious that people without higher education often become realtors. Typically, the profession is mastered by those who were previously somehow connected with sales - managers, insurance agents.


This specialty is not the first year remains popular. The increased interest from applicants has led to an excess of staff. Among lawyers there are many who cannot get a job in their specialty. However, this does not prevent the representatives of the profession from earning high incomes. After all, it is not easy to find a competent specialist. Experienced lawyers in banking and manufacturing are especially valued. Among their employees, large holdings will also be pleased to see them. The prospects for this profession remain attractive to some. In this area, you can earn 100-220 thousand rubles. There is the prospect of opening your own legal advice and raising income to 500 thousand rubles or higher.

IT specialist

high salary professions in Russia

Computer technology is so firmly penetrating the lives of ordinary people that the answer to the question of which professions receive a large salary becomes obvious. These are IT specialists. They are so in demand that they can work not only in Russia, but also abroad. This profession can be seen as a chance to improve your financial situation. It is not surprising that the competition for IT specialties in universities is becoming more complicated year by year. Working in a capital company, a representative of the profession can earn 100-300 thousand rubles, which is comparable to the incomes of some top managers.

Civil Aviation Pilot

There are legends about aviation revenues. Talking about the largest salaries in Russia by profession, this area is never bypassed, which is not at all surprising. Of course, not all pilots receive an equally high income. Salary depends on many factors, among which, experience plays an important role. However, when a number of conditions are met, pilots receive a decent reward in the amount of 200-300 thousand rubles and even higher.


A person who controls all financial flows and calculates salaries simply cannot have a low income. However, its exact size depends on the position. The chief accountant earns much more than his less successful colleagues. In the presence of experience and a good position, income can be about 350 thousand rubles. Agree, this is a very worthy reward. However, to achieve such a level, you need to be perfectly oriented in your industry, and in a sense, become an indispensable specialist.

Top manager

high salary professions for girls

Answering the question, in which profession is the highest salary, you can not ignore the representatives of leadership positions. They receive the highest incomes among other workers. According to various sources, managers in various fields earn from 200 thousand to 1 million rubles per month. In large companies, fees may be even greater.

High salary professions for girls

Girls (unlike men) are more prone to doing monotonous work, requiring accuracy and concentration. Based on these qualities, we can distinguish the following professions that are successfully mastered by enterprising ladies.

the biggest salaries of the profession
  1. Personnel specialist. According to statistics, most workers change their place within three to five years. Therefore, many companies, especially large holdings, are constantly experiencing staff shortages. A specialist engaged in the selection of personnel must find a candidate who meets the requirements and is able to fulfill the obligations assigned to him in a quality manner. The average salary is 70,000 rubles.
  2. Confectioner. This work for girls is attractive in that it allows you to show creative imagination. You can not only work in the confectionery, but also find customers yourself by offering custom-made cakes. With sufficient volumes, you can get a good income. On average, a pastry chef can earn 50,000 rubles. Such a salary for women (especially in the regions) is considered worthy.
  3. PR manager. This specialist controls public relations. Preference is given to sociable candidates who are able to establish business contacts. You can earn up to 150,000 rubles per month.
  4. Work in the field of beauty. This industry is so popular that its representatives are never left without proposals. In particular, hairdressers, stylists, and manicure artists are in demand. Income usually depends on the flow of customers. It will be easier for those masters who have a well-developed base to reach a stable and high income. You can earn up to 150,000 rubles by becoming an employee of a beauty salon or working independently.

How to get a job with a big salary?

Everyone dreams of a high-income profession. But few decide to translate their desire into reality. More experienced professionals share their tips.

  1. First of all, you need to set a goal. What is the average salary in your area? If it is too small, pay attention to the capital market. But first of all, clearly state the goal. You should know what number you are striving for - 35, 50, 100 thousand rubles or more.
  2. You need to believe in yourself. This quality will allow you not to be afraid to knock on the doors of large companies, adequately hold on to an interview and not be upset due to temporary setbacks. Successful specialists also started somewhere, made mistakes, but continued to strive for their own goal.
  3. Change residence. If you think that you don’t have decent prospects in your region, you should pay attention to megacities. It is here that the most talented and ambitious specialists flock. Because large cities offer more perspectives.
  4. Try different ways. You can’t just wait until the employer himself offers a well-paid job. The applicant must be active. View vacancies on specialized sites, visit interesting companies in person, arrange interviews, send resumes.
  5. To achieve a result. Some job seekers give up very quickly. Even if several interviews have ended to no avail, do not despair. You need to continue the search without giving up your own goal. It is important to be persistent.
the largest salaries in Russia by profession

It is curious that the work should bring not only material rewards, but also moral satisfaction. In this case, the specialist is making great strides.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40872/

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