Badger hunting: description and recommendations

Surely everyone knows the beneficial properties of badger fat, which is successfully used to treat tuberculosis and other diseases. But badger fat still needs to be able to get. In this regard, hunting for a badger is popular. Before considering options for capturing this beast, it is important to know what a badger is, what it looks like, what it eats, what habits it has. Interestingly, this beast, awkward and squat, not at all like a marten, still belongs to the family of marten . The appearance of this animal and color are quite original.

Badger is the owner of a broad back and a fairly well-developed musculature. Dark stripes run along the back line, starting from the head, along the white fur; the fur itself has a tint from reddish to dark brown. The beast, which has excellent hearing and smell, is somewhat shortsighted. In length, the marsupial badger reaches one meter, while males can weigh up to 35 kg, females - a little less, up to 20 kg. Badgers feed on small representatives of the animal world (rodents, moles, shrews, chicks, hares, frogs, insects and their larvae), and plants (potatoes, mushrooms, berries, acorns, nuts). Before hibernation, badgers accumulate a very large amount of fat, so they can not even run up. Then, in September-October, the hunt for badgers begins. At this time, one beast can contain up to 6 kg of healing fat.

Badgers live underground, have many holes and snouts, and of such a size that a person can fit in them. The badger feels free in the hole. There were cases when the animal, running away from the dogs, managed to bury the entrance to the hole behind it. I must say that burrows can be three-story.

Usually, hunters already know the location of the badger’s burrows. They can be determined by the presence of a special “restroom" - a place where the badger goes to defecate 10-15 meters from the animal’s home. Usually a trodden path leads to it.

Badger hunting is usually done in several ways. They hunt animals with burrows, for example, with dachshunds or fox terriers, as well as with huskies. The meaning of the action is that the dachshund or fox terrier runs into the animal’s hole and drives it out, where the beast meets a hunter with a gun or horn. At the same time, it’s good for the hunter to take a shovel with him, which, if necessary, can be torn up the bestial hole. Huskies, however, seek out the beast at night, at the moment when it came out of the hole, while the hunter closes all the entrances to the ground so that the badger could not hide there. It is important to know that the badger is a serious opponent for the dog, so the hunter should help her cope with the beast as soon as possible.

Hunting a badger can occur without the help of dogs, from an ambush, which is best equipped 15-20 steps from the hole on the leeward side, so that the beast could not smell the smell of a person. And you can equip an ambush on a tree, this is even the best option, since the exit from the hole is clearly visible from the tree. With the onset of twilight, the beast cautiously emerges to the surface. At this time, the hunter should be ready, but it is not necessary to shoot immediately, but only making sure that the badger has moved a considerable distance from its shelter.

Badger hunting is sometimes carried out with the help of traps, which are installed either directly at the entrance to the hole, or on a path trodden by a badger to the "restroom". In this case, the traps are carefully masked with leaves and tied to a chain with a large stick so that the badger could not drag them into the hole. It is important to know that the trap should be strong enough, double spring or frame, at number five. It is better to place a few traps on the badger's path to catch the beast for sure. Knowing the animal’s love for meat, you can place meat bait near the traps.

A self-tightening loop and a cage or net are also used to capture the beast. Catching a badger with a trap is the oldest of all hunting methods. It is important to remember that the badger is very resistant to wounds, and if it is wounded, then the strength of its rage can be compared with the strength of the fury of a fighting dog, so you need to beat the beast carefully, but quickly and for sure.

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