CRC error. How to fix it yourself?

CRC data error is quite common. The publication is designed not only for advanced users of a personal computer. Novice users should also familiarize themselves with it. To begin with, we give a typical example on this topic. A computer user is trying to make a copy from a DVD. At this time, a "CRC data error" pops up and the process is interrupted. What is this talking about and what can be done to fix the problem?

In this case, the failure can be triggered by the following reasons. The first is damage to the information medium, or, more simply, to a DVD or CD. The second is file corruption. In the second case, as a rule, we are talking about files packed in archives. For example, a PC user is trying to download a large archive from the Internet, but is faced with the problem considered in our article.

Typically, these files are simply deleted and new attempts are made, which, if you have the time, patience and perseverance, should succeed. There are other examples of actions in which a CRC error occurs. In particular, this problem may occur during the installation of the Windows XP operating system . In this case, an error is issued by the system in the same place.

The user looks at the screen, and when, until the completion of the OS installation process, say, 35 minutes (or another time) remains, he sees a plate with the corresponding text: "One of the components necessary to continue the OS installation was not installed. CRC data error" . From this option, we will consider possible ways to resolve the issue.

As a rule, OS installation is performed from a disk or directly from the Internet. When installing from a CD, first you can try to gently wipe it - clean it with a soft cloth. If the process was carried out from the Internet, most likely, some installation files were copied to the hard drive of a personal computer incorrectly.

In this case, you should use the disk checker and try to start installing the OS again. But sometimes PC users complain that even after the hard drive has been formatted and partitioned, when installing Windows XP from a DVD-ROM, a CRC error still pops up. You can try to follow this advice: "It is necessary to overwrite the distribution of the OS at a lower speed, because the problem could be caused by a high write speed."

If this recommendation did not help, then it is better to install Windows XP not from a disk, but from a USB flash drive. Then the issue will be resolved guaranteed. Let us return to the error caused by the damage to the file when trying to copy information. To fix it will help special programs - utilities, some of which are discussed below.

The program for the PC Portable Any Reader is intended for reading data and copying information from all kinds of media that have damage, or if any other difficulties arise during reading (poorly read). Any Reader is especially relevant when working with Wi-Fi, because its functionality is not affected by loss of connection or reading errors. There is a function that allows you to specify the estimated number of attempts to read from a damaged information medium.

Recovery Toolbox for CD Free can be recommended as another useful utility that will help solve a problem such as a CRC error. This is a free program specially designed to recover damaged data from various information media. With its help, you can restore / read files of almost any type when the following problems occur:

  • The storage medium has physical damage.
  • The media format was damaged by the media recording program.
  • The operating system gives an error (including a CRC error) when trying to access or read information media.

Recovery Toolbox for CD Free is equipped with a comfortable, intuitive interface, is simple and convenient to use.

The information provided can be successfully used even by a novice PC user, and we can only wish good luck!


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