Ponytail for short hair at home: photos of the fastest options, step-by-step description of hairstyles

Most men selflessly repeat that women have no idea what they want. Rather, their desires are not constant - today one thing, tomorrow another. Moreover, the fair sex offended by this judgment is pretty stupid. After all, there is still some truth in it. And this fully proves the fact that many young ladies, first choose to give a mini-haircut a special charm, and then they are tormented by the question: โ€œHow to make an elegant ponytail for short hair?โ€.

This material suggests young ladies who strive to be fashionable, several original hairstyles. They are noteworthy in that they are suitable even for owners of short hair.

Tail "From what was"

how to make a tail for short hair

I would like to say right away that a tail for short hair can be done only if the length of the curls reaches at least the cheekbones. With haircuts "Pixie", "Gavrosh", "under the pot" and the like, it will be impossible to decorate yourself with the desired haircut. Or the tail will turn out extremely small. This option is suitable for young women, but stately ladies will only have to use a wig. Although, in this situation there are undeniable advantages. They consist mainly in the fact that the length of the tail, as well as the tone of the hair, can be changed on a daily basis. It is only necessary to purchase different hairpieces in a specialized store.

But if the young lady is not afraid to look bold, bold and modern, she can collect a tail on short hair, similar to that shown in the photo above. And if you repaint the strands under it in a contrasting shade, the image will turn out to be original and stylish.

Original "Malvinka"

ponytail for short hair at home

We are used to the fact that the hairstyle, the name of which is indicated in the heading of the current paragraph, means a very delicate, very romantic hairstyle, suitable only for beautiful people with hair long below the shoulders. However, recently, another, no less spectacular Malvinka has gained popularity. Its main difference is that the tip of the tail does not hang down, as in the usual, but slightly puffs up or back. Depending on the desire of the young lady.

Such a hairstyle, it is important to note, is also a ponytail, and is ideal for short hair. Moreover, owners of longer hair will not be able to do it. Therefore, you can safely trump the "Malvinka" depicted in the photo.

"Hint" on the tail

ponytail on short hair

We previously said that it is much easier for young people to build an original hairstyle on their heads and look at the same time not only unusual, but also stylish. And in order to reinforce the words with facts, we suggest the reader to look at the image above.

As you can see, you can make a fashionable tail for short hair, even without practically having it. The guy is shown in the photo, but girls can also adopt such an option for hairstyles. Of course, with a dress in a romantic style it will not be combined very well, but with the sneakers, jeans and a T-shirt - just right.

However, it is important to consider that such a hairstyle requires a special haircut. After all, the tail region is separated in advance, and the rest of the hair is cut much shorter to get the desired contrast. The only minus of haircuts lies in the fact that a lazy person or one who does not differ in a stormy imagination can for a long time become a hostage to one or two images. But the tail for short hair can be done every day.

ponytail for short hair

As in childhood...

We sometimes donโ€™t think about it, and after all, a huge number of original hairstyles can be spied on in babies. Again, for a business lady or that young lady whose work requires a strict dress code, such images will not work. But youth will be very welcome.

For example, the tails for short hair shown in the following photo will ideally complement not only a sports outfit, but also a romantic one.

tail on short hair do it yourself

Make them very simple. Consider the step by step instructions:

  • You need to slightly wind the ends of the curls.
  • Then separate them with a parting drawn through the occipital part of the head.
  • After you select two large locks on the crown and tie them with beautiful elastic bands or ribbons.

Patch tail

We already mentioned that it is still possible to brag about a long ponytail, but this requires a wig or hairpiece. However, lining shown in the photo has recently become quite popular.

ponytail on short hair

They are attached directly to the existing "stump", as people say, wearing natural hairstyles with a tail for short hair. And itโ€™s not at all necessary to match tone to tone to your own shade of curls. Especially for young people. Although ladies who have already reached an elegant age can afford to show their originality, brightness and vibrancy.

Creative tail

The next option that we would like to offer the reader is quite simple. But it looks very impressive and stylish. Some will understand the technology when looking at the photo.

interesting ponytail for short hair

If the image of the model could not understand the actions, then we will explain. So, for a start, you should comb your hair well. Then divide them parting from the crown to the back of the head into two equal parts. After you need to do two more parting, stepping back from the main one and a half centimeters. Unnecessary curls fasten with clamps. And the middle part is plaited into the Spikelet braid. We connect the tip with all the hair and tie a beautiful tail on short hair.

Front strand tail

In many haircuts, the curls that are near the face are cut in such a way that they do not clean the hair. Rather, for this it is necessary to moisten them generously with a gel or styler, but then the tail turns out to be sleek, and not voluminous, as is fashionable now. However, experts offer us an original alternative. To create it, you do not even need to try to remove the front strands in the hairstyle. Because the styling looks original only thanks to this unusual detail.

original ponytail for short hair

Make the hairstyle shown in the photo above is very simple. It is only necessary in a circular parting to separate part of the curls near the face. The rest of the hair should be collected in a high tail. On short hair, it is not always possible to do it. But experts in this case also find a way out, offering to stab the broken strands with thin invisibles.

Spectacular Volume Tail

To deny that fashion is changing daily is pointless. Nevertheless, following the most important trends is still necessary. One of the latest trends is the voluminous tail. Hairstyle with him looks much more airy, stylish, festive. Many young ladies with mini haircuts are convinced that it is impossible to make such beauty. However, this is a big mistake. And then we prove it.

unusual ponytail for short hair

As you can see from the model shown in the previous photo, you can still make a voluminous tail for short hair. And it looks not only beautiful, but also very original. The only nuance of laying lies in the fact that during its creation it will be impossible to do without a pile, which will have to be fixed with varnish. If this does not scare our reader, then he can safely embody a similar image at home.

To do this, you will need to purchase a regular gear comb in the store and make a pile with it. Movement should begin from the forehead, thereby highlighting the bangs. Even if there is none. After gradually descend to the back of the head. The ends of the curls must be carefully collected in the tail. The main thing is not to pull them together. Otherwise, the volume will not work. We fix the tail with an elastic band. On top of which, if desired, you can wrap a thin strand.

Unusual tail

We previously talked about the fact that many of the ideas of original hairstyles can be seen on little children. And further we would like to propose in detail another interesting option.

ponytail short hair

As you can see, thanks to the photo, it looks very good. And itโ€™s very simple. Only you need to prepare in advance a lot of small elastic bands. Moreover, you can choose solid or multi-colored. It all depends on your own mood.

So, how to make a tail out of short hair:

  1. First of all, we divide the hair with even parting, moving from the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Then, using the same comb, we separate the first hair zone on both sides.
  3. And we fix with elastic bands. On each side of its own.
  4. Similarly, we separate the next zone.
  5. And also we fix both tails with rubber bands. Only in this case they will not be independent. You must add the previous ones to them. Each, for its part.
  6. Similarly, we select strands from the forehead to the crown.
  7. Then the technology for creating hairstyles changes somewhat. Indeed, it is now important not to weave the previous tail into a new one.
  8. Then we leave the finished ponytails and begin to form others. But this time we move from the back of the head.
  9. We separate in a small part from the left and right halves of the hair, and then fix them with elastic bands.
  10. The second level of the tails upward is performed in a similar manner. The only difference is that you should grab the tails of the first level.
  11. When all the hair is collected in the hairstyle, six โ€œrestlessโ€ tails should remain on the top of the head. Three on each side. We collect them into one and smooth out the shortcomings of the hairstyle with your hands or a comb.

Summing up, we can say that there is no secret in how to make a beautiful tail on short hair. You just need not to be lazy and pay due attention to your hair. And then it will be possible at least every day to look beautiful, stylish and varied.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40884/

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