Camplayground - what is this project?

On the Internet, as you know, there are many social platforms through which people not only do business, but also get to know each other, meet and even sometimes find a life partner. The most popular social projects, such as Odnoklassniki, Skype and VKontakte, do not need advertising. The same resources, the position of which in the list of similar ones is calculated by a five-digit number, are forced to resort to all kinds of tricks ...

One of these sites, perhaps, is Camplayground. What is this resource that its owners can offer users of the global network?

According to experts, this site is fake.

What is a fake?

The word "fake" (fake is translated from English as "falsification", "forgery") appeared in the vocabulary of earthlings long before the invention of the Internet.

On the net, this word denotes a skillfully created copy of the main page of a popular and well-visited site.

To protect yourself from fraud, the user should not follow links sent by e-mail, especially if the content of the letter does not carry any meaning. what kind of site?

According to reviews, the agents of the site in question are robots. Their goal is to find among the regulars of popular public portals of gullible people, to seize their confidential data or to force them to send spam.

How do Camplayground recruiters work? What does this give them?

For example, a Russian-speaking guy who owns a personal page in a certain social network adds an American girl to his friends (in any case, it is written on her profile). After an exchange of courtesies, the lady “decides” for frankness and admits the boy that she just broke up with her boyfriend and in this connection she is complex about her appearance and is suffering from depression.

camplayground what is it
In order to establish a trusting relationship with a new "friend", the girl sends him a candid photo and informs that for further communication and exchange of pictures, the young man needs to register on social networks.

As if in between cases, the girl warns that during registration the site may ask for some personal data, including the number of the payment card, but there is no reason to worry, as this is a normal procedure on Camplayground, which is free and does not oblige you to do anything. what kind of site
Further, “friendship” develops according to a long-established scheme. Having provoked another naive user to fill out the registration form and indicate all the information that fraudsters are interested in (including the credit card number), the new “acquaintance” disappears without a trace, and with it the funds stored on the card.

There are cases when a potential victim was informed that Camplayground is an employer site. Needless to say, no money will ever be paid to a new recruit - an involuntary spam distributor?


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