"Big Bud-747" is the largest tractor in the world. Photo and description

At the moment, almost every country in the world annually hosts an exhibition of agricultural machinery. One of the most significant for Russia was the exhibition of St. Petersburg Tractor Plant in Moscow (2009), which showed the largest domestic tractor Kirovets K-9520. But, despite its impressive size and technical characteristics, it still does not surpass the quality of its American counterpart "BigBud-747", which for more than 30 years is considered the largest tractor in the world.

the largest tractor in the world
What are these giants special and unique for?

Production history

The manufacture of this "giant" was done by the American millionaire inventor Ron Harmon, who then closely collaborated with the Northern Manifacturing design bureau. In fact, Ron did not expect to create a new super-tractor, which will be produced in series on the conveyor. "BigBud-747" was developed in a single copy for two brothers, agronomists Rossi, who in the 70s were engaged in the cultivation of cotton in the city of Bakersfield (California). To date, the largest tractor in the world travels across the fields of America and for the entire period of its existence has not been put into mass production. What is most interesting, for 37 years no company in the world has developed such a technique that would have the dimensions and specifications similar to those of Big-Bud.

What is the largest tractor in the world capable of?

As it turned out, the power of this equipment is enough to process about 400 hectares of soil per day. A huge 30-meter plow clung to the tractor, which is capable of plowing the earth to a depth of 120 centimeters. No modern agricultural machinery can boast of such productivity .

Technical features of the American "BigBud-747"

Under the hood, the largest tractor in the world hides a powerful 16-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 760 horsepower.

photo the largest tractor
The development of this unit was engaged in the company "Detroit Diesel". Naturally, the appetite of such a giant was immodest. BigBud-747 consumed about 65 liters of diesel per minute. But, despite all this, the tractor was equipped with a very small fuel tank (only 567 liters). Thus, a complete refueling was enough for the tractor for only 8-10 minutes. The tractor is aggregated by a 6-speed gearbox. The brake system here, like on heavy trucks, is air type (on all wheels).

As for the dimensions, the "BigBud-747" is simply striking in its dimensions: the length is 8,200 millimeters, the width is 6,000 millimeters, the height is 4,200 millimeters. The curb weight of the tractor is 45.5 tons.

the largest tractor in Russia

It is worth saying that tires for the "American" were developed individually by the Canadian company "United Tire Company". By the way, the tire diameter itself is 240 centimeters. Having received such large wheels and an engine, "BigBud-747" instantly won the title of "The largest tractor in the world."

What is the fate of Big Bud today?

11 years after its use, in 1988, the Rossi brothers decided to sell this equipment to the Willowbrook Farms farm, which is located in Florida. For 9 years, he was constantly engaged in loosening and plowing the soil.

the biggest tractor
And in 1997, "Big-Bud" passed into the hands of the new owner, and now he is in his small homeland, in Montana. Once in the new owner, he was slightly modernized and received a new diesel engine with a capacity of 900 horsepower. According to experts, its current value is about 600 thousand dollars.
the biggest tractor

Until today, this tractor is in perfect working condition and is still processing and loosening the soil of the fields.

Russian hero - "Kirovets K 9520"

Unlike its American counterpart, the largest tractor in Russia has a slightly less weak motor (516 β€œhorses”) and a more modern design. It is also worth noting a new modification of the old Kirovets series - K-744R3 M1 with an engine capacity of 428 liters. from.

Both tractor models are equipped with the latest technology, and all components are manufactured by world leading manufacturers. Thus, the upgraded K-744P3 is equipped with a MB OM 457 LA turbodiesel engine and a German axial piston hydraulic system from Bosch. According to the manufacturer, the K-9520 and K-744R3 M1 models have high performance, power, easy operation and a modern appearance (see photo).

the largest tractor in Russia

The largest tractor in Russia of the K-9520 series is the latest development of the Kirov Plant, which inherited all the best features of its predecessors: a reliable design, a powerful and economical engine. Indeed, over the past few years, the pace of development of domestic equipment has been so high that it can be said with confidence that Russian tractors will be leading in the entire world market in the next 5-10 years.


So, we examined the technical characteristics of the largest tractor in the world of American origin "Big Bud-747" and the features of the new Russian "hero" Kirovets K-9520.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40897/

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