Nettle for hair: reviews, recipes

Herbal medicine is widely used for cosmetic purposes, as many women are accustomed to trust only natural components. Even in ancient times, people realized that nettle for hair is a real find. Since that time, knowledge began to expand, and recipes began to become more effective. The funds obtained on the basis of this plant help get rid of the loss, tarnishing and dying of curls.

How to collect and prepare raw materials?

To prepare a decoction of nettle for hair, it is necessary to prepare the main component. It is best to do this in May or June, then the plant will be as useful as possible. It is in late spring and early summer that this grass begins to bloom, so all the necessary substances are in full.

When collecting raw materials, it is not recommended to tear damaged leaves that have painful spots on the surface. There will be very little benefit from them. After collecting a certain amount of grass, it must be washed under running running water. Parts of the plant cleared of various pollution are laid out on clean sheets of paper. The place where it is supposed to be dried should be dark and well ventilated.

In order for the cooked nettle to dry normally, it should be kept for at least seven days. After the specified time, you need to separate the leaves directly from the stem and put them in a container of paper. Usually a simple paper bag is made, but it’s better to take paper without printing ink. In this state, the plant can be stored for about 2 years.

Healthy nettle leaves for hair

Nutrient content

No wonder people began to use nettle for hair. Prepared in accordance with all the rules, its decoction is able to compare in effectiveness with many expensive procedures carried out as part of a beauty salon. The main secret lies in the composition of the plant. It is simply overflowing with healing components. Getting into the structure of curls, they have the most favorable effect on them:

  • Vitamin A improves the condition of the scalp. It leads to the activation of processes that improve the development of follicles, so when using nettle broth, rapid hair growth is noted.
  • Vitamin C has a positive effect on blood circulation. After applying the decoction of the plant, the curls acquire smoothness.
  • Tannins resist irritation. Hair becomes more flexible.
  • Carotene helps maintain moisture inside the cells. With its help, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Therefore, cooked products from nettle for hair are recommended more often for those people who have oily curls.
  • Flavonoids have a positive effect on follicles, which leads to their strengthening.
  • Organic acids in large quantities improve metabolism directly in the hair follicles.
Nettle hair collection

Despite the many advantages of the plant, it is necessary to take into account its aggressive effect. With improper preparation of funds, the condition of your hair can be easily ruined.

What are the expected results?

Using funds from nettles, you can get a lot:

  • strengthen the roots;
  • normalize fat metabolism of the scalp;
  • reduce hair fragility.

But that's not all:

  • dandruff will disappear;
  • hair will get a silky texture;
  • peeling and itching of the scalp will pass.

In addition, nettle is ideal for hair growth. Long hair is always in fashion, and with the help of this plant you can significantly accelerate the process of its growth.

Preparation and use of broth

To obtain the main tool you will need 100 g of dry grass. This amount must be poured with a liter of boiling water. When brewing, you should wait a while, so that the plant completely gives up its juices. Useful properties in this case will not only not be lost, but even strengthened.

The resulting solution is put on fire and boiled for a few more minutes. It can be used immediately after straining and cooling. A glass of the finished broth is poured into a more capacious container. A liter of boiled water softened with baking soda is added there.

Nettle broth for hair

Within five minutes, rinsing the hair. Nettle just at this moment begins to affect the structure of curls. Immediately after rinsing, the hair should be blotted with a towel, but it is not recommended to wipe it dry. Natural moisture removal should occur simultaneously with the absorption of nutrients.

Knowing how to make nettle for hair, you can save on visiting a beautician. The prepared product should be used every other day for two weeks. The procedure can be repeated after a month. It should be understood that the presented recipe is not suitable for dry curls.

Cooking and using butter

Nettle is not only a decoction. A pronounced healing effect has oil made from a plant. Its scope is slightly different. It is used for general hair strengthening. Nettle for cooking oil is used in dry form.

To obtain funds, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the feedstock. It should be filled with olive oil in an amount of 200 ml. You can use this mixture only after two weeks, when it is completely settled:

  • The tool can be applied to dry locks. It is recommended to use it in this case 60 minutes before shampooing.
  • In order to prevent hair loss, a small pinch of salt is added to the oil. The mixture is applied to wet curls.
  • With oily hair, such a tool is better not to use. However, if necessary, a few drops can be added to the shampoo.
  • To accelerate the growth of hair, it is necessary to rub the oil well into the scalp.
Shine after application of nettle

Women leave a lot of positive reviews about nettle oil for hair, as it is quite versatile. After its use, an improvement in the general condition of curls is noted.

Methods for preparing other products

Decoctions and nettle oil have a wide range of effects, but there are other options. To accelerate hair growth, crushed leaves are used along with egg yolk. Two tablespoons of raw materials are mixed with one part of the egg. The protein is completely separated.

Prevent hair loss allows a special vitamin mixture. It is made on the basis of freshly picked stems, which need to be taken only 5-6 pieces. They should be crushed using a blender. A tablespoon of honey and about 50 ml of burdock oil are added to the resulting mass. The mixture should be infused for 20 minutes. It is gently rubbed into the scalp. After the procedure, the hair is covered with a towel or a bag of polyethylene. The product is washed off with plain water.

With too fat curls, another option will do. It is necessary to collect 50 leaves and chop them. A tablespoon of salt is added to the mass. The tool is rubbed into the skin of the head and directly into the strands themselves. The mixture is washed off 30 minutes after application.

Nettle makes hair obedient

Tincture for oral use

Protects nettle from hair loss and with internal use. For this, a special tincture is prepared. When used internally, the effect may turn out to be more noticeable, since the whole organism will be invaluable. The tincture includes readily available components.

In a standard glass, place 2 tablespoons of dried nettle, pour boiling water over it. After about 15 minutes, the product must be filtered. The prepared tincture should be drunk within a day. Usually it is used in 3-4 doses.

Some features of using nettle

Certain problems can occur in women with blond hair. After applying saturated broths, curls can acquire a slightly greenish tint. This does not mean that nettles are prohibited. Women may well strengthen their strands in this way.

It is recommended to add honey or vinegar to the cooked product to avoid the appearance of a greenish tint. These components do not affect the healing properties of decoctions. As for women with dark hair, they can refuse the use of vinegar and honey.


Many women appreciate aesthetics, so they try not only to strengthen their curls, but also to give them an expressive look. In this case, nettle in a dry or fresh form is suitable. It takes 7-8 tablespoons of the mass of crushed leaves pour two liters of boiling water and leave for about an hour.

Nettle gives hair shine

After the specified time, the product is filtered. A spoonful of honey is added to it, after which thorough mixing is carried out. Infusion can rinse hair once a week. The result will be noticeable immediately after the first procedure. Curls will become more silky and shiny.

General contraindications

Usually refuse to use nettle mixtures only in the presence of individual intolerance. In other cases, there are no serious reasons for not using the plant. For children, a weaker solution is usually made. However, before applying it, in any case, it is advisable to consult with specialists.

Immediately before applying, cosmetologists recommend a simple test for a possible allergic reaction. You must first apply the cooked product on your wrist. If after 30 minutes there is no irritation, rashes or redness, then a decoction or tincture can be used to strengthen the strands and improve their appearance.

What are the reviews of nettle for hair?

About the beneficial properties of plants, many argue. A large number of reviews are left by those who were able to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool on themselves. They note that even after a single application, the hair looks very impressive because of the pronounced shine.

Nettle strengthens the hair as a whole

People who have tried nettle-based remedies also talk about obedience to curls after regular use. Combing your hair becomes much easier. Split ends cease to be such a problem, as observed before. After a full cycle of procedures, dandruff disappears.

The number of negative reviews is very small. However, they can be left by those people who neglected the basic rules for the preparation of formulations. Due to the violation of proportions and the introduction of excess components, the opposite effect is often obtained. For some, too much concentration results in staining in a greenish color, but this only applies to blondes.

Gradually, the number of negative reviews about nettle for hair decreases, as recipes are constantly being improved. Some flaws are eliminated over time. Means are becoming more effective. Other components are added to achieve a particular goal.

Features of dry product storage

After drying, nettle leaves must be removed in a suitable place. It is best to stack the raw materials in a glass jar with a lid that closes tightly. If necessary, you can store the dry product in plastic bags. The main condition is that moisture does not penetrate the packaging used.

Final part

Many women spend huge amounts of money on body care, not paying attention to the fact that there are more affordable and effective means. Particularly noteworthy are rinsing agents for nettle hair. How to brew them was discussed above. Instead of going to an appointment with a beautician and paying a lot of money, you can independently prepare a more useful remedy for curls, which will be as cheap as possible. It will not be necessary to spend a lot of time and effort on its preparation.


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