Soviet footballer George Yartsev: biography

Georgy Yartsev is a Soviet football player, a bright, emotional person who strikes not only on the field, but also in life. An outstanding player and coach, a risky person and a fighter who graduated from a medical school, but, contrary to all, going towards his dream. He has the titles of the top scorer of the USSR championship in 1978, the champion of the USSR in 1979, the silver medalist of the USSR championship in 1980.

George Yartsev

early years

Born in the village of Nikolskoye, Kostroma region. He entered a medical school and graduated with a degree in paramedic, but the desire to become a football player won, and healing in his life went far into the background. The Yartsev family had nine children, which, in fact, did not affect his personal life, since George himself had only two.

From a young age, Georgy Yartsev, whose height, weighing 176 centimeters and 71 kilograms, respectively, played in the teams of the second league. Having played just a match in the CSKA team, Yartsev is injured in training and is no longer returning to this football club. He took all his prospects with him to the Smolensk team.


Outstanding he was destined to become closer to thirty years, almost at the end of his career, which at that time was just beginning to flourish. Georgy Yartsev invited Beskov to the Spartak team - a man who was able to direct the footballer to the winners' track and smooth out his explosive nature. As Georgy Aleksandrovich himself later wrote, the first acquaintance with the coach of the team went without a logical conclusion, he was simply sent home. The dialogue turned out to be short-lived, after mutual handshakes, Konstantin Beskov invited Yartsev to make his debut in his team, but after revelations about the age, the parties said goodbye. The footballer left without having attended the match of the Spartak team, which in turn upset the famous coach. Then George was called into the team, and, despite all his fears and doubts, he nevertheless agreed.

George Yartsev height weight

Many did not understand Beskov’s choice, for which reason he should take the “old man” into the team. However, Yartsev’s striking results in the matches dispelled all misunderstandings. Spartak’s return to the Premier League was marked by his nineteen goals for the season and, accordingly, for George himself the status of “top scorer”.

Soviet footballer George Yartsev climbed to the highest level, setting a record not yet surpassed by anyone: seven goals scored in two games in a row. The only attempt in the 2010 Russian Championship was unsuccessful.

Having not completely played a single match in the national team, Yartsev still went six times on the field: first for a substitution, then for the first half. Without hitting his goal, without scoring goals, he responsibly helped his colleagues in this difficult matter.

After the native club

Georgy Yartsev left his favorite club in 1980. From Spartak I went to the Lokomotiv team, which at that time tried to return to the big leagues. But since she still could not get out, for a long time the player did not stay in Lokomotiv. Moreover, no matter how relations were built in subsequent teams, “Spartak” for Yartsev forever remained more than just a team.

George Yartsev Soviet football player

Having become a coach, Georgy Aleksandrovich notes that there were censures on Beskov’s hard character, but everyone who went through his “school of life” and subsequently followed in his footsteps incorporated a piece of that very character. After all, training and mentoring players, worrying about them and prompting are completely different feelings and emotions than running on the field yourself.

Coaching path

In general terms, Georgy Yartsev as a coach is very vulnerable emotionally and superstitious in football matters. There was a thing: I decided that the team lost because of his new jacket. Immediately after the match, the jacket was unlucky, and he was thrown out. The match with the Swedish national team was generally remembered for sleepless nights and weight loss, as the abundance of cigarettes, coffee and irregular sleep are not the best friends of any person.

In the history of the Russian national team, George witnessed the most massive defeat with his own eyes - the national team lost to the Portuguese 1: 7. He simply could not stand such a terrible sight and left the field at the eighty-sixth minute, not even having sat until the end of the match. Yartsev was hard-pressed for defeat and chose to hide from the world in the country. And only when he was able to recover, did he begin to prepare for a new match with Estonia.

George Yartsev biography

The president of the Spartak Veterans Club is an honorary position for the coach. However, six months later, Georgy Yartsev gave his strength to the "Rotor", but once, having left home, in Volgograd, Yartsev did not return. This team did not grow together, and it was on it that George's coaching career failed. As claimed by the Soviet football player and coach, he could not demand a good game from the players when they were detained for salaries. And after a couple of years he was appointed coach of the national team of Russia.

Then he went to his friend Oleg Romantsev. The meeting took place at the World Championships in the USA, there was also an offer to become a coach. Since at that time Romantsev was torn between the post of head coach and the post of president of the red-white, he transferred the leadership of the team to Yartsev.


And already in 1996, Georgy Alexandrovich deservedly received the prize of the best coach of the year. He managed to get out of a difficult situation. Taking command in his own hands, Yartsev put talented youth on its feet and “tuned” the game in the shortest time, which led to a brilliant victory in the championship.

In 2003, the Russian team from its submission reached the final part of the European Football Championship, despite the fact that time was running out - thirteen days remained before the decisive match - the team lacked a number of players, but the coach coped with these difficulties. A little later, Georgy Yartsev, whose photo always demonstrates confidence, went on to coach at FC Torpedo.

George Yartsev photo

Yartsev in history

Over the years, a myriad of games, seasons, goals, pain, joy, resentment, Georgy Yartsev, whose biography turned out to be very bright, was able to be remembered by fans and left his mark on sports history, found people who were close in spirit and made warm, friendly relations . He opened the road to life for many young footballers and helped him to gain a foothold in sports.


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