Pumpkin seeds: benefits and harm to the body

Pumpkin has been known since ancient times. Her homeland is America. It is known that the American Indians used to prepare medicinal dishes. Nowadays, pumpkin is grown in every country in the world, and it can be counted up to 900 species. And almost as many dishes can be prepared from it. But this is not the main thing. The treasure is inside. Pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of vitamins, microelements, amino acids necessary for normal human life. There is nothing complicated in getting quality seeds. The main thing is to do it right. We will talk about this in this article.

pumpkin seeds can

Healing properties

As indicated above, the medicinal substances of pumpkin were known many years ago. The list of healing properties of pumpkin seeds is simply huge, truly “living water” or, rather, “living seed”. So, in which case pumpkin seeds will help:

  • Do you complain about sleep or are you depressed? Pumpkin seeds increase the quality of sleep, as they contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which, when it enters the human body, is converted to serotine and niacin, which are directly related to the quality of night's rest.
  • High pressure? Arginine contained in pumpkin seeds in the human body is transformed into nitric oxide, it is responsible for arteries and blood vessels and improves blood flow through them.
  • Not sure how to lower cholesterol? Include pumpkin seeds in your daily diet. Phytosterol, which is part of them, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Do you want to maintain the beauty and youth of your skin? Pumpkin seeds will help you. Vitamins A and E, which they contain, are responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Do you have arthritis? Try pumpkin seeds. The zinc that is part of them will certainly benefit your bones.
  • Prostatitis? According to statistics, after 25 years, more than 30% of men have it. Zinc and fatty acids found in pumpkin seeds inhibit BPH.
  • Heart problem? Magnesium, which is contained in the pumpkin, will benefit the heart. Pumpkin seeds will reliably protect it from rhythm disturbances and help normalize the contractile function of the heart.
  • Not sure how to get rid of worms? Since ancient times, pumpkin seeds have been one of the best remedies for parasites. In many countries it is used for pinworms as a natural preparation.
  • How will pumpkin seeds help with diabetes? Despite the fact that they are very high-calorie, pumpkin seeds contain protein that is easily absorbed and normalizes blood sugar.
  • Bowel problems? Fiber contained in pumpkin brings great benefits to the intestines. Pumpkin seeds improve intestinal motility, and will serve as a kind of "brush" for it. For chronic constipation, it is recommended that pumpkin seeds be included in the daily menu.
  • Did the thyroid disappear? She needs zinc for normal functioning, it is contained in pumpkin seeds. To protect the thyroid gland from diseases, it is enough to eat up to 140 grams of pumpkin seeds every day.
pumpkin seeds for the body

Seed composition

To have an idea of ​​how valuable the medicine that nature has endowed us with, we consider in detail the benefits of pumpkin seeds. More precisely, their composition. Pumpkin seed is rich in minerals, vitamins, fats and amino acids. Fresh pumpkin seeds contain:

  • water - 8.2;
  • carbohydrates - 13.4;
  • protein - 24.5;
  • fats - 25.7;
  • fiber - 4.1.

Pumpkin seeds contain ash, ascorbic acid, saturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, K, almost all the vitamins of group B. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and zinc. To provide 20% of the body's daily intake of zinc, 25 g of purified seeds are enough. Accordingly, 100 g of seeds supply 80% of the body with zinc. The same amount of pumpkin seeds will provide the daily norm of magnesium - by 160%, manganese - by 130%, and potassium needed by the heart - by 40%

Preventive and restorative properties

Generous nature has provided us with medicines that have no side effects. Pumpkin seeds also contain other vitamins, as well as essential amino acids, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible: isoleucine, arginine, lysine, valine, methionine and histidine. What else are pumpkin seeds useful for the body:

  • Vitamin K will ensure normal blood coagulation.
  • Vitamin A is involved in the production of rhodopsin and will help improve color perception and twilight vision.
  • Phosphorus is a necessary component for the prevention of male infertility.
  • Pumpkin is a valuable source of protein for vegetarians, those who fast or enjoy a raw food diet.
  • Pumpkin seeds contribute to the production of sex hormones. Systematic seed intake will be beneficial for both men and women.
  • Pumpkin seeds help improve cognitive abilities (especially memory).
  • Pumpkin seed oil contains immunity enhancing substances. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, do not forget about pumpkin seed.
  • Pumpkin seeds reduce nausea. They are recommended for those who cradle on the road, and pregnant women (in moderation).
pumpkin seeds how to take

Benefits for women

We learned about the healing properties of pumpkin seeds, which will benefit both sexes. Now we need to dwell in more detail on therapeutic actions that have a beneficial effect on women's health. Pumpkin seeds for women, of course, have great benefits. They will help the beautiful half of humanity and strengthen their health, and always remain beautiful.

According to recent reports, women are significantly more likely to suffer from osteoporosis than men. Calcium is especially actively washed out of bones after 45 years. The minerals that make up pumpkin seeds will help stop the unwanted process.

Anemia is also a frequent “female trouble”. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of iron. Only 100 g of seeds will almost 100% provide the daily norm of this microelement.

Fatty acids contained in the seeds moisturize the skin from the inside, which helps strengthen hair and nails, provides elasticity and smoothness to the skin, and also prevents the appearance of dandruff.

Phytoestrogens included in the seeds normalize sleep and mood, help fight depression. Tryptophan will relieve joint pain and headache. As you know, women are prone to these symptoms during menopause.

A handful of seeds during pregnancy will reduce the manifestation of toxicosis: reduce nausea and intolerance to odors. What is the benefit? For women, pumpkin seeds are just salvation, because bearing a child is often accompanied by anemia and constipation.

Benefits for men

Nature also did not deprive representatives of the strong half - pumpkin seeds are useful for men. This is an excellent tool in the fight against male diseases. For better functioning of the prostate gland, zinc is needed and, as a rule, the amount that the body receives with food is not enough. This leads to inflammation of the prostate. This problem is acute after 50 years. To protect yourself from prostatitis, it is enough to eat 50 pumpkin seeds every day. Moreover:

  • Trace elements in pumpkin seeds increase sperm motility, which is why they are an excellent prevention of infertility in men.
  • Men are prone to alopecia (baldness) at an early age. Strengthening the roots of hair and preventing their premature loss will help the constant intake of pumpkin seeds. Zinc in their composition will help fight dandruff.
  • Atherosclerosis in men begins earlier than in women. This leads to strokes and heart attacks. What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men? The consumption of pumpkin seeds will help to suspend this process: amino acids will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, iron will increase hemoglobin, arginine will help blood vessels, phytosterols will lower cholesterol.
harm pumpkin seeds for men

Seed damage

The harm of pumpkin seeds is noticeable only with excessive use:

  • Excess weight. Pumpkin seeds are a high-calorie product: 559 kcal per 100 g of seeds. What to do? Eat no more than 140 g per day.
  • Stagnant processes in the joints. What to do? Limit the use of salted and fried seeds.
  • Damage to tooth enamel. What to do? Peel the seeds with your hands, not your teeth.


Since we are talking about the harm that pumpkin seeds can cause to health, it is necessary to talk about contraindications. For which diseases it is necessary to abandon pumpkin seeds:

  • With diseases of the digestive system. Why? Gastroenterologists do not recommend coarse foods for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • With intolerance to pumpkin pulp. Why? An allergic reaction can occur when eating seeds of this fruit.
  • With excess weight. Why? Pumpkin seeds have a high calorie content, so they will only aggravate the situation and bring harm. Pumpkin seeds should be eaten in this case no more than 140 g per day.

Before proceeding to the medicinal potions from pumpkin seeds, you need to figure out how to properly dry the seeds, where and at what time of the year.

pumpkin seeds harm

How to dry seeds

In order for the seeds to maintain a maximum of useful substances and not lose their taste, they must be properly dried. Remove the seeds from the pulp of the fetus, remove the rotten and damaged ones, and rinse the seeds thoroughly under running water. You can use a colander for this. Then pumpkin seeds can be laid out on a towel and dried on both sides - this will remove excess moisture from them.

If you plan to fry the seeds, then you do not need to dry them. Put in a dry pan and fry until browned. Enough 15 minutes.

In an air grill, the seed is dried for half an hour at 60 degrees.

In the electric dryer - 40 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees.

The oven is preheated to 80 degrees and dried for 20 minutes.

In the open, it will take about a week to fully dry. A fairly lengthy process, but this is how the most useful product is obtained, in which all trace elements and vitamins are stored.

Pumpkin seed is stored in a cool place in a cotton bag or in a tightly closed glass container.

How to take pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seed is, of course, better in its raw form, rather than fried. So you can get more benefit from it. How to take pumpkin seeds?

  • As an additive to salads, especially green ones.
  • In pure form.
  • As an additive to porridge or vegetable stew.
  • Add to baking.
  • Add to salad dressings.
  • Mix with natural honey.

The last method will dwell in more detail.

pumpkin seeds for men

Pumpkin seeds with honey

Pumpkin seed with honey is a real cure for many diseases, and not just a treat. A very useful mixture of honey and pumpkin seeds for men. Damage from it can only be in case of individual intolerance to the components or according to the doctor’s testimony. It helps with prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

To prepare a healing potion you will need a glass of pumpkin seed without a peel and half a glass of honey. From the mass, make balls with a diameter of not more than 1.5 cm. Put in the refrigerator, and store in the same place. Take the medicine on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before eating. If desired, “pumpkin-honey tablets” can be taken in a course: a month, a week off.

The medicine can be turned into a tasty treat: mix pumpkin seeds with chopped nuts (to taste), prunes and dried apricots. Add honey and form balls. Let them freeze. After that, a tasty and healthy treat is ready to eat.

You can pour crushed seeds with honey and take several times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Do not abuse: more than 3 tablespoons per day should not be eaten.

How useful is a mixture of honey and pumpkin seeds for women? Harm, if not abused, it certainly will not. But in the fight against osteoporosis, this mixture is the best assistant. Decreasing bone density is a common problem women have with the years. The consequence of this is frequent fractures. A mixture of honey and pumpkin seed will strengthen bone tissue, increase hemoglobin and improve heart function. And, of course, this mixture is an excellent remedy for "girl problems." She will help:

  • improve the condition of hair, nails, skin;
  • remove acne, renew the epidermis and make the skin supple and youthful;
  • eliminate the appearance of dandruff;
  • prevent hair loss;
  • improve metabolic processes in the body.

Since we are talking about beauty, we will dwell on this in more detail.

Pumpkin seeds in cosmetics

Briefly about the figure. For those who want to lose weight, pumpkin seed is also good. Only high-calorie seeds can not be used as a snack, but included in the calorie balance. Pumpkin seeds accelerate metabolism, and lead to fat burning, unless, of course, upset the energy balance of foods. Pumpkin seeds are used in cosmetics not only on an industrial scale, but also at home can be done:

  • lotions;
  • masks;
  • creams;
  • scrubs.

Oleic and linoleic acids contained in pumpkin seed provide additional nutrition for aging skin.

  • For a nourishing mask, grind pumpkin seeds and add a little oil or honey.
  • Cleanses the skin from age spots, crushed seed, mashed with water and honey. With a daily procedure, skin whitening is guaranteed.
  • In order for the skin to become elastic again, starch must be added to the same composition.
the benefits of pumpkin seeds for women

Pumpkin Seed Treatment

Treatment with pumpkin seeds usually comes down to the daily use of this product in recommended amounts. Regular inclusion of pumpkin seeds in food is the prevention of many diseases. The benefits of pumpkin seeds were recognized even by traditional medicine. In pharmacies you can find "Tykveol". As well as many drugs for the treatment of prostatitis: Peponen, Prostamed, Prostanorm, etc. These drugs contain pumpkin seed oil and pumpkin, which once again confirms the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men.

  • Remedy for wounds and burns.

How to cook: chop the seeds and wrap in a dense cloth (gauze) and scald with boiling water. After cooling, apply compress to sore spots. Gruel from pumpkin seeds will relieve pain and accelerate tissue regeneration.

  • Remedy for prostatitis number 1.

Ingredients: a pound of seeds and 200 g of honey.

How to cook: grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and mix with honey. Put the mixture in the refrigerator. After it thickens, roll from it balls the size of a hazelnut. Eat them 1 to 3 pieces on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is a month.

  • Remedy for prostatitis number 2.

Ingredients: seeds and honey.

How to cook: thoroughly dry and grind the seeds together with the peel. Sift and take the resulting powder 2 times a day. Drink two tablespoons of the mixture with honey water (before meals).

Kidney and urinary tract treatment

  • Remedy for inflammation.

Ingredients: in equal amounts hemp and pumpkin seed.

How to cook: 1 teaspoon of seeds (mixture) 2 times a day.

  • Pumpkin milk.

Ingredients: 50 g of pumpkin seeds, sugar - 20 g, water - 80 ml.

How to cook: mix all these ingredients and take 3 times a day for a teaspoon (before meals).

Treat nerves

  • Pumpkin decoction helps to relieve nervous tension and improve sleep.

Ingredients: 0.3 L Water, 3 Tbsp Pumpkin Seed

How to cook: mix the ingredients and bring to a boil. Boil for 4 minutes over low heat and cool. Take a decoction before bedtime or during emotional stress (a quarter glass).

pumpkin seeds for men

Get rid of parasites

The composition of pumpkin seeds includes cucurbitin - an effective tool in the fight against parasites. Because parasitologists around the world offer pumpkin seeds to their patients. What is cucurbitin useful for? It causes the death of parasites, having a paralytic effect on them. The main advantage of pumpkin seeds is that they do not have a toxic effect on humans, do not irritate the digestive system and have no age restrictions.

  • Remedy for parasites.

Ingredients: for adults - 300 g of seeds, for children over 10 years old - 150 g, 5 - 7 years old - 100 g, up to 4 years old - 50 g.

How to cook: peel the indicated number of seeds. It is important that the film covering the seed (greenish film) remains on the seed. Pour seeds into a bowl and grind. In the process, add a little water - 10 drops at a time. About 4 tablespoons per 300 g of seed. The resulting slurry is eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. The whole portion needs to be eaten in an hour. After 3 hours, drink a laxative and make a cleansing enema. This method will allow you to get rid of parasites without resorting to medication.

What other diseases can a pumpkin seed cope with?

For heart problems and angina pectoris, you need to eat at least 20 seeds every day.

You can get rid of extra pounds if you eat a tablespoon of seeds before eating.

With prostatitis, within a month it is necessary to eat at least 50 seeds every day.

Possible combinations

With neurasthenia, fry a glass of peeled pumpkin seeds until tender and twist in a meat grinder. Add a glass of jam from elderberry. Grind clean and well-dried chicken shells. Add a teaspoon to the sweet mass and stir. Eat one teaspoon every day.

For sexual impotence, such a mixture can also help: mix 100 g of raw chopped pumpkin seeds, mix 100 g of fried and chopped rice. Grind 50 g of wiki seeds, fry, grind and add to the first mixture. Add 150 g of honey and the same amount of oil to this. Mix. Eat a teaspoon of the mixture every 2 hours.

For difficulties with urination and kidney disease, eat one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds twice a day. For a greater effect, you need to take them with hemp seeds. This collection is anti-inflammatory, diuretic and painkiller.

With hematuria, this mixture will help: 100 g of pumpkin, hemp and flax seeds. Add the same amount of blackberry leaves, linden flowers, hypericum and elderberry. Add 50 g of chamomile here. 4 tablespoons of the mixture placed in a bowl and pour half a liter of boiling water. Allow the product to infuse in a warm place for 2 hours. Drink the infusion 4 times a day.

Pumpkin seeds are a useful and valuable product. They carry longevity and health. They will save not only from diseases, their ability to remove heavy metals from the human body has been proven. We can safely say that pumpkin seeds are truly a gift of nature!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40922/

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