How fast does scalp hair grow? Hair Care so that it grows fast

You can tell a lot about a person’s health and his character through his hair. Nature rewarded one with lush and thick hair, and the other knocked down in search of a miraculous care product. There is curly, wavy or completely straight hair. There is hair fluffy in nature, and not from overdrying with a hairdryer. All people are different, like hair. Why it happens? What determines how much hair a person has? Consider the causes and factors in order.

How much hair?

how fast hair grows on the head

Perhaps the surprise for many will be the fact that the amount of hair for all people is about the same. On average, it is about 100 thousand. This number is the base bookmark of the active bulbs, of which hair grows throughout life. For each, this number is individual and can vary under the influence of genetic factors, as well as hormonal levels. So laid down by nature. However, in practice it is not possible to count how much hair a person has. Yes, this is not necessary. Why then visually the hair seems different? It's all about the density with respect to the entire area covered by the bulbs. After all, the size of the head is different for everyone. The second reason is the density and thickness of the hair. It is this factor that visually makes the hair thick.

How do ringlets grow?

In general, how much natural hair will be healthy is laid genetically. If the mother had a thick and luxurious hair with curled ringlets, then, most likely, the children will inherit it. Of the two genes, as a rule, the stronger is transmitted to the descendants. This also applies to growth rate. Although this indicator has its average value - about 0.3-0.4 mm per day. The norm is 1-1.2 cm per month. It turns out that hair grows 12-14.5 cm per year. However, there are many people who, after a short period of time, seem to completely grow over with hair. For many, hair grows 15 or more centimeters in 12 months. This is due to the rapid metabolism. Also, as mentioned earlier, genetics has a great influence. However, living conditions, local water, a full-fledged diet, quality cosmetics for care, of course, have an effect on hair growth. All these factors must be taken into account in order to grow the braid as long as possible.

hair roots

Useful haircut

For those who want to know how fast hair grows on the head, you can do a control haircut and mark the time interval for which a certain length appears. It will be not only informative, but also useful for hair. It is believed that if you regularly cut the ends of the hair, then the curls will grow faster. There is a deal of truth in it. The fact is that, cutting off, as a rule, the damaged and lifeless part of the hair, we thereby allow the rest of the length to completely absorb all incoming beneficial substances. Now they will not be wasted on the cut ends of the hair, which can only help scissors. It is only necessary to remember that if you want to grow your hair as quickly as possible, a haircut should be done on the young moon. So it is said in beliefs, and this method is really time-tested. To maintain healthy hair without losing length, you need to cut your hair once every one and a half to two months, but no more than 1-1.5 cm.

Hair Growth and Season

how much hair does a person have

There are many factors that influence how quickly hair grows on the head, which is why this indicator is individual for each person. However, scientists who conducted observations in this area have identified a certain pattern. For example, in the spring-summer period, hair growth is significantly activated, as well as in the daytime. Like nature, the human body also has a peculiar seasonality. This is due to the characteristics of the diet at different times of the year. A food rich in vitamins, minerals and various beneficial substances helps to accelerate the metabolism in the body. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in calcium have a special effect on the growth and good condition of hair. The improvement of the structure occurs when there is sufficient intake of B vitamins in the diet.

Hair growth and age

natural hair

How quickly hair grows on the head, also depends on age. The most active phase is observed in an adult, children and elderly people have a slightly lower rate. Different rates are associated with metabolism. In children, a lot of resources are spent on the general growth and development of the body, while in old age the metabolism slows down. These factors affect other indicators of human health. Depending on the change in the hormonal background, the growth rate may vary. For example, women during menopause, as well as often during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, men during puberty lose a significant part of the scalp. How fast hair grows on the head is directly related to the level of hormones. Therefore, during stressful situations, many people notice a sharp loss. In this case, the hair roots are insured by nature, although this technique does not always work. The fact is that in the scalp, in addition to the main 100 thousand bulbs, there are as many spare ones. They are in a state of sleep and are ready to wake up if necessary. For these purposes, various growth activators and special procedures are often used. However, initially the cause should be sought inside the body. It happens that the spare bulbs are damaged or completely non-viable, so the restoration of the hair after full or partial alopecia does not occur. This mainly applies to males.

hair tips

What to do in order not to lose hair?

Sometimes the cause of rapid hair loss is vitamin deficiency or an insufficient diet. The body simply does not receive the necessary nutrients and trace elements that contribute to the growth of healthy hair. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor, then undergo a course of treatment with vitamins. At this time, you can help the hair and the outside, making nourishing masks. One of the natural activators of growth is onion juice. Our grandmothers also skillfully used this tool to make natural hair more dense, to give them strength and shine. For this, one onion was taken, with the help of a grater, gruel was obtained. It was poured into gauze folded several times and squeezed out miraculous juice. They rubbed their hair roots. If the scalp is sensitive, then the juice must be diluted with water by a third. You can add a few drops of castor, burdock or olive oil to it. After application, wait 10-15 minutes. If it starts to bake, it is necessary to rinse immediately so as not to get a scalp burn. In the future, the juice should be diluted with water and only then applied to the hair roots.

Care Tips

hair grows per year

Knowing how much hair grows, and this happens all his life, it is necessary to start taking care of them as soon as possible. If the density from childhood leaves much to be desired, one should not hope that with age the situation will change for the better. It is necessary to begin strengthening already from a young age. For this purpose, there are many folk methods that are based on the use of natural ingredients. A wealth of nutrients is found in vegetable oils and extracts. On their basis, many masks for hair and scalp are prepared. For example, olive oil has excellent moisturizing properties. It should be used in a preheated state, applying both to the hair along the entire length and to the roots. It perfectly nourishes and soothes the scalp, on which the condition of the entire hair is directly dependent. It should be remembered that the laying of the structure and potential of the hair occurs in the bulb. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the health of the skin on the head.

Walnut oil for hair

Perfectly moisturizes weakened hair along the entire length of walnut oil. It gives shine, volume and strength. At the same time, the product practically does not make the hair heavier and does not contribute to the formation of fat at the roots. It is also useful to apply castor, burdock oil and rub them with massage movements. Thus, blood circulation is established, and the flow of nutrients through the pores of the skin is more active.

how much hair grow

After washing the hair, it is necessary to apply balm on them. This procedure covers the flakes throughout the structure. Thanks to this, the hair becomes shiny and smooth. It can also be rinsed with herbal decoctions. For blond hair, camomile and calendula are suitable, for dark hair - an infusion of onion husks, nettles, etc.


Now you know how hair grows and with what speed, as well as by what methods this process can be accelerated. We wish you to always have beautiful hair.


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