Tomato Fenda: characteristics of the variety, yield and reviews

Many gardeners - amateurs and farmers - were pleasantly surprised by the hybrid variety - tomato Fenda F1. An agricultural plant is perfect for growing indoors, literally everywhere except in the northern regions, and in open beds in the southern regions of Russia. Hybrid seeds are supplied by Clause, France.

Fenda tomato variety

general information

Tomatoes Fenda F1 is an indeterminate tall hybrid that is most often grown in heated greenhouses and greenhouses. In hot climates, crops reach 40 and even 50 brushes. The height of the plant can be two meters. In the conditions of our country, especially if you grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is recommended to form bushes in one stem.

Like other tall hybrid varieties, Fenda tomatoes should be strengthened in time by tying. If the plant is grown in the fields and in open beds, stakes or trellis are used for props. Remember that to create a bush with one main stalk, you will have to constantly trim all stepsons. The first flower brushes appear after about the 9th real leaf, and then after each 3rd new ones are laid.

Distinctive features of the variety

Fend's tomatoes begin to bear fruit quite early. The duration of the ripening period of tomatoes ranges from 60 to 110 days.

Variety Characteristics

Description of an adult plant: a powerful bush on which large leaves are attached, the trunk is tall, thick and straight. About 10 brushes are formed, and up to 50 pieces per bush.

Tomatoes are characterized by a flat-rounded shape and a pleasant pink color. Ripe fruits have hollow seed chambers (from six or more). Tomatoes are delicious, with little or no sourness. Even among other pink varieties, Fenda stands out for its sweetness and sugar content.

Fruit Description

The mass of one ripe tomato can reach from 200 to 500 grams, so Fenda tomato is considered to be a large-fruited hybrid variety. Productivity of one square meter of plantings - from 25 kg. The fruits are transported over long distances well due to the dense structure - the tomatoes are elastic, which allows them not to crack.

Seedlings of tomato Fenda

How to get tomato seedlings

Planting tomato Fenda varieties is preferable to carry out in greenhouse constructions than in open ground. For this he was created. Planting method - seedling. It is best to grow young tomatoes yourself. For sowing, buy material only from reliable suppliers and carefully study the labels on the package.

Grade Reviews

Before planting seeds, it is important to remove small and damaged items. The first thing to do is to immerse the material in salted water. Those seeds that have sunk to the bottom are used for sowing. Of course, they must be washed in advance and kept for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Gardeners advise planting young seedlings in the following ways:

  • in the soil mixture;
  • in coconut fiber;
  • in peat tablets.

Sowing conditions

According to the description of tomato Fenda, the best time for sowing is the beginning of spring (early March), when daylight hours begin to increase. A special role in the normal development of the hybrid form is played by temperature. Initially, it is best to keep the room plus 22 Β° -23 Β°, after which the indicators are gradually reduced to plus 17 Β° -19 Β°, so that the seedlings do not grow up.

Sowing tomato Fenda

Young tomato sprouts dive into pots or paper cups at the moment when the first two leaves appear. To get a rich harvest, seedlings are best watered with rain and melt water. If you do not have time to collect it or these actions are not justified, because the plantings occupy large areas, then you can use two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water. An excellent option would be to install an artificial light source near the greenhouse.

After planting the plants in the ground, they are abundantly watered and sprinkled with mulch, the thickness of which reaches 100 mm. For 8-10 days, the seedlings are not disturbed, which allows it to take root well. If the soil is well mulled, during this period the bed does not need abundant watering.

How to care

Experienced gardeners advise watering Fenda tomatoes every 4-5 days before the flowering period, and then twice as often. Pouring water on the leaves is not recommended. Humidify hybrid plants under the root in the morning. When removing stepchildren, β€œhemp” should be kept in order to prevent overgrowth. This is necessary for the normal development of the main trunk and hands on which the fruits will form.

Fertilizer application

Tomato Fenda F1 was created by breeders in order to obtain large yields, and therefore, plants take nutrients from the soil faster than all known varieties. Of course, for this reason, it is worthwhile to fertilize more often in the soil on a bed with plantings. However, their norm in this situation is not recommended to be exceeded. It is quite possible to compensate for the lack of nutrients only by increasing the frequency of feeding. According to reviews, tomato Fenda gives a good harvest with foliar fertilizing.

Let us clarify what nutrients are introduced into the soil to improve the growth of the hybrid and accelerate the ripening of fruits:

  1. Potassium. It is able to increase the growth of the root system, contributes to the normal transportation of water with nutrients through the stems, accelerates the accumulation of carbohydrates. Potassium is directly involved in the synthesis of vitamin C. The fruits of Fend tomato, when a sufficient amount of potassium fertilizer is applied, become brighter and more aromatic, capable of maintaining excellent taste for a long time. Hybrid varieties, for example, Fenda F1, consume potassium nutrient mixtures several times more than conventional species.
  2. Phosphorus. This component is important for the normal ripening of fruits, the growth of stems and seeds. With a lack of phosphorus, the growth of shoots is delayed, crumbles or does not appear at all.
  3. Nitrogen. Thanks to this element, there is an increase in bush growth and staining of tops in a saturated green color. If you do not calculate the proportions and add more nitrogen to the soil, then the plant will β€œfatten” - all the nutrition will be spent on the development of stems and foliage.

Tip: when feeding, it is important to observe the proportions of fertilizer application so that potassium is 4 times more than nitrogen.

The opinion of gardeners

Tomato Fenda F1 is a fairly new variety that has already earned excellent reviews from domestic and foreign vegetable growers who immediately tested the tomatoes. Many gardeners note that the weight of one tomato under standard growing conditions was 600 grams. According to reviews, Tomato Fenda F1 has the following advantages - pleasant taste and large-fruited. The latter is important for those who grow vegetables for commercial purposes. Everyone who once planted this hybrid in their beds in the future plans to grow Fenda F1 tomato in the future.


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