What is MCH? The good and evil of contractions. Russian and English acronyms

In the area of ​​our attention were two letters "MCH". What such an abbreviation means, we learn from the article. And also we will reveal the meaning of other abbreviations adopted on the Internet, and not only in Russian, but also in the English-speaking space.


MCH what is

In fact, behind the letters “m” and “h”, put together, hides a simple and well-known phrase and concept - “young man”. Now they have begun to say so, not only in the Internet space, but in reality. For example: “Have you seen Katya’s new mc? Handsome, huh? ” Of course, on this wave, those who do not like abbreviations too much have come up with another decoding of this abbreviation, but we will not give it here, because it is slightly indecent.

Many people wonder why “MCH” is needed, what does such a reduction do in our speech? Indeed, is it really impossible to call a young man a guy, a boyfriend? True, it can be a bit long. Teens and older adults save time. I wonder where this whole lot of time goes? In any case, whatever one may say, but to say “mh” instead of “young man” or “guy” is much shorter. In this sense, fighters for the purity of the Russian language can make a remark that, they say, such reductions are not too harmonious, but they can always be answered: "Well, did you understand what problems?"

What is MCH, of course, but what about the rest? Do not worry, we will not leave the reader in the dark. Consistently, we are waiting for the hit parade of Russian and English abbreviations that are pleasant in Internet communication.

Abbreviations of famous Russian words

mch decryption

Of course, there are a lot of them, besides MCH, so we will only talk about the most interesting ones. So, first the list, then the comments:

  • BMP (without the slightest idea);
  • BS (meaningless reduction);
  • DR (birthday);
  • NZCh (not at all);
  • O5 (again);
  • OS (very funny);
  • ! OS (not very funny);
  • ATP (thanks);
  • Liu (love);
  • nra (like);
  • hearing (listen);
  • prst (sorry);
  • cha (you);
  • pzhlst / pozh (please);
  • CHADNT (What am I doing wrong?);
  • ChGK (What? Where? When?);
  • 1 time (once);
  • 4tka (photo).

Adorable abbreviations using numbers. If a person knows only Russian, he will never understand how the word “photograph” can be obtained from the last position in the list. It's simple: the point is the consonance of the first syllable in the word "photo" and the English four - "four."

It is clear that our poor Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, the symbol and synonym of “VPSS (great, mighty, truthful, free)” (V. Aksenov) of the Russian language, would have been burned with shame for compatriots, but what to do is the current realities.

Americans, by the way, also suffer from such treatment with English. In the popular TV series “Lascivious California”, Hank Moody, giving an interview on the radio, says that all these reductions remind him of the language of cavemen. It is not far from the truth, in the sense that language is really simplified. And the question of what MCH is not the worst.

Acronym abbreviations

what does mh mean

English is the main language of the Internet even in Russia, therefore many readers come across here and there on all sorts of abbreviations, the meanings of which are vague for them, we will reveal the meaning of the most popular expressions:

  1. IMHO (there is a Russian tracing-paper of this expression). It is translated as follows: "In my humble opinion." The original sounds like this: In my hummble opinion.
  2. FYI ( For uour information ). The Russian translation is simple: "For your information."
  3. If communicating with a native English speaker, a person expresses words of gratitude, and he is answered with dry letters NP or YW, then let him not be scared. Acronyms mean only no problem and you are welcome , that is, "no problem" and "please."
  4. XOXO. Of course, the Russian-speaking reader is inspired by the thought of two characters: firstly, Santa Claus, and secondly, Ellochka the cannibal. Remember this famous “ho-ho” has a wide range of uses and can express almost any emotion? So, in this case it’s not about that. Neither Santa nor Ellochka have a relation to the symbol. And the English Internet language sign implies "hugs and kisses." It is believed that X is a bow lips, and O is a hug. But it’s better not to ask us what are the reasons for this choice, we still don’t know them. Someone may need the original English phrase, here it is: Hugs and kisses.
  5. WTF or WTH: What the fuck or What the hell ! Both phrases translate roughly the same: “What the hell ?!” But all viewers of American films know that the first phrase is rougher. However, from the point of view of the theory of translation into Russian, such expressions are not translated so rudely, because in English they themselves are not as indecent as it seems to Russian-speaking fans of militants. Although a lot depends on the situation. If, for example, you soften the translation of George Carlin’s speech, then the whole point will be lost. These are the wisdom, and you say, the decoding of the MCH. It is clear that the latter means "young man", reduced to two letters.
  6. Laughter is expressed by two acronyms - LOL ( Laughing out loud ) and ROLF ( Rolling on the floor laughing ). The first is translated as "laughing out loud," and the second: "rolling with laughter on the floor."
  7. OMG. It’s hard to guess if you don’t know that this is the phrase Oh, my God! Of course, we are sure that the reader does not need a translation here, but all of a sudden. In Russian, the phrase sounds: "Oh my God!" Some people take notes and say something like this: “Oh May bastard!” Pretty funny, especially in writing. Of course, we take away bread from M. N. Zadornov, but we think he will forgive us for this, because the joke is old.
  8. In the Russian list, everything ended with phrases with numbers, even if it will be the same here, according to a certain symmetry: g2g / GTG (got to go) , that is, it should go.

Virtual and real reality do not intersect?

The reader has learned what MCH means, so we can now draw a general conclusion. There is a well-known statement that in the Internet space you can do something that in reality a person will never allow himself. This is a pretty bad idea. People understand it extremely negatively, that is, they are rude to each other, throw different offensive words, because they feel anonymity, and hence impunity.

The language is the same story. Sometimes men and women who are unfamiliar with contractions get on the Internet and they knock them down. Therefore, you still need to respect others and, if possible, write competently not only in the exam, but also in the forums. If we, of course, do not want to slide into a truly cave way of communication. True, this does not mean at all that reductions are bad. They begin to interfere only when both realities are in contact, and people speak in everyday life the language of acronyms. Such a tendency is offensive and destructive for any language, but especially for "great, powerful, truthful, free."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40938/

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